ABORT - Static variable in class input.StandardEventsReader
Identifier of message transfer aborted event ("A")
ABORTED - Static variable in class input.MessageRelayEvent
Message relay stage constant for aborted delivery
abortTransfer() - Method in class core.CBRConnection
Aborts the transfer of the currently transferred message.
abortTransfer() - Method in class core.Connection
Aborts the transfer of the currently transferred message.
ABOUT_TEXT - Static variable in class gui.SimMenuBar
GPLv3 license text for about window
ABOUT_TITLE - Static variable in class gui.SimMenuBar
title of the about window
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.EventLogControlPanel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.EventLogPanel
Action listener for log entry (host & message) buttons
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.GUIControls
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.InfoPanel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.NodeChooser
Action listener method for buttons and node set chooser
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.RoutingInfoWindow
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.SimMenuBar
ACTIVE_TIMES_S - Static variable in class movement.ActivenessHandler
Active times -setting id ("activeTimes").
Syntax: start, end
Multiple times can be concatenated by repeating the sequence.
ActivenessHandler - Class in movement
Object of this class tell the movement models when a node belonging to a certain group is active and when not.
ActivenessHandler(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.ActivenessHandler
ActiveRouter - Class in routing
Superclass of active routers.
ActiveRouter(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.ActiveRouter
ActiveRouter(ActiveRouter) - Constructor for class routing.ActiveRouter
Copy constructor.
addApplication(Application) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Adds an application to the attached applications list.
addApplicationListener(ApplicationListener) - Method in class core.SimScenario
Adds a new application event listener for all nodes.
addBundle(String, Bundle) - Static method in class core.DTN2Manager
Stores a reference to a bundle corresponding to the given message.
addConnection(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.ContactTimesReport
addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener) - Method in class core.SimScenario
Adds a new connection listener for all nodes
addControl(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class gui.EventLogControlPanel
Adds a new filter&pause control
addControl(String) - Method in class gui.EventLogControlPanel
Adds a new filter&pause control with initially "show" checked but "pause" unchecked
addEntry(double, int, int, int, double) - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleOracle
Adds a new schedule entry to the oracle
addEntry(double, int, int, double) - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleOracle
Adds a new schedule entry to the oracle
addEveningActivityNode(EveningActivityMovement) - Method in class movement.EveningActivityControlSystem
Register a evening activity node with the system
addHeading(String) - Method in class gui.EventLogControlPanel
Adds a new heading in the control panel.
addInterface(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid
Adds a network interface to the overlay grid
addInterface(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid.GridCell
Adds an interface to this cell
addInterface(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityOptimizer
Adds a network interface to the optimizer (unless it is already present)
addInterfaces(Collection<NetworkInterface>) - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid
Adds interfaces to overlay grid
addInterfaces(Collection<NetworkInterface>) - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityOptimizer
Adds a collection of network interfaces to the optimizer (except of those already added
addMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in class core.SimScenario
Adds a new message listener for all nodes
addMessageTransfer(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayField
Adds graphics for message transfer
addMoreInfo(RoutingInfo) - Method in class routing.RoutingInfo
Adds child info object for this routing info.
addMovementListener(MovementListener) - Method in class core.SimScenario
Adds a new movement listener for all nodes
addNeighbor(MapNode) - Method in class movement.map.MapNode
Adds the node as this node's neighbour (unless the node is null)
addNode(EveningActivityMovement) - Method in class movement.EveningTrip
Add an evening activity node to the group
addNodeOnPath(DTNHost) - Method in class core.Message
Adds a new node on the list of nodes this message has passed
addPath(Path) - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayField
Adds a path to the overlay graphics
addPaths(File, int) - Method in class input.WKTMapReader
Adds paths to the map and adds given type to all nodes' type.
addPaths(Reader, int) - Method in class input.WKTMapReader
Add paths to current path set.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class core.Message
Adds a generic property for this message.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class core.ModuleCommunicationBus
Adds a new property for this node.
addReport(Report) - Method in class ui.DTNSimUI
Adds a new report for simulator
addSettings(String) - Static method in class core.Settings
Reads another settings file and adds the key-value pairs to the current settings overriding any values that already existed with the same keys.
addToMessages(Message, boolean) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Adds a message to the message buffer and informs message listeners about new message (if requested).
addToSendingConnections(Connection) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Adds a connections to sending connections which are monitored in the update.
addType(int) - Method in class movement.map.MapNode
Adds a type indicator to this node
addUpdate(double) - Method in class input.ScheduledUpdatesQueue
Add a new update request for the given time
addUpdateListener(UpdateListener) - Method in class core.SimScenario
Adds a new update listener for the world
addWarmupID(String) - Method in class report.Report
Adds a new ID to the warm up ID set
addWaypoint(Coord) - Method in class movement.Path
Adds a new waypoint to the end of the path.
addWaypoint(Coord, double) - Method in class movement.Path
Adds a new waypoint with a speed towards that waypoint
AdjacencyGraphvizReport - Class in report
Generates Graphviz compatible graph from connections.
AdjacencyGraphvizReport() - Constructor for class report.AdjacencyGraphvizReport
advance(double) - Method in class core.SimClock
Advances the time by n seconds
ALL_MESSAGES_ID - Static variable in class input.StandardEventsReader
Message identifier to use to refer to all messages ("*")
allMembersPresent() - Method in class movement.EveningTrip
Checks if all members of the group have found their way to the meeting point
ALPHA_S - Static variable in class routing.MaxPropRouter
The alpha parameter string
APP_ID - Static variable in class applications.PingApplication
Application ID
APPCOUNT_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
setting name for the number of applications
appID - Variable in class core.Application
Application - Class in core
Base class for applications.
Application() - Constructor for class core.Application
Application(Application) - Constructor for class core.Application
Copy constructor.
ApplicationListener - Interface in core
Interface for classes that want to be informed about messages between hosts.
applications - package applications
APPTYPE_NS - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
namespace for application type settings ("Application")
APPTYPE_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
application type -setting id ("type")
assertValidRange(int[], String) - Method in class core.Settings
Checks that the given integer array contains a valid range.


B_SIZE_S - Static variable in class routing.MessageRouter
Message buffer size -setting id ("bufferSize").
backAllowed - Variable in class movement.MapBasedMovement
May a node choose to move back the same way it came at a crossing
BATCH_MODE_FLAG - Static variable in class core.DTNSim
If this option ("-b") is given to program, batch mode and Text UI are used
BETA_S - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouter
Transitivity scaling constant (beta) -setting id ("beta").
BETA_S - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
Transitivity scaling constant (beta) -setting id ("beta").
BINARY_EXT - Static variable in class input.BinaryEventsReader
Extension of binary external events file
BINARY_MODE - Static variable in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
identifier for the binary-mode setting ("binaryMode")
BinaryEventsReader - Class in input
Reads External Events from a binary file.
BinaryEventsReader(File) - Constructor for class input.BinaryEventsReader
BUS_CONTROL_SYSTEM_NR - Static variable in class movement.BusControlSystem
BusControlSystem - Class in movement
This class controls busses and passengers that can use the bus.
busHasStopped(int, Coord, Path) - Method in class movement.BusControlSystem
Called by busses belonging to this system every time the bus has stopped.
BusMovement - Class in movement
This class controls the movement of busses.
BusMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.BusMovement
Creates a new instance of BusMovement
BusMovement(BusMovement) - Constructor for class movement.BusMovement
Create a new instance from a prototype
BusTravellerMovement - Class in movement
This class controls the movement of bus travellers.
BusTravellerMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.BusTravellerMovement
Creates a BusTravellerModel
BusTravellerMovement(BusTravellerMovement) - Constructor for class movement.BusTravellerMovement
Creates a BusTravellerModel from a prototype
BYTES_TRANSFERRED_AVG_SAMPLES - Static variable in class routing.MaxPropRouter
Over how many samples the "average number of bytes transferred per transfer opportunity" is taken
BYTES_TRANSFERRED_AVG_SAMPLES - Static variable in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
Over how many samples the "average number of bytes transferred per transfer opportunity" is taken
bytesTransferred - Variable in class core.Connection
how many bytes this connection has transferred


calcThreshold() - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouter
Calculates and returns the current threshold value for the buffer's split based on the average number of bytes transferred per transfer opportunity and the hop counts of the messages in the buffer.
calcThreshold() - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
Calculates and returns the current threshold value for the buffer's split based on the average number of bytes transferred per transfer opportunity and the hop counts of the messages in the buffer.
cancelSim() - Method in class core.World
Asynchronously cancels the currently running simulation
canStartTransfer() - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Makes rudimentary checks (that we have at least one message and one connection) about can this router start transfer.
CarMovement - Class in movement
The CarMovement class representing the car movement submodel
CarMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.CarMovement
Car movement constructor
CarMovement(CarMovement) - Constructor for class movement.CarMovement
Construct a new CarMovement instance from a prototype
CBRConnection - Class in core
A constant bit-rate connection between two DTN nodes.
CBRConnection(DTNHost, NetworkInterface, DTNHost, NetworkInterface, int) - Constructor for class core.CBRConnection
Creates a new connection between nodes and sets the connection state to "up".
CELL_SIZE_MULT_S - Static variable in class core.World
Cell based optimization cell size multiplier -setting id ("cellSizeMult").
centerViewAt(Coord) - Method in class gui.DTNSimGUI
Sets certain location to be in the center of the playfield view
changedConnection(Connection) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Called when a connection's state changes.
changedConnection(Connection) - Method in class routing.EpidemicOracleRouter
changedConnection(Connection) - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouter
changedConnection(Connection) - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
changedConnection(Connection) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Informs the router about change in connections state.
changedConnection(Connection) - Method in class routing.PassiveRouter
changedConnection(Connection) - Method in class routing.ProphetRouter
changedConnection(Connection) - Method in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
changeZoom(int) - Method in class gui.GUIControls
Changes the zoom level
checkReceiving(Message) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Checks if router "wants" to start receiving message (i.e.
checkReceiving(Message) - Method in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
checkReceiving(Message) - Method in class routing.EpidemicOracleRouter
checkReceiving(Message) - Method in class routing.FirstContactRouter
CIRCULAR - Static variable in class movement.map.MapRoute
Type of the route ID: circular (1).
CLASS_PACKAGE - Static variable in class input.EventQueueHandler
name of the package where event generator classes are looked from
CLASS_SETTING - Static variable in class input.EventQueueHandler
name of the events class (for class based events) -setting id ("class")
clearMsgOnFly() - Method in class core.Connection
Clears the message that is currently being transferred.
clearOverlays() - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayField
Removes all overlay graphics stored to be drawn
clone() - Method in class core.Coord
Returns a clone of this coordinate
close() - Method in class input.BinaryEventsReader
close() - Method in interface input.ExternalEventsReader
Closes the input file streams of the reader.
close() - Method in class input.StandardEventsReader
closeSim() - Method in class gui.DTNSimGUI
Closes the program if simulation is done or cancels it.
CLUSTER_CENTER - Static variable in class movement.ClusterMovement
Center point of the cluster
CLUSTER_RANGE - Static variable in class movement.ClusterMovement
Range of the cluster
ClusterMovement - Class in movement
ClusterMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.ClusterMovement
comBus - Variable in class movement.MovementModel
COMMENT_PREFIX - Static variable in class input.ExternalMovementReader
compareByQueueMode(Message, Message) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Gives the order of the two given messages as defined by the current queue mode
compareTo(Coord) - Method in class core.Coord
Compares this coordinate to other coordinate.
compareTo(DTNHost) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Compares two DTNHosts by their addresses.
compareTo(Message) - Method in class core.Message
Compares two messages by their ID (alphabetically).
compareTo(ExternalEvent) - Method in class input.ExternalEvent
Compares two external events by their time.
compareTo(MapNode) - Method in class movement.map.MapNode
Compares two map nodes by their coordinates
connect(DTNHost) - Method in class core.DTNHost
for tests only --- do not use!!!
connect(NetworkInterface) - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Connects the interface to another interface.
connect(Connection, NetworkInterface) - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Connects this host to another host.
connect(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.InterferenceLimitedInterface
Tries to connect this host to another host.
connect(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.SimpleBroadcastInterface
Tries to connect this host to another host.
connected() - Method in class input.DTN2Events.ParserHandler
Connection - Class in core
A connection between two DTN nodes.
Connection(DTNHost, NetworkInterface, DTNHost, NetworkInterface) - Constructor for class core.Connection
Creates a new connection between nodes and sets the connection state to "up".
CONNECTION - Static variable in class input.StandardEventsReader
Identifier of connection event ("CONN")
CONNECTION_DOWN - Static variable in class input.StandardEventsReader
Value identifier of connection down event ("down")
CONNECTION_UP - Static variable in class input.StandardEventsReader
Value identifier of connection up event ("up")
connectionDown(Connection) - Method in class core.DTNHost
connectionEnd() - Method in class report.ContactTimesReport.ConnectionInfo
Should be called when the connection ended to record the time.
ConnectionEvent - Class in input
A connection up/down event.
ConnectionEvent(int, int, String, boolean, double) - Constructor for class input.ConnectionEvent
Creates a new connection event
ConnectionListener - Interface in core
Interface for classes that want to be informed about connections between hosts.
connections - Variable in class core.NetworkInterface
connections - Variable in class report.ContactTimesReport
connectionUp(Connection) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Informs the router of this host about state change in a connection object.
ConnectivityDtnsim2Report - Class in report
Link connectivity report generator for DTNSim2 input.
ConnectivityDtnsim2Report() - Constructor for class report.ConnectivityDtnsim2Report
ConnectivityGrid - Class in interfaces
Overlay grid of the world where each interface is put on a cell depending of its location.
ConnectivityGrid.GridCell - Class in interfaces
A single cell in the cell grid.
ConnectivityGridFactory(int, double) - Static method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid
Returns a connectivity grid object based on a hash value
ConnectivityONEReport - Class in report
Link connectivity report generator for ONE StandardEventsReader input.
ConnectivityONEReport() - Constructor for class report.ConnectivityONEReport
ConnectivityOptimizer - Class in interfaces
A superclass for schemes for optimizing the location of possible contacts with network interfaces of a specific range
ConnectivityOptimizer() - Constructor for class interfaces.ConnectivityOptimizer
ContactsDuringAnICTReport - Class in report
The number of contacts during an inter-contact time metric is similar to the inter-contact times metric, except that instead of measuring the time until a node meets again, we count the number of other nodes both of the nodes meet separately.
ContactsDuringAnICTReport() - Constructor for class report.ContactsDuringAnICTReport
ContactsPerHourReport - Class in report
This report counts the number of contacts each hour
ContactsPerHourReport() - Constructor for class report.ContactsPerHourReport
ContactTimesReport - Class in report
Reports the node contact time (i.e., how long they were in the range of each other) distribution.
ContactTimesReport() - Constructor for class report.ContactTimesReport
ContactTimesReport.ConnectionInfo - Class in report
Objects of this class store time information about contacts.
ContactTimesReport.ConnectionInfo(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Constructor for class report.ContactTimesReport.ConnectionInfo
contains(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Returns true if a setting with defined name (in the current namespace or secondary namespace if such is set) exists and has some value (not just white space)
Coord - Class in core
Class to hold 2D coordinates and perform simple arithmetics and transformations
Coord(double, double) - Constructor for class core.Coord
COORD_FORMAT - Static variable in class report.MovementNs2Report
formatting string for coordinate values ("%.5f")
copyFrom(Message) - Method in class core.Message
Deep copies message data from other message.
core - package core
Contains core classes and interfaces of the simulator.
CREATE - Static variable in class input.StandardEventsReader
Identifier of message creation event ("C")
createConnection(NetworkInterface) - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Creates a connection to another host.
createConnection(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.InterferenceLimitedInterface
Creates a connection to another host.
createConnection(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.SimpleBroadcastInterface
Creates a connection to another host.
CreatedMessagesReport - Class in report
Reports information about all created messages.
CreatedMessagesReport() - Constructor for class report.CreatedMessagesReport
createHosts() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Creates hosts for the scenario
createIntializedObject(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Creates (and dynamically loads the class of) an object that intializes itself using the settings in this Settings object (given as the only parameter to the constructor).
createNewMessage(Message) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Creates a new message to this host's router
createNewMessage(Message) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
createNewMessage(Message) - Method in class routing.EpidemicOracleRouter
createNewMessage(Message) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Creates a new message to the router.
createNewMessage(Message) - Method in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
createObject(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Creates (and dynamically loads the class of) an object using the constructor without any parameters.


