TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.165 Switching Technology (3 cr)


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Spring 2003


General: Spring 2003 is lectured in Finnish. Course can be passed in English (material is in English).

Content: For example

Prerequisites: Course S-38.108 Communication Networks Architectures or equivalent (such as S-72.423 Telecommunication Systems or T-110.300 Telecommunications architectures).

Registration: You must registrate via WWW-TOPI. About possible changes information is shared on lectures, Networking laboratory's notice board and www-pages. Follow also newsgroupopinnot.sahko.s-38.tietoverkkotekniikka.

Lectures (3 hours/week): Lectures are held on Tuesdays 13-16 in S2 . First lecture will be 14.1.2003 and the last15.4.2003. You can order lecture material from Edita

Exercises (2 hours/occasion): Exercises will be on Thursdays 10-12 in E110. First exercise will be on 23.1.2003 and the last 24.4.2003.
It is possible to get extra points from exercises (0-6).
More information about exercises. Coefficient in the formula alpha=1.1.

New! Points from two first exercises can be found here
Notice! You have to get at least 2 points from exercises to be able to participate the examination.

Bonusexercuses: Those students who do not achieve 2.00 points from exercises can do bonus exercises.
This exercise will be graded as usual and it is possible to achieve 1 point from this exercise. Anyway, for those who do not achieve 2.00 points from usual exercises the final points can not be more than 2.00. (So this exercise can be done to achieve participation right for the exam).
Exercise answers should be returned on 22.5. 16.00 in course's box. Grading will be on course's webpage on .
If a student achieves 2.00 points after bonus exercises she/he can participate the examination on 2nd of June.

Examination: First examination will be on Tuesday 7.5.2003, 16-19 in S1. There will be two exams during fall 2003. Examination area is lecture and exercises material.
There will be five questions in exam, each grated 0-6 points.

Requirements: You have to get 15 point together from exercises and examination to pass the course.


Week 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Lecture 1 2 3 4 5 -- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Exercise -- 1 -- 2 3 -- -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- -- 7

Preliminary content: L= lecture, E = Exercise
DateL/E SubjectMaterialAnswers
14.1.L Introduction to switchingL1_slides
21.1.LTransport and multiplexingL2_slides
23.1.EExercise 1Ex_1
28.1.LBasics of switch fabricsL3_slides
4.2.LSwitch fabric architectures 1L4_slides
6.2.EExercise 2Ex_2
11.2.LSwitch fabric architectures 2L5_slides
13.2.EExercise 3Ex_3
25.2.LSelf-routing and sorting newtorksL6_slides
4.3.LSwitch fabric implementationsL7_slides
6.3.EExercise 4Ex_4
11.3.LPDH switchesL8_slides
18.3.LATM switchesL9_slides
20.3.EExercise 5Ex_5
1.4.LIntroduction to optical networksL11_slides
3.4.EExercise 6Ex_6
8.4.LOptical network architecturesL12_slides
15.4.LOptical switchingL13_slides
24.4.EExercise 7Ex_7

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 19.12.2003 10:54.
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