HUT | Networking Laboratory

Function List

In the table below is a list of all the functions implemented in the library and their calling patterns. By clicking on any of the function names you get a more detailed description of the function. Link MMA in the second column shows the Mathematica code for the function, which you can copy&paste to your Mathematica Notebook.
Function name and call pattern for Mathlink functions (1)  Function name for Mathematica functions Short description of the function
Markov Processes
- CtMarkovChain[Matrix] (MMA) Gives the stationary probabilities of a continuous time Markov chain with the transition rate matrix Q.
- DtMarkovChain[Matrix] (MMA) Gives the stationary probabilities of a discrete time Markov chain with the transition probability matrix P.
Loss Systems
- MVA[Matrix, Vector, Vector] (MMA) Algorithm for the Mean Value Analysis of a closed Jackson network. It returns the average queue lengths and the average sojourn times in the queues. The branching ratios are given by the matrix R; the vector mu specifies the service rates of the queues; and K is the number of customers in the network.
LnkBerli[Integer, Real] (2) Berli[Integer, Real] (MMA) Erlang loss probability.
LnkBerld[Real, Real] (2) Berld[Real, Real] (MMA) Erlang loss probability.
LnkXerl[Real, Real] Xerl[Real, Real] (MMA) Inverse Erlang function.
LnkAerl[Real, Real] Aerl[Real, Real] (MMA) Inverse Erlang function.
LnkBkaufman[Integer, Integer, Integer, IntegerList, RealList] Erlang blocking probability for multiple traffic classes.
LnkBmitra[Integer, Integer, Real, IntegerList, RealList] Erlang blocking probability for multiple traffic classes.
GAMS (3) Anick-Mitra-Sondhi handling function.
EvAMS (3) Anick-Mitra-Sondhi handling function.
initAMS (3) Anick-Mitra-Sondhi handling function.
freeAMS (3) Anick-Mitra-Sondhi handling function.
M/D/1 etc Queuing Systems
LnkQmd1[Real, Real] Qmd1[Real, Real] (MMA) Virtual waiting time distribution for the M/D/1 queue.
LnkQndd1[Real, Integer, Real] Qndd1[Real, Integer, Real] (MMA) Virtual waiting time distribution for the N*D/D/1 queue.
LnkQsdd1[Real, RealList] Qsdd1[Real, RealList] (MMA) Virtual waiting time distribution for the ∑ Di/D/1 queue.
LnkMg1[Integer, Real, Integer] Mg1[Integer, Real, Function] (MMA) (4)  Queue length probability function for the M/G/1 queue.
LnkQmxd[Real, Real, RealList] Qmxd[Real, Real, RealList] (MMA) Unfinished work tail distribution function for the Mx/D/1 queue.
LnkFmd1[Real, Real] Fmd1[Real, Real] (MMA) Virtual waiting time distribution for the M/D/1 queue.
LnkIntFmd1[Integer, Real] IntFmd1[Integer, Real] (MMA) Virtual waiting time distribution for integral values of the amount of unfinished work in the system.
LnkSumMd1[Real, Real] SumMd1[Real, Real] (MMA) Calculates state probabilities of the M/D/1 queue.
LnkRecMd1[Integer, Real] RecMd1[Integer, Real] (MMA) Calculates state probabilities of the queue with a recursive algorithm.
LnkFmdn[Real, Real, Integer] Fmdn[Real, Real, Integer] (MMA) Virtual waiting time distribution of the M/D/n queue.
LnkIntFmdn[Integer, Real, Integer] IntFmdn[Integer, Real, Integer] (MMA) Virtual waiting time distribution for integral values of the amount of unfinished work in the system.
LnkMdn[Real, Real, Integer] Mdn[Real, Real, Integer] (MMA) Calculates state probabilities of the M/D/n queue.
LnkFekdn[Real, Real, Integer, Integer] Fekdn[Real, Real, Integer, Integer] (MMA) Virtual waiting time distribution for the Ek/D/n queue.
LnkFend1[Real, Integer, Real] Fend1[Real, Integer, Real] Virtual waiting time distribution for the En/D/n queue.
Network generation etc
LnkGabrielNet[Integer] (5) GabrielNet[Integer] (5) Generates a random network based on Gabriel criterion.
LnkDijkstra[DistanceMatrix, Integer, Integer] (5) Dijkstra[DistanceMatrix, Integer, Integer] (5) Finds out the shortest path from the given root node to the given destination node.
- ShowNetwork[Output_GabrielNet, Output_Dijkstra] (5) Creates graphs of the network and the route(s).
- NormalizationConstant[List] (MMA) (6) Calculates the normalization constant for a tree network with balanced fair capacity allocation. Input is a list describing the tree and offered flows.
- Throughputs[List] (MMA) (6) Calculates the normalization constant and flow throughputs for a tree network with balanced fair capacity allocation. Input is a list describing the tree and offered flows. Output is a list: {normalization constant, {throughputs}, {flows}}.
- TreeGraph[List] (MMA) (6) Returns a graphics object for drawing a tree network. Input is a list describing the tree and offered flows.

 (1) These are the MathLink function names. The "original" C-functions lack the Lnk- prefix and their call pattern is different. Click on the link of each function for further information.

 (2) The C-functions are called Berl_i and Berl_d.

 (3) Anick-Mitra-Sondhi handling functions are not included in the qlib -file and cannot be used via MathLink. No Mathematica -versions of these functions are either available.

 (4) Here is an example: first we define function F: F[t_] := If[t < 1, 0, 1] in Mathematica, and then we use Mg1: Mg1[3, 0.4, F]. 

 (5) More specific and detailed descriptions can be found in the qlib.m file or after installing the Mathematica-package typing eg. ?Dijkstra in the Mathematica.

 (6) See the notebook norm_constant.nb for more details.

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