Debug - Class in core
Debugging info printer with time stamping.
Debug() - Constructor for class core.Debug
DEF_CON_CELL_SIZE_MULT - Static variable in class core.World
default value for cell size multiplier (5)
DEF_NODE_ARRAY - Static variable in class report.MovementNs2Report
default value for the array name ("$node_")
DEF_NS_CMD - Static variable in class report.MovementNs2Report
default value for the ns command ("$ns_")
DEF_PRECISION - Static variable in class report.Report
Default precision of formatted double values
DEF_RANDOMIZE_UPDATES - Static variable in class core.World
should the update order of nodes be randomized -setting's default value (true)
DEF_SETTINGS_FILE - Static variable in class core.Settings
file name of the default settings file ("default_settings.txt")
DEF_SPEEDS - Static variable in class movement.MovementModel
default setting for speed distribution
DEF_WAIT_TIMES - Static variable in class movement.MovementModel
default setting for wait time distribution
DEFAULT_ALPHA - Static variable in class routing.MaxPropRouter
The default value for alpha
DEFAULT_ALPHA - Static variable in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
The default value for alpha
DEFAULT_BETA - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouter
delivery predictability transitivity scaling constant default value
DEFAULT_BETA - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
delivery predictability transitivity scaling constant default value
DEFAULT_LOC - Static variable in class movement.StationaryMovement
Default value for node location (if nothing else is specified)
DEFAULT_NROF_PRELOAD - Static variable in class input.ExternalEventsQueue
default number of preloaded events
DEFAULT_PROB_SET_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class routing.MaxPropRouter
Default value for the meeting probability set maximum size (50).
DEFAULT_PTARGET - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
default P target
DELETE_DELIVERED_S - Static variable in class routing.ActiveRouter
Delete delivered messages -setting id ("deleteDelivered").
deleteDelivered - Variable in class routing.ActiveRouter
should messages that final recipient marks as delivered be deleted from message buffer
deleteMessage(String, boolean) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Deletes a message from this host
deleteMessage(String, boolean) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Deletes a message from the buffer and informs message listeners about the event
DELIVERED - Static variable in class input.StandardEventsReader
Identifier of message delivered event ("DE")
DeliveredMessagesReport - Class in report
Report information about all delivered messages.
DeliveredMessagesReport() - Constructor for class report.DeliveredMessagesReport
DENIED_NO_SPACE - Static variable in class routing.MessageRouter
Receive return value for not enough space in the buffer for the msg
DENIED_OLD - Static variable in class routing.MessageRouter
Receive return value for an old (already received) message
DENIED_TTL - Static variable in class routing.MessageRouter
Receive return value for messages whose TTL has expired
DENIED_UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in class routing.MessageRouter
Receive return value for unspecified reason
destroyConnection(DTNHost) - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Disconnect a connection between this and another host.
DijkstraPathFinder - Class in movement.map
Implementation of the Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm.
DijkstraPathFinder(int[]) - Constructor for class movement.map.DijkstraPathFinder
DirectDeliveryRouter - Class in routing
Router that will deliver messages only to the final recipient.
DirectDeliveryRouter(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.DirectDeliveryRouter
DirectDeliveryRouter(DirectDeliveryRouter) - Constructor for class routing.DirectDeliveryRouter
disconnect(Connection, NetworkInterface) - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Disconnects this host from another host.
distance(Coord) - Method in class core.Coord
Returns the distance to another coordinate
DistanceDelayReport - Class in report
Report for how far apart the nodes were when the message was sent and how long time & how many hops it took to deliver it.
DistanceDelayReport() - Constructor for class report.DistanceDelayReport
done() - Method in class report.AdjacencyGraphvizReport
done() - Method in class report.ContactsDuringAnICTReport
done() - Method in class report.ContactsPerHourReport
done() - Method in class report.ContactTimesReport
done() - Method in class report.CreatedMessagesReport
done() - Method in class report.DeliveredMessagesReport
done() - Method in class report.DistanceDelayReport
done() - Method in class report.EncountersVSUniqueEncountersReport
done() - Method in class report.MessageDelayReport
done() - Method in class report.MessageDeliveryReport
done() - Method in class report.MessageGraphvizReport
done() - Method in class report.MessageReport
done() - Method in class report.MessageStatsReport
done() - Method in class report.PingAppReporter
done() - Method in class report.Report
Called when the simulation is done, user requested premature termination or intervalled report generating decided that it's time for the next report.
done() - Method in class report.TotalEncountersReport
done() - Method in class report.UniqueEncountersReport
done() - Method in class ui.DTNSimUI
Runs maintenance jobs that are needed before exiting.
doneTiming() - Static method in class core.Debug
End timing an action.
draw(Graphics2D) - Method in class gui.playfield.MapGraphic
draw(Graphics2D) - Method in class gui.playfield.MessageGraphic
draw(Graphics2D) - Method in class gui.playfield.NodeGraphic
draw(Graphics2D) - Method in class gui.playfield.PathGraphic
Draws a line trough all path's coordinates.
draw(Graphics2D) - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayFieldGraphic
Draws the graphic component to the graphics context g2
draw(Graphics2D) - Method in class gui.playfield.ScaleReferenceGraphic
drawHostAddress(int[]) - Method in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Draws a random host address from the configured address range
drawMessageSize() - Method in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Generates a (random) message size
drawNextEventTimeDiff() - Method in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Generates a (random) time difference between two events
drawToAddress(int[], int) - Method in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Draws a destination host address that is different from the "from" address
DROP - Static variable in class input.StandardEventsReader
Identifier of message dropped event ("DR")
dropExpiredMessages() - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Drops messages whose TTL is less than zero.
DTN2Events - Class in input
Delivers bundles from dtnd to ONE.
DTN2Events(Settings) - Constructor for class input.DTN2Events
Creates a new events object.
DTN2Events.ParserHandler - Class in input
Inner class that implements the CLA interface for receiving bundles from dtnd.
DTN2Events.ParserHandler(int, DTN2Events, String, int) - Constructor for class input.DTN2Events.ParserHandler
Creates a new parser handler.
DTN2Manager - Class in core
Manages the external convergence layer connections to dtnd.
DTN2Manager() - Constructor for class core.DTN2Manager
DTN2Manager.EIDHost - Class in core
EID to DTNHost mapping elements.
DTN2Manager.EIDHost(String, int, DTNHost) - Constructor for class core.DTN2Manager.EIDHost
DTN2Reporter - Class in report
The DTN2Reporter class is responsible for delivering bundles from The ONE to dtnd.
DTN2Reporter() - Constructor for class report.DTN2Reporter
Creates a new reporter object.
DTNHost - Class in core
A DTN capable host.
DTNHost(List<MessageListener>, List<MovementListener>, String, List<NetworkInterface>, ModuleCommunicationBus, MovementModel, MessageRouter) - Constructor for class core.DTNHost
Creates a new DTNHost.
DTNSim - Class in core
Simulator's main class
DTNSim() - Constructor for class core.DTNSim
DTNSimGUI - Class in gui
Graphical User Interface for simulator
DTNSimGUI() - Constructor for class gui.DTNSimGUI
DTNSimTextUI - Class in ui
Simple text-based user interface.
DTNSimTextUI() - Constructor for class ui.DTNSimTextUI
DTNSimUI - Class in ui
Abstract superclass for user interfaces; contains also some simulation settings.
DTNSimUI() - Constructor for class ui.DTNSimUI


EID - Variable in class core.DTN2Manager.EIDHost
EncountersVSUniqueEncountersReport - Class in report
The total- vs.
EncountersVSUniqueEncountersReport() - Constructor for class report.EncountersVSUniqueEncountersReport
END_LOCATION_S - Static variable in class movement.LinearFormation
Per node group setting for defining the end coordinates of the line ("endLocation")
END_TIME_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
end time -setting id ("endTime")
ENERGY_VALUE_ID - Static variable in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
ModuleCommunicationBus identifier for the "current amount of energy left" variable.
EnergyAwareRouter - Class in routing
Energy level-aware variant of Epidemic router.
EnergyAwareRouter(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
EnergyAwareRouter(EnergyAwareRouter) - Constructor for class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
Copy constructor.
EnergyLevelReport - Class in report
Node energy level report.
EnergyLevelReport() - Constructor for class report.EnergyLevelReport
ensurePositiveValue(double, String) - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Makes sure that a value is positive
enterBus(Path) - Method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
Notifies the node at the bus stop that a bus is there.
EpidemicOracleRouter - Class in routing
Epidemic message router with an oracle that tells when a message is delivered and that message is then removed from all nodes that use this routing module.
EpidemicOracleRouter(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.EpidemicOracleRouter
EpidemicOracleRouter(EpidemicOracleRouter) - Constructor for class routing.EpidemicOracleRouter
Copy constructor.
EpidemicRouter - Class in routing
Epidemic message router with drop-oldest buffer and only single transferring connections at a time.
EpidemicRouter(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.EpidemicRouter
EpidemicRouter(EpidemicRouter) - Constructor for class routing.EpidemicRouter
Copy constructor.
EPSILON - Static variable in class report.MovementNs2Report
a value "close enough" to zero (1.0E-5).
equals(Coord) - Method in class core.Coord
Checks if this coordinate's location is equal to other coordinate's
equals(Object) - Method in class core.Coord
equals(DTNHost) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Checks if a host is the same as this host by comparing the object reference
equals(Object) - Method in class report.ContactTimesReport.ConnectionInfo
Returns true if the other connection info contains the same hosts.
error(String, Exception, boolean) - Method in class input.DTN2Events.ParserHandler
EVENING_ACTIVITY_CONTROL_SYSTEM_NR_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
EveningActivityControlSystem - Class in movement
This class controls the group mobility of the people meeting their friends in the evening
EveningActivityMovement - Class in movement
A Class to model movement when people are out shopping or doing other activities with friends.
EveningActivityMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.EveningActivityMovement
Creates a new instance of EveningActivityMovement
EveningActivityMovement(EveningActivityMovement) - Constructor for class movement.EveningActivityMovement
Creates a new instance of EveningActivityMovement from a prototype
EveningTrip - Class in movement
A class to encapsulate information about a shopping trip 1.
EveningTrip(int, Coord) - Constructor for class movement.EveningTrip
Create a new instance of a EveningTrip
EventLogControl - Class in gui
Class capsulates the references to the controls one can add to the EventLogControlPanel
EventLogControl(JCheckBox, JCheckBox) - Constructor for class gui.EventLogControl
EventLogControlPanel - Class in gui
Control panel for event log
EventLogControlPanel() - Constructor for class gui.EventLogControlPanel
EventLogPanel - Class in gui
Event log panel where log entries are displayed.
EventLogPanel(DTNSimGUI) - Constructor for class gui.EventLogPanel
Creates a new log panel
EventLogReport - Class in report
Report that creates same output as the GUI's event log panel but formatted like StandardEventsReader input.
EventLogReport() - Constructor for class report.EventLogReport
EventQueue - Interface in input
Interface for event queues.
EventQueueHandler - Class in input
Handler for managing event queues.
EventQueueHandler() - Constructor for class input.EventQueueHandler
Creates a new EventQueueHandler which can be queried for event queues.
eventsLeftInBuffer() - Method in class input.ExternalEventsQueue
Returns the amount of events left in the buffer at the moment (the amount can increase later if more events are read).
exchangeDeliverableMessages() - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Exchanges deliverable (to final recipient) messages between this host and all hosts this host is currently connected to.
ExtendedMovementModel - Class in movement
Classes derived from this can make use of other movement models that implement the SwitchableMovement interface.
ExtendedMovementModel() - Constructor for class movement.ExtendedMovementModel
Creates a new ExtendedMovementModel
ExtendedMovementModel(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.ExtendedMovementModel
Creates a new ExtendedMovementModel
ExtendedMovementModel(ExtendedMovementModel) - Constructor for class movement.ExtendedMovementModel
Creates a new ExtendedMovementModel from a prototype
EXTERNAL_MOVEMENT_NS - Static variable in class movement.ExternalMovement
Namespace for settings
ExternalEvent - Class in input
Super class for all external events.
ExternalEvent(double) - Constructor for class input.ExternalEvent
ExternalEventsQueue - Class in input
Queue of external events.
ExternalEventsQueue(String, int) - Constructor for class input.ExternalEventsQueue
Creates a new Queue from a file
ExternalEventsQueue(Settings) - Constructor for class input.ExternalEventsQueue
Create a new Queue based on the given settings: ExternalEventsQueue.PRELOAD_SETTING and ExternalEventsQueue.PATH_SETTING.
ExternalEventsReader - Interface in input
Interface for external event readers.
ExternalMovement - Class in movement
Movement model that uses external data of node locations.
ExternalMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.ExternalMovement
Constructor for the prototype.
ExternalMovementReader - Class in input
Reader for ExternalMovement movement model's time-location tuples.
ExternalMovementReader(String) - Constructor for class input.ExternalMovementReader


FFW_SPEED_INDEX - Static variable in class gui.GUIControls
index of FFW speed setting
FILE_S - Static variable in class movement.MapBasedMovement
map file -setting id ("mapFile")
FILL_DELIMITER - Static variable in class core.Settings
delimiter for requested values in strings ("%%")
finalizeTransfer() - Method in class core.Connection
Finalizes the transfer of the currently transferred message.
FirstContactRouter - Class in routing
First contact router which uses only a single copy of the message (or fragments) and forwards it to the first available contact.
FirstContactRouter(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.FirstContactRouter
FirstContactRouter(FirstContactRouter) - Constructor for class routing.FirstContactRouter
Copy constructor.
forceConnection(DTNHost, String, boolean) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Force a connection event
format(double) - Method in class report.Report
Formats a double value according to current precision setting (see Report.PRECISION_SETTING) and returns it in a string.
fromAddr - Variable in class input.ConnectionEvent
address of the node the (dis)connection is from
fromAddr - Variable in class input.MessageEvent
address of the node the message is from
fromInterface - Variable in class core.Connection
fromNode - Variable in class core.Connection


GAMMA - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouter
delivery predictability aging constant
GAMMA - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
delivery predictability aging constant
GAPPNAME_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
application name in the group -setting id ("application")
generateSpeed() - Method in class movement.MovementModel
Generates and returns a speed value between min and max of the MovementModel.WAIT_TIME setting.
generateWaitTime() - Method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
Switches state between getPath() calls
generateWaitTime() - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
generateWaitTime() - Method in class movement.ExtendedMovementModel
generateWaitTime() - Method in class movement.HomeActivityMovement
generateWaitTime() - Method in class movement.MovementModel
Generates and returns a suitable waiting time at the end of a path.
generateWaitTime() - Method in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
getAddress() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns the network-layer address of this host.
getAddress() - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Returns the network interface address.
getAllInterfaces() - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid
Returns all interfaces that use the same technology and channel
getAllInterfaces() - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityOptimizer
Finds all other interfaces that are registered to the ConnectivityOptimizer
getAllProbs() - Method in class routing.maxprop.MeetingProbabilitySet
Returns a reference to the probability map of this probability set
getAppID() - Method in class core.Application
Returns an unique application ID.
getAppID() - Method in class core.Message
getApplicationListeners() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns the list of registered application event listeners
getApplications(String) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Returns all the applications that want to receive messages for the given application ID.
getAppListeners() - Method in class core.Application
getAverage(List<Double>) - Method in class report.Report
Returns the average of double values stored in a List or "NaN" for empty lists.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Returns a boolean-valued setting
getBufferOccupancy() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns the buffer occupancy percentage.
getBufferSize() - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Returns the size of the message buffer.
getBundle(String) - Static method in class core.DTN2Manager
Returns the bundle associated with the given message id.
getBusControlSystem(int) - Static method in class movement.BusControlSystem
Returns a reference to a BusControlSystem with ID provided as parameter.
getBusStops() - Method in class movement.BusControlSystem
getCenterViewCoord() - Method in class gui.DTNSimGUI
Returns the world coordinates that are currently in the center of the viewport
getComBus() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns this hosts's ModuleCommunicationBus
getComBus() - Method in class movement.MovementModel
Returns the module communication bus of this movement model (if any)
getConnected(int, double) - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleOracle
Returns a list of schedule entries for nodes reachable after given time from the given node
getConnections() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns a list of connections this host has with other hosts
getConnections() - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Returns a list of currently connected connections
getConnections() - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Returns a list of connections this host currently has with other hosts.
getConnectionTime() - Method in class report.ContactTimesReport.ConnectionInfo
Returns the time that passed between creation of this info and call to ContactTimesReport.ConnectionInfo.connectionEnd().
getControls() - Method in class gui.EventLogPanel
Returns the control panel that this log uses
getCoords() - Method in class movement.Path
Returns a refence to the coordinates of this path
getCost(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouter
Returns the message delivery cost between two hosts from this host's point of view.
getCost(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
Returns the message delivery cost between two hosts from this host's point of view.
getCosts(Integer, Set<Integer>) - Method in class routing.maxprop.MaxPropDijkstra
Calculates total costs to the given set of target nodes.
getCreationTime() - Method in class core.Message
Returns the time when this message was created
getCsvDoubles(String, int) - Method in class core.Settings
Returns an array of CSV setting double values containing expected amount of values.
getCsvDoubles(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Returns an array of CSV setting double values.
getCsvInts(String, int) - Method in class core.Settings
Returns an array of CSV setting integer values
getCsvInts(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Returns an array of CSV setting integer values
getCsvSetting(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Returns a CSV setting.
getCsvSetting(String, int) - Method in class core.Settings
Returns a CSV setting containing expected amount of values.
getCurrentMovementModel() - Method in class movement.ExtendedMovementModel
getDelta() - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleEntry
getDestination() - Method in class movement.EveningTrip
getDestinationTime() - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleEntry
getDestMax() - Method in class applications.PingApplication
getDestMin() - Method in class applications.PingApplication
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class core.ModuleCommunicationBus
Returns a double value from the communication bus.
getDouble() - Method in class core.ParetoRNG
Returns a Pareto distributed double value
getDouble(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Returns a double-valued setting
getDuration() - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleEntry
Return the time it takes to get from source to destination
getEncounters() - Method in class report.TotalEncountersReport
getEndTime() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns simulation's end time
getEntries() - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleOracle
Returns all schedule entries
getEveningActivityControlSystem(int) - Static method in class movement.EveningActivityControlSystem
Returns a reference to a EveningActivityControlSystem with ID provided as parameter.
getEveningInstructions(int) - Method in class movement.EveningActivityControlSystem
This method gets the instruction for a node, i.e.
getEventQueues() - Method in class input.EventQueueHandler
Returns all the loaded event queues
getEvents() - Static method in class core.DTN2Manager
Returns the DTN2Events object.
getException() - Method in error core.SimError
getExternalEvents() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns the (external) event queue(s) of this scenario or null if there aren't any
getFreeBufferSize() - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Returns the amount of free space in the buffer.
getFrom() - Method in class core.Message
Returns the node this message is originally from
getFrom() - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleEntry
getFullPropertyName(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Returns full (namespace prefixed) property name for a setting.
getGraphicsPosition(Coord) - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayField
Returns the graphical presentation location for the given world location
getHomeLocation() - Method in class movement.HomeActivityMovement
getHomeLocation() - Method in class movement.WorkingDayMovement
getHopCount() - Method in class core.Message
Returns the amount of hops this message has passed
getHops() - Method in class core.Message
Returns a list of nodes this message has passed so far
getHost() - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Returns the DTNHost of this interface
getHost() - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Returns the host this router is in
getHosts(String) - Static method in class core.DTN2Manager
Returns a Collection of DTNHost objects corresponding to the given EID.
getHosts() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns the list of nodes for this scenario.
getHosts() - Method in class core.World
Returns the hosts in a list
getId() - Method in class core.Message
Returns the ID of the message
getID() - Method in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Returns a next free message ID
getID() - Method in class movement.BusMovement
Returns unique ID of the bus
getID() - Method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
getID() - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
getInfoPanel() - Method in class gui.DTNSimGUI
Returns the info panel of the GUI
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.BusMovement
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.ExternalMovement
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.HomeActivityMovement
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.LinearFormation
Returns the the location of the node in the formation
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.MapBasedMovement
Returns a (random) coordinate that is between two adjacent MapNodes
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.MapRouteMovement
Returns the first stop on the route
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.MovementModel
Returns a new initial placement for a node
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.RandomWalk
Returns a possible (random) placement for a host
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.RandomWaypoint
Returns a possible (random) placement for a host
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.StationaryMovement
Returns the only location of this movement model
getInitialLocation() - Method in class movement.WorkingDayMovement
getInstance() - Static method in class core.SimClock
Get the instance of the class that can also change the time.
getInstance() - Static method in class core.SimScenario
Returns the SimScenario instance and creates one if it doesn't exist yet
getInt(String, int) - Method in class core.ModuleCommunicationBus
Returns an integer value from the communication bus.
getInt(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Returns an integer-valued setting
getIntAverage(List<Integer>) - Method in class report.Report
Returns the average of integer values stored in a List
getInterface(int) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Find the network interface based on the index
getInterface(String) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Find the network interface based on the interfacetype
getInterfaces() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns the interface objects of the node
getInterfaces() - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid.GridCell
Returns a list of of interfaces in this cell
getInterfaceType() - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
For checking what interface type this interface is
getInterval() - Method in class applications.PingApplication
getIntMedian(List<Integer>) - Method in class report.Report
Returns the median of integer values stored in a List
getIntTime() - Static method in class core.SimClock
Returns the current time rounded to the nearest integer
getKey() - Method in class core.Tuple
Returns the key
getLastLocation() - Method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
getLastLocation() - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
getLastLocation() - Method in class movement.HomeActivityMovement
getLastLocation() - Method in class movement.MapBasedMovement
getLastLocation() - Method in class movement.MapRouteMovement
getLastLocation() - Method in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
getLastLocation() - Method in class movement.RandomWalk
getLastLocation() - Method in interface movement.SwitchableMovement
Get the last location the getPath() of this movement model has returned
getLastPing() - Method in class applications.PingApplication
getLastTimeStamp() - Method in class input.ExternalMovementReader
Returns the time stamp where the last moves read with ExternalMovementReader.readNextMovements() belong to.
getLastUpdateTime() - Method in class routing.maxprop.MeetingProbabilitySet
Returns the time when this probability set was last updated
getLocation() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns the current location of this host.
getLocation() - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Returns the current location of the host of this interface.
getLocation() - Method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
Get the location where the bus is located when it has moved its path
getLocation() - Method in class movement.EveningTrip
getLocation() - Method in class movement.map.MapNode
Returns the location of the node
getMap() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns the SimMap this scenario uses, or null if scenario doesn't use any map
getMap() - Method in class input.WKTMapReader
Returns new a SimMap that is based on the read map
getMap() - Method in class movement.BusControlSystem
Get the underlying map of the system
getMap() - Method in class movement.MapBasedMovement
Returns the SimMap this movement model uses
getMaxBound() - Method in class movement.map.SimMap
Returns the lower right corner coordinate of the map
getMaxGroupSize() - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
getMaxHostRange() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns how long range the hosts' radios have
getMaxTime() - Method in class input.ExternalMovementReader
Returns offset maxTime
getMaxX() - Method in class input.ExternalMovementReader
Returns offset maxX
getMaxX() - Method in class movement.ClusterMovement
getMaxX() - Method in class movement.ExternalMovement
getMaxX() - Method in class movement.MovementModel
Returns the largest X coordinate value this model uses
getMaxY() - Method in class input.ExternalMovementReader
Returns offset maxY
getMaxY() - Method in class movement.ClusterMovement
getMaxY() - Method in class movement.ExternalMovement
getMaxY() - Method in class movement.MovementModel
Returns the largest Y coordinate value this model uses
getMedian(List<Double>) - Method in class report.Report
Returns the median of double values stored in a List
getMeetingSpotForID(int) - Method in class movement.EveningActivityControlSystem
Get the meeting spot for the node
getMessage() - Method in class core.Connection
Gets the message that this connection is currently transferring.
getMessage(String) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Returns a message by ID.
getMessageCollection() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns the messages in a collection.
getMessageCollection() - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Returns a reference to the messages of this router in collection.
getMessagesForConnected() - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Returns a list of message-connections tuples of the messages whose recipient is some host that we're connected to at the moment.
getMessagesWithCopiesLeft() - Method in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
Creates and returns a list of messages this router is currently carrying and still has copies left to distribute (nrof copies > 1).
getMinBound() - Method in class movement.map.SimMap
Returns the upper left corner coordinate of the map
getMinGroupSize() - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
getMinTime() - Method in class input.ExternalMovementReader
Returns offset minTime
getMinX() - Method in class input.ExternalMovementReader
Returns offset minX
getMinY() - Method in class input.ExternalMovementReader
Returns offset minY
getMoreInfo() - Method in class routing.RoutingInfo
Returns the child routing infos of this info.
getName() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns the name of the simulation run
getNameSpace() - Method in class core.Settings
Returns the namespace of the settings object
getNearInterfaces(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid
Returns all interfaces using the same technology and channel that are in neighboring cells
getNearInterfaces(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityOptimizer
Finds all network interfaces that might be located so that they can be connected with the network interface
getNeighbors() - Method in class movement.map.MapNode
Returns the neighbors of this node.
getNextWaypoint() - Method in class movement.Path
Returns the next waypoint on this path
getNodeByAddress(int) - Method in class core.World
Returns a node from the world by its address
getNodeByCoord(Coord) - Method in class movement.map.SimMap
Returns a MapNode at given coordinates or null if there's no MapNode in the location of the coordinate
getNodeRelationships() - Method in class report.UniqueEncountersReport
getNodes() - Method in class input.WKTMapReader
Returns the map nodes that were read in a collection
getNodes() - Method in class movement.map.SimMap
Returns all the map nodes in a list
getNodesHash() - Method in class input.WKTMapReader
Returns the original Map object that was used to read the map
getNrofMessages() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns the number of messages this node is carrying.
getNrofMessages() - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Returns the number of messages this router has
getNrofStops() - Method in class movement.map.MapRoute
Returns the number of stops on this route
getOfficeLocation() - Method in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
getOfficeLocation() - Method in class movement.WorkingDayMovement
getOffset() - Method in class movement.map.SimMap
Returns the offset that has been caused by translates made to this map (does NOT take into account mirroring).
getOkMapNodeTypes() - Method in class movement.MapBasedMovement
Returns map node types that are OK for this movement model in an array or null if all values are considered ok
getOldestMessage(boolean) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Returns the oldest (by receive time) message in the message buffer (that is not being sent if excludeMsgBeingSent is true).
getOldestMessage(boolean) - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouter
Returns the next message that should be dropped, according to MaxProp's message ordering scheme (see MaxPropTupleComparator).
getOldestMessage(boolean) - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
Returns the next message that should be dropped, according to MaxProp's message ordering scheme (see MaxPropTupleComparator).
getOtherInterface(NetworkInterface) - Method in class core.Connection
Returns the interface in the other end of the connection
getOtherNode(DTNHost) - Method in class core.Connection
Returns the node in the other end of the connection
getParentFrame() - Method in class gui.DTNSimGUI
Returns the parent frame (window) of the gui.
getParser(DTNHost) - Static method in class core.DTN2Manager
Returns the ECL parser associated with the host.
getParserHandler(int, String, int) - Method in class input.DTN2Events
Creates a parser handler for the given host.
getPath() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns the Path this node is currently traveling or null if no path is in use at the moment.
getPath() - Method in class movement.BusMovement
getPath() - Method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
getPath() - Method in class movement.CarMovement
getPath() - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
getPath() - Method in class movement.EveningTrip
getPath() - Method in class movement.ExtendedMovementModel
getPath() - Method in class movement.ExternalMovement
getPath() - Method in class movement.HomeActivityMovement
getPath() - Method in class movement.LinearFormation
Returns a single coordinate path (using the only possible coordinate)
getPath() - Method in class movement.MapBasedMovement
getPath() - Method in class movement.MapRouteMovement
getPath() - Method in class movement.MovementModel
Returns a new path by this movement model or null if no new path could be constructed at the moment (node should wait where it is).
getPath() - Method in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
getPath() - Method in class movement.RandomWalk
getPath() - Method in class movement.RandomWaypoint
getPath() - Method in class movement.ShortestPathMapBasedMovement
getPath() - Method in class movement.StationaryMovement
Returns a single coordinate path (using the only possible coordinate)
getPingSize() - Method in class applications.PingApplication
getPlayFieldScroll() - Method in class gui.MainWindow
Returns a reference of the play field scroll panel
getPongSize() - Method in class applications.PingApplication
getPredFor(DTNHost) - Method in class routing.ProphetRouter
Returns the current prediction (P) value for a host or 0 if entry for the host doesn't exist.
getPredFor(DTNHost) - Method in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
Returns the current prediction (P) value for a host or 0 if entry for the host doesn't exist.
getProbFor(Integer) - Method in class routing.maxprop.MeetingProbabilitySet
Returns the current delivery probability value for the given node index
getProperty(String) - Method in class core.Message
Returns an object that was stored to this message using the given key.
getProperty(String) - Method in class core.ModuleCommunicationBus
Returns an object that was stored using the given key.
getRandomCoorinateInsideOffice() - Method in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
getReceiveTime() - Method in class core.Message
Returns the time when this message was received
getRemainingByteCount() - Method in class core.CBRConnection
Returns the amount of bytes to be transferred before ongoing transfer is ready or 0 if there's no ongoing transfer or it has finished already
getRemainingByteCount() - Method in class core.Connection
Returns the amount of bytes to be transferred before ongoing transfer is ready or 0 if there's no ongoing transfer or it has finished already
getRemainingByteCount() - Method in class core.VBRConnection
Returns the amount of bytes to be transferred before ongoing transfer is ready or 0 if there's no ongoing transfer or it has finished already
getReporter() - Static method in class core.DTN2Manager
Returns reference to the DTN2Reporter object.
getRequest() - Method in class core.Message
Returns the message this message is response to or null if this is not a response message
getResponseSize() - Method in class core.Message
Returns the size of the requested response message or 0 if no response is requested.
getRouter() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns the router of this host
getRoutingInfo() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns routing info of this host's router.
getRoutingInfo() - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouter
getRoutingInfo() - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
getRoutingInfo() - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Returns routing information about this router.
getRoutingInfo() - Method in class routing.ProphetRouter
getRoutingInfo() - Method in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
getScale() - Static method in class gui.playfield.PlayFieldGraphic
Returns the currently used scaling factor
getScenarioName() - Method in class report.Report
Returns the name of the scenario as read from the settings
getSeed() - Method in class applications.PingApplication
getSetting(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Returns a String-valued setting.
getSettings() - Method in class report.Report
Returns a Settings object initialized for the report class' name space that uses "Report" as the secondary name space.
getShoppingLocation() - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
getShoppingLocation() - Method in class movement.WorkingDayMovement
getShoppingLocationAndGetReady() - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
Sets the node ready to start a shopping trip.
getShortestPath(MapNode, MapNode) - Method in class movement.map.DijkstraPathFinder
Finds and returns a shortest path between two map nodes
getShortestPath(Integer, Integer, double) - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleDijkstra
Finds and returns the fastest path between two destinations
getSimTime() - Method in class report.Report
Returns the current simulation time from the SimClock
getSize() - Method in class core.Message
Returns the size of the message (in bytes)
getSizeX() - Method in class core.World
Returns the x-size (width) of the world
getSizeY() - Method in class core.World
Returns the y-size (height) of the world
getSpeed() - Method in class core.CBRConnection
returns the current speed of the connection
getSpeed() - Method in class core.Connection
Gets the current connection speed
getSpeed() - Method in class core.VBRConnection
returns the current speed of the connection
getSpeed() - Method in class movement.Path
Returns the speed towards the next waypoint (asked with Path.getNextWaypoint().
getSpeeds() - Method in class movement.Path
getState() - Method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
getStops() - Method in class movement.map.MapRoute
getStops() - Method in class movement.MapRouteMovement
Returns the list of stops on the route
getTime() - Static method in class core.SimClock
Returns the current time (seconds since start)
getTime() - Method in class input.ExternalEvent
Returns the time when this event should happen.
getTime() - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleEntry
Returns time + delta
getTo() - Method in class core.Message
Returns the node this message is originally to
getTo() - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleEntry
getTotalBytesTransferred() - Method in class core.Connection
Returns the total amount of bytes this connection has transferred so far (including all transfers).
getTransferDoneTime() - Method in class core.CBRConnection
Gets the transferdonetime
getTransmitRange() - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Returns the transmit range of this network layer
getTransmitSpeed() - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Returns the transmit speed of this network layer
getTransmitSpeed() - Method in class interfaces.InterferenceLimitedInterface
Returns the transmit speed of this network layer
getTtl() - Method in class core.Message
Returns the time to live (minutes) of the message or Integer.MAX_VALUE if the TTL is infinite.
getUniqueId() - Method in class core.Message
Returns an ID that is unique per message instance (different for replicates too)
getUpdateInterval() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns update interval (simulated seconds) of the simulation
getUpdateInterval() - Method in class gui.GUIControls
Returns the selected update interval of GUI
getUpdateListeners() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns the list of registered update listeners
getUsageCount() - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleEntry
getValue() - Method in class core.Tuple
Returns the value
getVariance(List<Double>) - Method in class report.Report
Returns the variance of the values in the List.
getVia() - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleEntry
getWaitTimeAtEnd() - Method in class movement.EveningTrip
getWorld() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns the World object of this scenario
getWorldPosition(Coord) - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayField
Returns a world location for a given graphical location.
getWorldSizeX() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns the width of the world
getWorldSizeY() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns the height of the world
getX() - Method in class core.Coord
Returns the x coordinate
getY() - Method in class core.Coord
Returns the y coordinate
gotEvent(String, Object, Application, DTNHost) - Method in interface core.ApplicationListener
Application has generated an event.
gotEvent(String, Object, Application, DTNHost) - Method in class report.PingAppReporter
GRANULARITY - Static variable in class report.ContactTimesReport
Granularity -setting id ("granularity").
granularity - Variable in class report.ContactTimesReport
How many seconds are grouped in one group
GRANULARITY - Static variable in class report.EnergyLevelReport
Reporting granularity -setting id ("granularity").
granularity - Variable in class report.EnergyLevelReport
value of the granularity setting
GRANULARITY - Static variable in class report.MessageLocationReport
Reporting granularity -setting id ("granularity").
granularity - Variable in class report.MessageLocationReport
value of the granularity setting
GRAPH_NAME - Static variable in class report.AdjacencyGraphvizReport
Name of the graphviz report ("adjgraph")
GRAPH_NAME - Static variable in class report.MessageGraphvizReport
Name of the graphviz report ("msggraph")
GROUP_ID_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
group id -setting id ("groupID")
GROUP_NS - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
namespace for host group settings ("Group")
gui - package gui
Contains the classes of Graphical User Interface.
gui.playfield - package gui.playfield
Contains the classes of Graphical User Interface's playfield -view (the graphical presentation of the nodes' locations and other information).
GUIControls - Class in gui
GUI's control panel
GUIControls(DTNSimGUI, PlayField) - Constructor for class gui.GUIControls


handle(Message, DTNHost) - Method in class applications.PingApplication
Handles an incoming message.
handle(Message, DTNHost) - Method in class core.Application
This method handles application functionality related to processing of the bundle.
hashCode() - Method in class core.Coord
Returns a hash code for this coordinate (actually a hash of the String made of the coordinates)
hashCode() - Method in class report.ContactTimesReport.ConnectionInfo
Returns the same hash for ConnectionInfos that have the same two hosts.
hasMessage(String) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Checks if this router has a message with certain id buffered.
hasNext() - Method in class movement.Path
Returns true if the path has more waypoints, false if not
HEADER - Static variable in class report.CreatedMessagesReport
HEADER - Static variable in class report.DeliveredMessagesReport
HEADER - Static variable in class report.MessageDelayReport
HEADER - Static variable in class report.MessageDeliveryReport
HEADER - Static variable in class report.MessageReport
HEADER - Static variable in class report.TotalContactTimeReport
The header of every report file
HOME_LOCATIONS_FILE_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.HomeActivityMovement
HomeActivityMovement - Class in movement
A Class to model movement at home.
HomeActivityMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.HomeActivityMovement
Creates a new instance of HomeActivityMovement
HomeActivityMovement(HomeActivityMovement) - Constructor for class movement.HomeActivityMovement
Creates a new instance of HomeActivityMovement from a prototype
host - Variable in class core.DTN2Manager.EIDHost
host - Variable in class core.NetworkInterface
host_id - Variable in class core.DTN2Manager.EIDHost
HOST_RANGE_S - Static variable in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Sender/receiver address range -setting id ("hosts").
hostRange - Variable in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Range of host addresses that can be senders or receivers
hosts - Variable in class core.SimScenario
List of hosts in this simulation
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in interface core.ConnectionListener
Method is called when two hosts are connected.
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class gui.EventLogPanel
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.AdjacencyGraphvizReport
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.ConnectivityDtnsim2Report
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.ConnectivityONEReport
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.ContactsDuringAnICTReport
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.ContactsPerHourReport
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.ContactTimesReport
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.EncountersVSUniqueEncountersReport
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.EventLogReport
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.InterContactTimesReport
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.TotalEncountersReport
hostsConnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.UniqueEncountersReport
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in interface core.ConnectionListener
Method is called when connection between hosts is disconnected.
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class gui.EventLogPanel
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.AdjacencyGraphvizReport
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.ConnectivityDtnsim2Report
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.ConnectivityONEReport
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.ContactsDuringAnICTReport
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.ContactsPerHourReport
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.ContactTimesReport
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.EncountersVSUniqueEncountersReport
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.EventLogReport
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.InterContactTimesReport
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.TotalContactTimeReport
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.TotalEncountersReport
hostsDisconnected(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.UniqueEncountersReport


id - Variable in class input.MessageEvent
identifier of the message
idPrefix - Variable in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Prefix for the messages
incomingBundle(String, CLAParser.BundleAttributes) - Method in class input.DTN2Events.ParserHandler
increaseTimeCount(double) - Method in class report.ContactTimesReport
Increases the amount of times a certain time value has been seen.
increaseUsageCount() - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleEntry
INFINITE_SET_SIZE - Static variable in class routing.maxprop.MeetingProbabilitySet
INFINITE_TTL - Static variable in class core.Message
Value for infinite TTL of message
InfoPanel - Class in gui
Information panel that shows data of selected messages and nodes.
InfoPanel(DTNSimGUI) - Constructor for class gui.InfoPanel
init(String) - Static method in class core.Settings
Initializes the settings all Settings objects will use.
init(Reader) - Method in class input.WKTReader
Initialize the reader to use a certain input reader
init() - Method in class report.AdjacencyGraphvizReport
init() - Method in class report.ContactsDuringAnICTReport
init() - Method in class report.ContactsPerHourReport
init() - Method in class report.ContactTimesReport
init() - Method in class report.CreatedMessagesReport
init() - Method in class report.DeliveredMessagesReport
init() - Method in class report.DistanceDelayReport
init() - Method in class report.MessageDelayReport
init() - Method in class report.MessageDeliveryReport
init() - Method in class report.MessageGraphvizReport
init() - Method in class report.MessageReport
init() - Method in class report.MessageStatsReport
init() - Method in class report.Report
Initializes the report output.
init() - Method in class report.TotalContactTimeReport
init(DTNHost, List<MessageListener>) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
init(DTNHost, List<MessageListener>) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Initializes the router; i.e.
INIT_ENERGY_S - Static variable in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
Initial units of energy -setting id ("intialEnergy").
INITIAL_SPEED_SELECTION - Static variable in class gui.GUIControls
index of initial update speed setting
initialLocation(DTNHost, Coord) - Method in interface core.MovementListener
Method is called when a host receives its initial location from movement model.
initialLocation(DTNHost, Coord) - Method in class report.MovementNs2Report
initialNrofCopies - Variable in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
input - package input
Provides interfaces and classes for reading input data from external sources.
InterContactTimesReport - Class in report
Reports the inter-contact time (i.e., the time between the end of previous contact and the beginning of a new contact between two hosts) distribution.
InterContactTimesReport() - Constructor for class report.InterContactTimesReport
interfaceId - Variable in class input.ConnectionEvent
What is the interface number for this event
INTERFACENAME_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
interface name in the group -setting id ("interface")
interfaces - package interfaces
interfacetype - Variable in class core.NetworkInterface
InterferenceLimitedInterface - Class in interfaces
A simple Network Interface that provides a variable bit-rate service, where the bit-rate depends on the number of other transmitting stations within range The current transmit speed is updated only if there are ongoing transmissions.
InterferenceLimitedInterface(Settings) - Constructor for class interfaces.InterferenceLimitedInterface
InterferenceLimitedInterface(InterferenceLimitedInterface) - Constructor for class interfaces.InterferenceLimitedInterface
Copy constructor
INTERVAL_SETTING - Static variable in class report.Report
The interval (simulated seconds) of creating new settings files -setting id ("interval")
INTERVALLED_FORMAT - Static variable in class report.Report
Suffix for reports that are created on n second intervals
INTNAME_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
interface name -setting id ("name")
INTTYPE_NS - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
namespace for interface type settings ("Interface")
INTTYPE_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
interface type -setting id ("type")
invScale(double) - Static method in class gui.playfield.PlayFieldGraphic
Performs an inverse of the scaling procedure with current scale.
isActive() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns true if this node is active (false if not)
isActive() - Method in class movement.ActivenessHandler
Returns true if node should be active at the moment
isActive() - Method in class movement.ExternalMovement
isActive() - Method in class movement.MovementModel
Returns true if this node is active at the moment (false if not)
isBinary - Variable in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
isBinaryEeFile(File) - Static method in class input.BinaryEventsReader
Checks if the given file is a binary external events file
isConnected(NetworkInterface) - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Returns true if the given NetworkInterface is connected to this host.
isDeliveredMessage(Message) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Returns true if a full message with same ID as the given message has been received by this host as the final recipient (at least once).
isDone() - Method in class input.WKTReader
Returns true if the whole file has been read
isFfw() - Method in class gui.GUIControls
Is fast forward turned on
isFull() - Method in class movement.EveningTrip
isIncomingMessage(String) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Returns true if a message with the given ID is one of the currently incoming messages, false if not
isInitiator(DTNHost) - Method in class core.Connection
Returns true if the given node is the initiator of the connection, false otherwise
isKnownType(String) - Method in class input.WKTReader
Returns true if type is one of the known WKT types
isMessageTransferred() - Method in class core.CBRConnection
Returns true if the current message transfer is done.
isMessageTransferred() - Method in class core.Connection
Returns true if the current message transfer is done
isMessageTransferred() - Method in class core.VBRConnection
Returns true if the current message transfer is done.
isMirrored() - Method in class movement.map.SimMap
Returns true if this map has been mirrored after reading
isPassive() - Method in class applications.PingApplication
isPaused() - Method in class gui.GUIControls
Has user requested the simulation to be paused
isReady() - Method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
isReady() - Method in class movement.CarMovement
isReady() - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
isReady() - Method in class movement.HomeActivityMovement
isReady() - Method in class movement.MapBasedMovement
isReady() - Method in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
isReady() - Method in class movement.RandomWalk
isReady() - Method in interface movement.SwitchableMovement
Checks if the movement model is finished doing its task and it's time to switch to the next movement model.
isReadyForTransfer() - Method in class core.Connection
Returns true if the connection is ready to transfer a message (connection is up and there is no message being transferred).
isReadyToShop() - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
Checks if a node is at the correct place where the shopping begins
isResponse() - Method in class core.Message
Returns true if this message is a response message
isScanning() - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Checks if this interface is currently in the scanning mode
isSending(String) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Returns true if this router is currently sending a message with msgId.
isTransferring() - Method in class interfaces.InterferenceLimitedInterface
Returns true if this interface is actually transmitting data
isTransferring() - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Returns true if this router is transferring something at the moment or some transfer has not been finalized.
isType(int) - Method in class movement.map.MapNode
Returns true if this node is of given type, false if none of node's type(s) match to given type or node doesn't have type at all
isType(int[]) - Method in class movement.map.MapNode
Returns true if the node's types match any of the given types
isUp() - Method in class core.Connection
Returns true if the connection is up
isUp - Variable in class input.ConnectionEvent
Is this a "connection up" event
isWarmup() - Method in class report.Report
Returns true if the warm up period is still ongoing (simTime < warmup)
isWarmupID(String) - Method in class report.Report
Returns true if the given ID is in the warm up ID set
isWithinRange(NetworkInterface) - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Returns true if another interface is within radio range of this interface and this interface is also within radio range of the another interface.


lastMapNode - Variable in class movement.MapBasedMovement
node where the last path ended or node next to initial placement
lastUpdate - Variable in class report.EnergyLevelReport
time of last update
lastUpdate - Variable in class report.MessageLocationReport
time of last update
lastUpdate - Variable in class ui.DTNSimUI
simtime of last UI update
LINEAR_FORMATION_NS - Static variable in class movement.LinearFormation
Name space of the settings (append to group name space)
LinearFormation - Class in movement
A stationary "movement" model where nodes do not move but are in linear formation (i.e., in a line).
LinearFormation(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.LinearFormation
Creates a new movement model based on a Settings object's settings.
LinearFormation(LinearFormation) - Constructor for class movement.LinearFormation
Copy constructor.
LINESTRING - Static variable in class input.WKTReader
LOCATION_S - Static variable in class movement.StationaryMovement
Per node group setting for setting the location ("nodeLocation")
LOG_UP_INTERVAL - Static variable in class gui.EventLogPanel
How often the log is updated (milliseconds)


main(String[]) - Static method in class core.DTNSim
Starts the user interface with given arguments.
MainWindow - Class in gui
Main window for the program.
MainWindow(String, World, PlayField, GUIControls, InfoPanel, EventLogPanel, DTNSimGUI) - Constructor for class gui.MainWindow
makeRoomForMessage(int) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Removes messages from the buffer (oldest first) until there's enough space for the new message.
makeRoomForNewMessage(int) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Tries to make room for a new message.
MAP_BASE_MOVEMENT_NS - Static variable in class movement.MapBasedMovement
map based movement model's settings namespace ("MapBasedMovement")
MAP_SELECT_S - Static variable in class movement.MapBasedMovement
Per node group setting for selecting map node types that are OK for this node group to traverse trough.
MapBasedMovement - Class in movement
Map based movement model which gives out Paths that use the roads of a SimMap.
MapBasedMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.MapBasedMovement
Creates a new MapBasedMovement based on a Settings object's settings.
MapBasedMovement(Settings, SimMap, int) - Constructor for class movement.MapBasedMovement
Creates a new MapBasedMovement based on a Settings object's settings but with different SimMap
MapBasedMovement(MapBasedMovement) - Constructor for class movement.MapBasedMovement
MapGraphic - Class in gui.playfield
PlayfieldGraphic for SimMap visualization
MapGraphic(SimMap) - Constructor for class gui.playfield.MapGraphic
MapNode - Class in movement.map
A node in a SimMap.
MapNode(Coord) - Constructor for class movement.map.MapNode
MapRoute - Class in movement.map
A route that consists of map nodes.
MapRoute(int, List<MapNode>) - Constructor for class movement.map.MapRoute
Creates a new map route
MapRouteMovement - Class in movement
Map based movement model that uses predetermined paths within the map area.
MapRouteMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.MapRouteMovement
Creates a new movement model based on a Settings object's settings.
MapRouteMovement(MapRouteMovement) - Constructor for class movement.MapRouteMovement
MAX_GROUP_SIZE_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
MAX_NODE_COUNT - Static variable in class gui.NodeChooser
the maximum number of nodes to show in the list per page
MAX_TYPE - Static variable in class movement.map.MapNode
Biggest valid type of a node: 31
MAX_WAIT_TIME_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
maxPathLength - Variable in class movement.MapBasedMovement
max nrof map nodes to travel/path
MAXPROP_NS - Static variable in class routing.MaxPropRouter
Router's setting namespace ("MaxPropRouter")
MAXPROP_NS - Static variable in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
MaxPROP router's setting namespace ("MaxPropRouterWithEstimation")
MaxPropDijkstra - Class in routing.maxprop
Dijkstra's shortest path implementation for MaxProp Router module.
MaxPropDijkstra(Map<Integer, MeetingProbabilitySet>) - Constructor for class routing.maxprop.MaxPropDijkstra
MaxPropRouter - Class in routing
Implementation of MaxProp router as described in MaxProp: Routing for Vehicle-Based Disruption-Tolerant Networks by John Burgess et al.
MaxPropRouter(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.MaxPropRouter
MaxPropRouter(MaxPropRouter) - Constructor for class routing.MaxPropRouter
Copy constructor.
MaxPropRouterWithEstimation - Class in routing
Implementation of MaxProp router as described in MaxProp: Routing for Vehicle-Based Disruption-Tolerant Networks by John Burgess et al.
MaxPropRouterWithEstimation(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
MaxPropRouterWithEstimation(MaxPropRouterWithEstimation) - Constructor for class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
Copy constructor.
maxSpeed - Variable in class movement.MovementModel
maxWaitTime - Variable in class movement.MovementModel
MEETING_SPOTS_FILE_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
MeetingProbabilitySet - Class in routing.maxprop
Class for storing and manipulating the meeting probabilities for the MaxProp router module.
MeetingProbabilitySet(int, double) - Constructor for class routing.maxprop.MeetingProbabilitySet
MeetingProbabilitySet() - Constructor for class routing.maxprop.MeetingProbabilitySet
MeetingProbabilitySet(double, List<Integer>) - Constructor for class routing.maxprop.MeetingProbabilitySet
Message - Class in core
A message that is created at a node or passed between nodes.
Message(DTNHost, DTNHost, String, int) - Constructor for class core.Message
Creates a new Message.
MESSAGE_ID_PREFIX_S - Static variable in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Message ID prefix -setting id ("prefix").
MESSAGE_INTERVAL_S - Static variable in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Message creation interval range -setting id ("interval").
MESSAGE_SIZE_S - Static variable in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Message size range -setting id ("size").
MESSAGE_TIME_S - Static variable in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Message creation time range -setting id ("time").
MESSAGE_TRANS_DELIVERED - Static variable in class report.EventLogReport
Extra info for message relayed event ("delivered"): "D"
MESSAGE_TRANS_DELIVERED_AGAIN - Static variable in class report.EventLogReport
Extra info for message relayed event ("delivered again"): "A"
MESSAGE_TRANS_RELAYED - Static variable in class report.EventLogReport
Extra info for message relayed event ("relayed"): "R"
messageAborted(String, DTNHost, int) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Informs the host that a message transfer was aborted.
messageAborted(String, DTNHost, int) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
This method should be called (on the receiving host) when a message transfer was aborted.
MessageBurstGenerator - Class in input
Message creation -external events generator.
MessageBurstGenerator(Settings) - Constructor for class input.MessageBurstGenerator
MessageCreateEvent - Class in input
External event for creating a message.
MessageCreateEvent(int, int, String, int, int, double) - Constructor for class input.MessageCreateEvent
Creates a message creation event with a optional response request
MessageDelayReport - Class in report
Reports delivered messages' delays (one line per delivered message) and cumulative delivery probability sorted by message delays.
MessageDelayReport() - Constructor for class report.MessageDelayReport
messageDeleted(Message, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in interface core.MessageListener
Method is called when a message is deleted
messageDeleted(Message, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class gui.EventLogPanel
messageDeleted(Message, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.CreatedMessagesReport
messageDeleted(Message, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.DeliveredMessagesReport
messageDeleted(Message, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.DistanceDelayReport
messageDeleted(Message, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.DTN2Reporter
Method is called when a message is deleted
messageDeleted(Message, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.EventLogReport
messageDeleted(Message, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.MessageDelayReport
messageDeleted(Message, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.MessageDeliveryReport
messageDeleted(Message, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.MessageGraphvizReport
messageDeleted(Message, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.MessageReport
messageDeleted(Message, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.MessageStatsReport
MessageDeleteEvent - Class in input
External event for deleting a message.
MessageDeleteEvent(int, String, double, boolean) - Constructor for class input.MessageDeleteEvent
Creates a message delete event
MessageDeliveryReport - Class in report
Report for of amount of messages delivered vs.
MessageDeliveryReport() - Constructor for class report.MessageDeliveryReport
MessageEvent - Class in input
A message related external event
MessageEvent(int, int, String, double) - Constructor for class input.MessageEvent
Creates a message event
MessageEventGenerator - Class in input
Message creation -external events generator.
MessageEventGenerator(Settings) - Constructor for class input.MessageEventGenerator
Constructor, initializes the interval between events, and the size of messages generated, as well as number of hosts in the network.
MessageGraphic - Class in gui.playfield
Visualization of a message
MessageGraphic(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Constructor for class gui.playfield.MessageGraphic
MessageGraphvizReport - Class in report
Creates a graphviz compatible graph of messages that were passed.
MessageGraphvizReport() - Constructor for class report.MessageGraphvizReport
MessageListener - Interface in core
Interface for classes that want to be informed about messages between hosts
MessageLocationReport - Class in report
Message location report.
MessageLocationReport() - Constructor for class report.MessageLocationReport
MessageRelayEvent - Class in input
External event for all the stages of relaying a message between two hosts (start and possible abort or delivery).
MessageRelayEvent(int, int, String, double, int) - Constructor for class input.MessageRelayEvent
Creates a message relaying event
MessageReport - Class in report
Reports delivered messages report: message_id creation_time deliver_time (duplicate)
MessageReport() - Constructor for class report.MessageReport
MessageRouter - Class in routing
Superclass for message routers.
MessageRouter(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.MessageRouter
MessageRouter(MessageRouter) - Constructor for class routing.MessageRouter
MessageStatsReport - Class in report
Report for generating different kind of total statistics about message relaying performance.
MessageStatsReport() - Constructor for class report.MessageStatsReport
messageTransferAborted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in interface core.MessageListener
Method is called when a message's transfer was aborted before it finished
messageTransferAborted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class gui.EventLogPanel
messageTransferAborted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.CreatedMessagesReport
messageTransferAborted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.DeliveredMessagesReport
messageTransferAborted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.DistanceDelayReport
messageTransferAborted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.DTN2Reporter
Method is called when a message's transfer was aborted before it finished
messageTransferAborted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.EventLogReport
messageTransferAborted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.MessageDelayReport
messageTransferAborted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.MessageDeliveryReport
messageTransferAborted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.MessageGraphvizReport
messageTransferAborted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.MessageReport
messageTransferAborted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.MessageStatsReport
messageTransferred(String, DTNHost) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Informs the host that a message was successfully transferred.
messageTransferred(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in interface core.MessageListener
Method is called when a message is successfully transferred from a node to another.
messageTransferred(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class gui.EventLogPanel
messageTransferred(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.CreatedMessagesReport
messageTransferred(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.DeliveredMessagesReport
messageTransferred(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.DistanceDelayReport
This is called when a message is transferred between nodes
messageTransferred(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.DTN2Reporter
Method is called when a message is successfully transferred from a node to another.
messageTransferred(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.EventLogReport
messageTransferred(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.MessageDelayReport
messageTransferred(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.MessageDeliveryReport
messageTransferred(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.MessageGraphvizReport
messageTransferred(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.MessageReport
messageTransferred(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost, boolean) - Method in class report.MessageStatsReport
messageTransferred(String, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
messageTransferred(String, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.EpidemicOracleRouter
messageTransferred(String, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouter
messageTransferred(String, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
messageTransferred(String, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
This method should be called (on the receiving host) after a message was successfully transferred.
messageTransferred(String, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
messageTransferStarted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in interface core.MessageListener
Method is called when a message's transfer is started
messageTransferStarted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class gui.EventLogPanel
messageTransferStarted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.CreatedMessagesReport
messageTransferStarted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.DeliveredMessagesReport
messageTransferStarted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.DistanceDelayReport
messageTransferStarted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.DTN2Reporter
Method is called when a message's transfer is started
messageTransferStarted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.EventLogReport
messageTransferStarted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.MessageDelayReport
messageTransferStarted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.MessageDeliveryReport
messageTransferStarted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.MessageGraphvizReport
messageTransferStarted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.MessageReport
messageTransferStarted(Message, DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.MessageStatsReport
MIN_GROUP_SIZE_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
MIN_TYPE - Static variable in class movement.map.MapNode
Smallest valid type of a node: 1
MIN_WAIT_TIME_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
minPathLength - Variable in class movement.MapBasedMovement
min nrof map nodes to travel/path
minSpeed - Variable in class movement.MovementModel
minWaitTime - Variable in class movement.MovementModel
mirror() - Method in class movement.map.SimMap
Mirrors all map coordinates around X axis (x'=x, y'=-y).
MM_WARMUP_S - Static variable in class ui.DTNSimUI
Movement model warmup time -setting id ("MovementModel.warmup").
ModuleCommunicationBus - Class in core
Intermodule communication bus.
ModuleCommunicationBus() - Constructor for class core.ModuleCommunicationBus
ModuleCommunicationListener - Interface in core
This interface should be implemented by classes that want to be notified of variable value changes in ModuleCommunicationBuses.
moduleValueChanged(String, Object) - Method in interface core.ModuleCommunicationListener
This method is called whenever a variable, whose changes the module has registered to, changes.
moduleValueChanged(String, Object) - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
This method is called by the ModuleCommunicationBus when/if someone changes the scanning interval, transmit speed, or range
moduleValueChanged(String, Object) - Method in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
Called by the combus is the energy value is changed
move(double) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Moves the node towards the next waypoint or waits if it is not time to move yet
moveInterface(NetworkInterface, ConnectivityGrid.GridCell) - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid.GridCell
Moves a interface in a Cell to another Cell
movement - package movement
Contains different movement models and related classes for the simulator.
movement.map - package movement.map
Sub package for MapBasedMovement movement model's (and its sub classes) helper classes.
MOVEMENT_FILE_S - Static variable in class movement.ExternalMovement
external locations file's path -setting id ("file")
MOVEMENT_MODEL_NS - Static variable in class movement.MovementModel
MovementModel namespace (where world size and rng seed settings are looked from ("MovementModel")
MOVEMENT_MODEL_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
movement model class -setting id ("movementModel")
MovementListener - Interface in core
Interface for classes that want to be informed about node movement.
MovementModel - Class in movement
Superclass for all movement models.
MovementModel() - Constructor for class movement.MovementModel
Empty constructor for testing purposes.
MovementModel(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.MovementModel
Creates a new MovementModel based on a Settings object's settings.
MovementModel(MovementModel) - Constructor for class movement.MovementModel
MovementNs2Report - Class in report
Movement report that generates suitable movement data for ns-2 simulator as described in http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/doc/node174.html.
MovementNs2Report() - Constructor for class report.MovementNs2Report
MSG_COUNT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
Message property key
MSG_TTL_S - Static variable in class routing.MessageRouter
Message TTL -setting id ("msgTtl").
msgFromNode - Variable in class core.Connection
msgOnFly - Variable in class core.Connection
msgTime - Variable in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Time range for message creation (min, max)
msgTtl - Variable in class routing.MessageRouter
TTL for all messages
MULTILINESTRING - Static variable in class input.WKTReader


NAME_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
scenario name -setting id ("name")
NAN - Static variable in class report.Report
String value for values that could not be calculated
NetworkInterface - Class in core
Network interface of a DTNHost.
NetworkInterface(Settings) - Constructor for class core.NetworkInterface
For creating an empty class of a specific type
NetworkInterface() - Constructor for class core.NetworkInterface
For creating an empty class of a specific type
NetworkInterface(NetworkInterface) - Constructor for class core.NetworkInterface
copy constructor
newDestination(DTNHost, Coord, double) - Method in interface core.MovementListener
Method is called every time a host receives a new destination from its movement model.
newDestination(DTNHost, Coord, double) - Method in class report.MovementNs2Report
newEvent() - Method in class report.Report
This method should be called before every new (complete) event the report logs.
newMessage(Message) - Method in interface core.MessageListener
Method is called when a new message is created
newMessage(Message) - Method in class gui.EventLogPanel
newMessage(Message) - Method in class report.CreatedMessagesReport
newMessage(Message) - Method in class report.DeliveredMessagesReport
newMessage(Message) - Method in class report.DistanceDelayReport
This is called when a new message is created
newMessage(Message) - Method in class report.DTN2Reporter
Method is called when a new message is created
newMessage(Message) - Method in class report.EventLogReport
newMessage(Message) - Method in class report.MessageDelayReport
newMessage(Message) - Method in class report.MessageDeliveryReport
newMessage(Message) - Method in class report.MessageGraphvizReport
newMessage(Message) - Method in class report.MessageReport
newMessage(Message) - Method in class report.MessageStatsReport
newOrders() - Method in class movement.ExtendedMovementModel
Method is called between each getPath() request when the current MM is ready (isReady() method returns true).
newOrders() - Method in class movement.WorkingDayMovement
nextEvent() - Method in class input.DTN2Events
nextEvent() - Method in interface input.EventQueue
Returns the next event in the queue or ExternalEvent with time of double.MAX_VALUE if there are no events left.
nextEvent() - Method in class input.ExternalEventsQueue
Returns the next event in the queue or ExternalEvent with time of double.MAX_VALUE if there are no events left
nextEvent() - Method in class input.MessageBurstGenerator
Returns the next message creation event
nextEvent() - Method in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Returns the next message creation event
nextEvent() - Method in class input.OneFromEachMessageGenerator
Returns the next message creation event
nextEvent() - Method in class input.OneToEachMessageGenerator
Returns the next message creation event
nextEvent() - Method in class input.ScheduledUpdatesQueue
Returns the next scheduled event or event with time Double.MAX_VALUE if there aren't any.
nextEventsTime() - Method in class input.DTN2Events
nextEventsTime() - Method in interface input.EventQueue
Returns next event's time or Double.MAX_VALUE if there are no events left in the queue.
nextEventsTime() - Method in class input.ExternalEventsQueue
Returns next event's time or Double.MAX_VALUE if there are no events left
nextEventsTime - Variable in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Time of the next event (simulated seconds)
nextEventsTime() - Method in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Returns next message creation event's time
nextEventsTime() - Method in class input.ScheduledUpdatesQueue
Returns the next scheduled event's time or Double.MAX_VALUE if there aren't any events left
nextPathAvailable() - Method in class movement.ExternalMovement
Returns a sim time when the next path is available.
nextPathAvailable() - Method in class movement.LinearFormation
Returns Double.MAX_VALUE (no paths available)
nextPathAvailable() - Method in class movement.MovementModel
Returns a sim time when the next path is available.
nextPathAvailable() - Method in class movement.StationaryMovement
nextStop() - Method in class movement.map.MapRoute
Returns the next stop on the route (depenging on the route mode)
nextType() - Method in class input.WKTReader
Returns the next type read from the reader given at init or null if no more types can be read
NODE_ARR_S - Static variable in class report.MovementNs2Report
node array's name -setting id ("nodeArray")
NodeChooser - Class in gui
Node chooser panel
NodeChooser(List<DTNHost>, DTNSimGUI) - Constructor for class gui.NodeChooser
NodeGraphic - Class in gui.playfield
Visualization of a DTN Node
NodeGraphic(DTNHost) - Constructor for class gui.playfield.NodeGraphic
NR_OF_MEETING_SPOTS_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
NR_OF_OFFICES_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
NROF_COPIES - Static variable in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
identifier for the initial number of copies setting ("nrofCopies")
NROF_FILES_S - Static variable in class movement.MapBasedMovement
number of map files -setting id ("nrofMapFiles")
NROF_GROUPS_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
number of host groups -setting id ("nrofHostGroups")
NROF_HOSTS_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
number of hosts in the group -setting id ("nrofHosts")
NROF_INTERF_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
number of interfaces in the group -setting id ("nrofInterfaces")
NROF_INTTYPES_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
number of interface types -setting id ("nrofInterfaceTypes")
NROF_PRELOAD_S - Static variable in class movement.ExternalMovement
number of preloaded intervals per preload run -setting id ("nrofPreload")
NROF_REPORT_S - Static variable in class ui.DTNSimUI
Number of reports -setting id ("Report.nrofReports").
NROF_SETTING - Static variable in class input.EventQueueHandler
number of event queues -setting id ("nrof")
NS_CMD_S - Static variable in class report.MovementNs2Report
ns command -setting id ("nsCmd")


OFFICE_LOCATIONS_FILE_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
OFFICE_MAX_WAIT_TIME_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
OFFICE_MIN_WAIT_TIME_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
OFFICE_SIZE_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
OFFICE_WAIT_TIME_PARETO_COEFF_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
OfficeActivityMovement - Class in movement
This class models movement at an office.
OfficeActivityMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
OfficeActivityMovement constructor
OfficeActivityMovement(OfficeActivityMovement) - Constructor for class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
OneFromEachMessageGenerator - Class in input
Message creation -external events generator.
OneFromEachMessageGenerator(Settings) - Constructor for class input.OneFromEachMessageGenerator
OneToEachMessageGenerator - Class in input
Message creation -external events generator.
OneToEachMessageGenerator(Settings) - Constructor for class input.OneToEachMessageGenerator
optimizer - Variable in class core.NetworkInterface
out - Variable in class report.Report
The print writer used to write output.
OUT_SUFFIX - Static variable in class report.Report
Suffix of report files without explicit output
OUTPUT_SETTING - Static variable in class report.Report
The output file path of the report -setting id ("output")


p(String) - Static method in class core.Debug
Prints text to output with level 0
p(String, int) - Static method in class core.Debug
Prints text to output given with level
p(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class core.Debug
Print text to debug output.
P_AVG_TARGET_S - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
Target P_avg
P_INIT - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouter
delivery predictability initialization constant
P_INIT - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
delivery predictability initialization constant
paint(Graphics) - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayField
Draws the play field.
ParetoRNG - Class in core
A random number generator for a Pareto distribution
ParetoRNG(Random, double, double, double) - Constructor for class core.ParetoRNG
Creates a new Pareto random number generator that makes use of a normal random number generator
parseError(String) - Method in class input.DTN2Events.ParserHandler
parseLineString(String) - Method in class input.WKTReader
Parses coordinate tuples from "LINESTRING" lines
parseMultilinestring() - Method in class input.WKTReader
Parses a MULTILINESTRING statement that has nested linestrings from the current reader
parsePoint() - Method in class input.WKTReader
Parses a WKT point data from the intialized reader
PassiveRouter - Class in routing
Passive router that doesn't send anything unless commanded.
PassiveRouter(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.PassiveRouter
PassiveRouter(PassiveRouter) - Constructor for class routing.PassiveRouter
Path - Class in movement
A Path between multiple Coordinates.
Path() - Constructor for class movement.Path
Creates a path with zero speed.
Path(Path) - Constructor for class movement.Path
Copy constructor.
Path(double) - Constructor for class movement.Path
Creates a path with constant speed
PATH_SETTING - Static variable in class input.EventQueueHandler
path of external events file -setting id ("filePath")
PATH_SETTING - Static variable in class input.ExternalEventsQueue
path of external events file -setting id ("filePath")
PathGraphic - Class in gui.playfield
Visualization of a Path
PathGraphic(Path) - Constructor for class gui.playfield.PathGraphic
pauseOnEvent() - Method in class gui.EventLogControl
Returns true if this event type should cause pause
PING_DEST_RANGE - Static variable in class applications.PingApplication
Destination address range - inclusive lower, exclusive upper
PING_INTERVAL - Static variable in class applications.PingApplication
Ping generation interval
PING_OFFSET - Static variable in class applications.PingApplication
Ping interval offset - avoids synchronization of ping sending
PING_PASSIVE - Static variable in class applications.PingApplication
Run in passive mode - don't generate pings but respond
PING_PING_SIZE - Static variable in class applications.PingApplication
Size of the ping message
PING_PONG_SIZE - Static variable in class applications.PingApplication
Size of the pong message
PING_SEED - Static variable in class applications.PingApplication
Seed for the app's random number generator
PingApplication - Class in applications
Simple ping application to demonstrate the application support.
PingApplication(Settings) - Constructor for class applications.PingApplication
Creates a new ping application with the given settings.
PingApplication(PingApplication) - Constructor for class applications.PingApplication
PingAppReporter - Class in report
Reporter for the PingApplication.
PingAppReporter() - Constructor for class report.PingAppReporter
PINGPONG - Static variable in class movement.map.MapRoute
Type of the route ID: ping-pong (2).
PlayField - Class in gui.playfield
The canvas where node graphics and message visualizations are drawn.
PlayField(World) - Constructor for class gui.playfield.PlayField
Creates a playfield
PlayFieldGraphic - Class in gui.playfield
Superclass for all graphics to be drawn on the "play field".
PlayFieldGraphic() - Constructor for class gui.playfield.PlayFieldGraphic
POI_FILE_S - Static variable in class movement.map.PointsOfInterest
Points Of Interest file path -prefix id ("poiFile")
POI_NS - Static variable in class movement.map.PointsOfInterest
Points Of Interest settings namespace ("PointsOfInterest")
POI_SELECT_S - Static variable in class movement.map.PointsOfInterest
Per node group setting used for selecting POI groups and their probabilities ("pois").
Syntax: poiGroupIndex1, groupSelectionProbability1, groupIndex2, prob2, etc...
Sum of probabilities must be less than or equal to one (1.0).
POINT - Static variable in class input.WKTReader
known WKT type POINT
PointsOfInterest - Class in movement.map
Handler for points of interest data.
PointsOfInterest(SimMap, int[], Settings, Random) - Constructor for class movement.map.PointsOfInterest
PRECISION_SETTING - Static variable in class report.Report
Precision of formatted double values - setting id ("precision").
PRELOAD_SETTING - Static variable in class input.EventQueueHandler
number of events to preload from file -setting id ("nrofPreload")
PRELOAD_SETTING - Static variable in class input.ExternalEventsQueue
number of event to preload -setting id ("nrofPreload")
PROB_SET_MAX_SIZE_S - Static variable in class routing.MaxPropRouter
Meeting probability set maximum size -setting id ("probSetMaxSize").
PROBABILITIES_STRING - Static variable in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
PROBABILITY_TAKE_OTHER_BUS - Static variable in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
PROBABILITY_TO_GO_SHOPPING_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.WorkingDayMovement
PROBABILITY_TO_OWN_CAR_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.WorkingDayMovement
processEvent(World) - Method in class input.ConnectionEvent
processEvent(World) - Method in class input.ExternalEvent
Processes the external event.
processEvent(World) - Method in class input.MessageCreateEvent
Creates the message this event represents.
processEvent(World) - Method in class input.MessageDeleteEvent
Deletes the message
processEvent(World) - Method in class input.MessageRelayEvent
Relays the message
PROPHET_NS - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouter
Prophet router's setting namespace ("ProphetRouter")
PROPHET_NS - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
Prophet router's setting namespace ("ProphetRouterWithEstimation")
ProphetRouter - Class in routing
Implementation of PRoPHET router as described in Probabilistic routing in intermittently connected networks by Anders Lindgren et al.
ProphetRouter(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.ProphetRouter
ProphetRouter(ProphetRouter) - Constructor for class routing.ProphetRouter
ProphetRouterWithEstimation - Class in routing
Implementation of PRoPHET router as described in Probabilistic routing in intermittently connected networks by Anders Lindgren et al.
ProphetRouterWithEstimation(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
ProphetRouterWithEstimation(ProphetRouterWithEstimation) - Constructor for class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
props - Static variable in class core.Settings
properties object where the setting files are read into
pt(String, int) - Static method in class core.Debug
Debug print with a timestamp
pt(String) - Static method in class core.Debug
Debug print with a timestamp and 0 level
putToIncomingBuffer(Message, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Puts a message to incoming messages buffer.


Q_MODE_FIFO - Static variable in class routing.MessageRouter
Setting value for FIFO queue mode
Q_MODE_RANDOM - Static variable in class routing.MessageRouter
Setting value for random queue mode


randomCoord() - Method in class movement.ClusterMovement
randomCoord() - Method in class movement.RandomWaypoint
RANDOMIZE_UPDATES_S - Static variable in class core.World
Should the order of node updates be different (random) within every update step -setting id ("randomizeUpdateOrder").
RandomWalk - Class in movement
Random Walk movement model
RandomWalk(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.RandomWalk
RandomWaypoint - Class in movement
Random waypoint movement model.
RandomWaypoint(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.RandomWaypoint
RandomWaypoint(RandomWaypoint) - Constructor for class movement.RandomWaypoint
RANGE_DELIMETER - Static variable in class core.DTNSim
Delimiter for batch mode index range values (colon)
RANGE_ID - Static variable in class core.NetworkInterface
ModuleCommunicationBus identifier for the "radio range" variable.
RCV_OK - Static variable in class routing.MessageRouter
Receive return value for OK
readEvents(int) - Method in class input.BinaryEventsReader
Read events from a binary file created with storeBinaryFile method
readEvents(int) - Method in interface input.ExternalEventsReader
Read events from the reader
readEvents(int) - Method in class input.StandardEventsReader
readLines(File) - Method in class input.WKTReader
Read line (LINESTRING) data from a file
readNestedContents(Reader) - Method in class input.WKTReader
Reads everything from the first opening parenthesis until line that ends to a closing parenthesis and returns the contents in one string
readNestedContents() - Method in class input.WKTReader
Returns nested contents from the reader given at init
readNextMovements() - Method in class input.ExternalMovementReader
Reads all new id-coordinate tuples that belong to the same time instance
readPoints(File) - Method in class input.WKTReader
Read point data from a file
readPoints(Reader) - Method in class input.WKTReader
Read point data from a Reader
readRoutes(String, int, SimMap) - Static method in class movement.map.MapRoute
Reads routes from files defined in Settings
readWord(Reader) - Method in class input.WKTReader
Reads a "word", ie whitespace delimited string of characters, from the reader
receiveMessage(Message, DTNHost) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Start receiving a message from another host
receiveMessage(Message, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
receiveMessage(Message, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Try to start receiving a message from another host.
receiveMessage(Message, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
reduceEnergy(double) - Method in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
Updates the current energy so that the given amount is reduced from it.
reduceSendingAndScanningEnergy() - Method in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
Reduces the energy reserve for the amount that is used by sending data and scanning for the other nodes.
registerBus(BusMovement) - Method in class movement.BusControlSystem
Registers a bus to be part of a bus control system
registerForReset(String) - Static method in class core.DTNSim
Registers a class for resetting.
registerTraveller(BusTravellerMovement) - Method in class movement.BusControlSystem
Registers a traveller/passenger to be part of a bus control system
REMOVE - Static variable in class input.StandardEventsReader
Identifier of message removed event ("R")
removeConnection(DTNHost, DTNHost) - Method in class report.ContactTimesReport
removeDeliveredMessage(String) - Method in class routing.EpidemicOracleRouter
Removes the message with the given ID from this router, if the router has that message; otherwise does nothing.
removeFromIncomingBuffer(String, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Removes and returns a message with a certain ID from the incoming messages buffer or null if such message wasn't found.
removeFromMessages(String) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Removes and returns a message from the message buffer.
removeInterface(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid.GridCell
Removes an interface from this cell
removeInterface(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid
Removes a network interface from the overlay grid
replicate() - Method in class applications.PingApplication
replicate() - Method in class core.Application
replicate() - Method in class core.Message
Returns a replicate of this message (identical except for the unique id)
replicate() - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Replication function
replicate() - Method in class interfaces.InterferenceLimitedInterface
replicate() - Method in class interfaces.SimpleBroadcastInterface
replicate() - Method in class movement.BusMovement
replicate() - Method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
replicate() - Method in class movement.ClusterMovement
replicate() - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
replicate() - Method in class movement.ExternalMovement
replicate() - Method in class movement.HomeActivityMovement
replicate() - Method in class movement.LinearFormation
replicate() - Method in class movement.map.MapRoute
Returns a new route with the same settings
replicate() - Method in class movement.MapBasedMovement
replicate() - Method in class movement.MapRouteMovement
replicate() - Method in class movement.MovementModel
Creates a replicate of the movement model.
replicate() - Method in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
replicate() - Method in class movement.RandomWalk
replicate() - Method in class movement.RandomWaypoint
replicate() - Method in class movement.ShortestPathMapBasedMovement
replicate() - Method in class movement.StationaryMovement
replicate() - Method in class movement.WorkingDayMovement
replicate() - Method in class routing.DirectDeliveryRouter
replicate() - Method in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
replicate() - Method in class routing.EpidemicOracleRouter
replicate() - Method in class routing.EpidemicRouter
replicate() - Method in class routing.FirstContactRouter
replicate() - Method in class routing.maxprop.MeetingProbabilitySet
Returns a deep copy of the probability set
replicate() - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouter
replicate() - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
replicate() - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Creates a replicate of this router.
replicate() - Method in class routing.PassiveRouter
replicate() - Method in class routing.ProphetRouter
replicate() - Method in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
replicate() - Method in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
report - package report
Contains all the report classes.
Report - Class in report
Abstract superclass for all reports.
Report() - Constructor for class report.Report
REPORT_NS - Static variable in class report.Report
Name space of the settings that are common to all reports ("Report").
REPORT_S - Static variable in class ui.DTNSimUI
Report class name -setting id prefix ("Report.report").
REPORTDIR_SETTING - Static variable in class report.Report
The default output directory of reports (can be overridden per report with Report.OUTPUT_SETTING) -setting id ("Report.reportDir")
REPORTED_MESSAGES - Static variable in class report.MessageLocationReport
Reported messages -setting id ("messages").
REPORTED_NODES - Static variable in class report.EnergyLevelReport
Optional reported nodes (comma separated list of network addresses).
reportedMessages - Variable in class report.MessageLocationReport
Identifiers of the message which are reported
reportedNodes - Variable in class report.EnergyLevelReport
Networks addresses (integers) of the nodes which are reported
reports - Variable in class ui.DTNSimUI
Reports that are loaded for this simulation
requestDeliverableMessages(Connection) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Requests for deliverable message from this host to be sent trough a connection.
requestDeliverableMessages(Connection) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
requestDeliverableMessages(Connection) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Requests for deliverable message from this router to be sent trough a connection.
reset() - Static method in class core.DTNHost
Reset the host and its interfaces
reset() - Static method in class core.Message
Resets all static fields to default values
reset() - Static method in class core.NetworkInterface
Resets the static fields of the class
reset() - Static method in class core.SimClock
Resets the static fields of the class
reset() - Static method in class core.SimScenario
reset() - Static method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid
reset() - Static method in class movement.BusControlSystem
reset() - Static method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
reset() - Static method in class movement.EveningActivityControlSystem
reset() - Static method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
reset() - Static method in class movement.ExternalMovement
Reset state so that next instance will have a fresh state
reset() - Static method in class movement.MovementModel
Resets all static fields to default values
reset() - Static method in class routing.EpidemicOracleRouter
Resets the static router list
RESET_METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class core.DTNSim
Name of the static method that all resettable classes must have
RESPONSE_PREFIX - Static variable in class routing.ActiveRouter
prefix of all response message IDs
restoreNameSpace() - Method in class core.Settings
Restores the namespace that was in use before a call to setNameSpace
restoreSecondaryNamespace() - Method in class core.Settings
Restores the secondary namespace that was in use before a call to setSecondaryNameSpace
rng - Variable in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Random number generator for this Class
rng - Static variable in class movement.MovementModel
common rng for all movement models in the simulation
RNG_SEED - Static variable in class movement.MovementModel
movement models' rng seed -setting id ("rngSeed")
ROUTE_FILE_S - Static variable in class movement.MapRouteMovement
Per node group setting used for selecting a route file ("routeFile")
ROUTE_FIRST_STOP_S - Static variable in class movement.MapRouteMovement
Per node group setting for selecting which stop (counting from 0 from the start of the route) should be the first one.
ROUTE_TYPE_S - Static variable in class movement.MapRouteMovement
Per node group setting used for selecting a route's type ("routeType").
ROUTER_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
router class -setting id ("router")
routing - package routing
Contains all the router classes who decide how to handle the messages.
routing.maxprop - package routing.maxprop
Contains MaxProp routing module specific classes.
routing.schedule - package routing.schedule
RoutingInfo - Class in routing
Class for storing routing related information in a tree form for user interface(s).
RoutingInfo(String) - Constructor for class routing.RoutingInfo
Creates a routing info based on a text.
RoutingInfo(Object) - Constructor for class routing.RoutingInfo
Creates a routing info based on any object.
RoutingInfoWindow - Class in gui
A window for displaying routing information
RoutingInfoWindow(DTNHost) - Constructor for class gui.RoutingInfoWindow
runSim() - Method in class gui.DTNSimGUI
runSim() - Method in class ui.DTNSimTextUI
runSim() - Method in class ui.DTNSimUI
Runs simulation after the model has been initialized.


scale - Static variable in class gui.playfield.PlayFieldGraphic
Common scaling factor for all playfield graphics.
scale(double) - Static method in class gui.playfield.PlayFieldGraphic
Scales the value according to current zoom level
scale(int) - Static method in class gui.playfield.PlayFieldGraphic
Scales the value according to current zoom level
ScaleReferenceGraphic - Class in gui.playfield
Reference scale bar graphic.
ScaleReferenceGraphic() - Constructor for class gui.playfield.ScaleReferenceGraphic
SCAN_ENERGY_S - Static variable in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
Energy usage per scanning -setting id ("scanEnergy").
SCAN_INTERVAL_ID - Static variable in class core.NetworkInterface
ModuleCommunicationBus identifier for the "scanning interval" variable.
SCAN_INTERVAL_S - Static variable in class core.NetworkInterface
scanning interval -setting id ("scanInterval")
SCAN_INTERVAL_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
scanning interval -setting id ("scanInterval")
scen - Variable in class ui.DTNSimUI
Scenario of the current simulation
SCENARIO_NS - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
namespace of scenario settings ("Scenario")
ScheduleDijkstra - Class in routing.schedule
Dijkstra's shortest path implementation for schedule data
ScheduleDijkstra(ScheduleOracle) - Constructor for class routing.schedule.ScheduleDijkstra
ScheduledUpdatesQueue - Class in input
Event queue where simulation objects can request an update to happen at the specified simulation time.
ScheduledUpdatesQueue() - Constructor for class input.ScheduledUpdatesQueue
ScheduleEntry - Class in routing.schedule
ScheduleEntry(double, int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class routing.schedule.ScheduleEntry
Constructor of new schedule entry
ScheduleOracle - Class in routing.schedule
ScheduleOracle() - Constructor for class routing.schedule.ScheduleOracle
scheduleUpdate(double) - Method in class core.World
Schedules an update request to all nodes to happen at the specified simulation time.
SECONDS_IN_UNIT_S - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouter
Number of seconds in time unit -setting id ("secondsInTimeUnit").
selectDestination() - Method in class movement.map.PointsOfInterest
Selects a random destination from POIs or all MapNodes.
selectRandomOkNode(List<MapNode>) - Method in class movement.MapBasedMovement
Selects and returns a random node that is OK from a list of nodes.
SEND - Static variable in class input.StandardEventsReader
Identifier of message transfer start event ("S")
SEND_QUEUE_MODE_S - Static variable in class routing.MessageRouter
Message/fragment sending queue type -setting id ("sendQueue").
sendEventToListeners(String, Object, DTNHost) - Method in class core.Application
Sends an event to all listeners.
SENDING - Static variable in class input.MessageRelayEvent
Message relay stage constant for start of sending
sendingConnections - Variable in class routing.ActiveRouter
connection(s) that are currently used for sending
sendMessage(String, DTNHost) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Sends a message from this host to another host
sendMessage(String, DTNHost) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Start sending a message to another host.
setAllHosts(Collection<DTNHost>) - Method in class report.AdjacencyGraphvizReport
Sets all hosts that should be in the graph at least once
setAlpha(double) - Method in class routing.maxprop.MeetingProbabilitySet
Enables changing the alpha parameter dynamically
setAppID(String) - Method in class core.Application
Sets the application ID.
setAppID(String) - Method in class core.Message
setAppListeners(List<ApplicationListener>) - Method in class core.Application
setAutoClearOverlay(boolean) - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayField
Enables or disables the automatic clearing of overlay graphics.
setBidirectional(boolean) - Method in class input.WKTMapReader
Sets bidirectional paths on/off.
setBusStops(List<Coord>) - Method in class movement.BusControlSystem
Set the bus stops that belong to this system
setClisteners(List<ConnectionListener>) - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
For setting the connectionListeners
setComBus(ModuleCommunicationBus) - Method in class movement.MovementModel
Sets the module communication bus for this movement model
setCurrentMovementModel(SwitchableMovement) - Method in class movement.ExtendedMovementModel
Sets the current movement model to be used the next time getPath() is called
setDebugLevel(int) - Method in class core.Debug
Sets the current debug level (smaller level -> more messages)
setDelta(double) - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleEntry
setDestination(Coord) - Method in class movement.EveningTrip
Sets the destination square of the trip.
setDestMax(int) - Method in class applications.PingApplication
setDestMin(int) - Method in class applications.PingApplication
setDone(boolean) - Method in class input.WKTReader
Sets the "is file read" state
setDrawConnections(boolean) - Static method in class gui.playfield.NodeGraphic
Sets whether node's connections to other nodes should be drawn
setDrawCoverage(boolean) - Static method in class gui.playfield.NodeGraphic
Sets whether radio coverage of nodes should be drawn
setDrawNodeName(boolean) - Static method in class gui.playfield.NodeGraphic
Sets whether node's name should be displayed
setEncounters(int[]) - Method in class report.TotalEncountersReport
setEnergy(double[]) - Method in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
Sets the current energy level into the given range using uniform random distribution.
setEvents(DTN2Events) - Static method in class core.DTN2Manager
Sets the DTN2Events object.
setFocus(DTNHost) - Method in class gui.DTNSimGUI
Sets a node's graphical presentation in the center of the playfield view
setHost(DTNHost) - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
For setting the host - needed when a prototype is copied for several hosts
setInterval(double) - Method in class applications.PingApplication
setLastPing(double) - Method in class applications.PingApplication
setLocation(double, double) - Method in class core.Coord
Sets the location of this coordinate object
setLocation(Coord) - Method in class core.Coord
Sets this coordinate's location to be equal to other coordinates location
setLocation(Coord) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Sets the Node's location overriding any location set by movement model
setLocation(Coord) - Method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
setLocation(Coord) - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
setLocation(Coord) - Method in class movement.HomeActivityMovement
setLocation(Coord) - Method in class movement.MapBasedMovement
setLocation(Coord) - Method in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
setLocation(Coord) - Method in class movement.RandomWalk
setLocation(Coord) - Method in interface movement.SwitchableMovement
Tell the movement model what its current location is
setMap(SimMap) - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayField
Sets the source for the map graphics and enables map graphics showing
setMap(SimMap) - Method in class movement.BusControlSystem
Provide the system with the map
setMaxGroupSize(int) - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
setMeetingSpots(List<Coord>) - Method in class movement.EveningActivityControlSystem
Sets the meeting locations the nodes can choose among
setMinGroupSize(int) - Method in class movement.EveningActivityMovement
setName(String) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Sets the Node's name overriding the default name (groupId + netAddress)
setNameSpace(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Sets the namespace to something else than the current namespace.
setNextEventQueue() - Method in class core.World
Goes through all event Queues and sets the event queue that has the next event.
setNextIndex(int) - Method in class movement.map.MapRoute
Sets the next index for this route
setNextRoute(Coord, Coord) - Method in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
Sets the next route for the traveller, so that it can decide wether it should take the bus or not.
setNextRoute(Coord, Coord) - Method in class movement.CarMovement
Sets the next route to be taken
setNextRoute(Coord, Coord) - Method in interface movement.TransportMovement
setNodeRelationships(int[][]) - Method in class report.UniqueEncountersReport
setNormalize(boolean) - Method in class input.ExternalMovementReader
Sets normalizing of read values on/off.
setNrofPreload(int) - Method in class input.ExternalEventsQueue
Sets maximum number of events that are read when the next preload occurs
setPassive(boolean) - Method in class applications.PingApplication
setPath(Path) - Method in class movement.EveningTrip
Sets the shopping path for the group
setPaused(boolean) - Method in class gui.DTNSimGUI
Sets the pause of the simulation on/off
setPaused(boolean) - Method in class gui.GUIControls
Sets simulation to pause or play.
setPauseOnEvent(boolean) - Method in class gui.EventLogControl
Sets ought this event type cause pause (return true for EventLogControl.pauseOnEvent() )
setPingSize(int) - Method in class applications.PingApplication
setPongSize(int) - Method in class applications.PingApplication
setPrefix(String) - Method in class report.Report
Sets a prefix that will be inserted before every line in the report
setPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in class core.Debug
Sets print stream of debug output.
setRandomNumberGenerator(Random) - Method in class movement.EveningActivityControlSystem
Sets the random number generator to be used
setReceiveTime(double) - Method in class core.Message
Sets the time when this message was received.
setReporter(DTN2Reporter) - Static method in class core.DTN2Manager
Sets the DTN2Reporter object used to pass messages from ONE to dtnd.
setRequest(Message) - Method in class core.Message
If this message is a response to a request, sets the request message
setResponseSize(int) - Method in class core.Message
Sets the requested response message's size.
setRunIndex(int) - Static method in class core.Settings
Sets the run index for the settings (only has effect on settings with run array).
setScale(double) - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayField
Sets the zooming/scaling factor
setScale(double) - Static method in class gui.playfield.PlayFieldGraphic
Set the zooming factor of the graphics to be drawn
setSecondaryNamespace(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Sets a secondary namespace where a setting is searched from if it isn't found from the primary namespace.
setSeed(int) - Method in class applications.PingApplication
setShowEvent(boolean) - Method in class gui.EventLogControl
Sets ought this event type should be shown (return true for EventLogControl.showEvent() )
setShowMapGraphic(boolean) - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayField
Enables/disables showing of map graphics
setSimTime(double) - Method in class gui.GUIControls
Sets the simulation time that control panel shows
setSpeed(double) - Method in class movement.Path
Sets a constant speed for the whole path.
setTime(double) - Method in class core.SimClock
Sets the time of the clock.
SETTING_OUTPUT_S - Static variable in class core.Settings
Setting to define the file name where all read settings are written ("Settings.output".
Settings - Class in core
Interface for simulation settings stored in setting file(s).
Settings(String) - Constructor for class core.Settings
Creates a setting object with a namespace.
Settings() - Constructor for class core.Settings
Create a setting object without namespace.
SETTINGS_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class input.EventQueueHandler
Event queue settings main namespace ("Events")
SETTINGS_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class input.ExternalEventsQueue
ExternalEvents namespace ("ExternalEvents")
SETTINGS_NS - Static variable in class core.World
namespace of optimization settings ("Optimization")
SettingsError - Error in core
Settings related error
SettingsError(String) - Constructor for error core.SettingsError
SettingsError(String, Exception) - Constructor for error core.SettingsError
SettingsError(Exception) - Constructor for error core.SettingsError
setTtl(int) - Method in class core.Message
Sets the initial TTL (time-to-live) for this message.
setUnderlayImage(BufferedImage, double, double, double, double) - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayField
Sets an image to show under the host graphics
setup(World) - Static method in class core.DTN2Manager
Sets up the dtnd connections by parsing the configuration file defined in the DTN2.configFile setting.
setUpState(boolean) - Method in class core.Connection
Sets the state of the connection.
setWaitTimeAtEnd(double) - Method in class movement.EveningTrip
ShortestPathMapBasedMovement - Class in movement
Map based movement model that uses Dijkstra's algorithm to find shortest paths between two random map nodes and Points Of Interest
ShortestPathMapBasedMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.ShortestPathMapBasedMovement
Creates a new movement model based on a Settings object's settings.
ShortestPathMapBasedMovement(ShortestPathMapBasedMovement) - Constructor for class movement.ShortestPathMapBasedMovement
showEvent() - Method in class gui.EventLogControl
Returns true if this event type should be shown
showInfo(DTNHost) - Method in class gui.InfoPanel
Show information about a host
showInfo(Message) - Method in class gui.InfoPanel
Show information about a message
showPath(Path) - Method in class gui.DTNSimGUI
Shows a path on the playfield
shuffleMessages(List<Message>) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Shuffles a messages list so the messages are in random order.
SIM_CON_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
simulate connections -setting id ("simulateConnections")
simCancelled - Variable in class ui.DTNSimUI
is simulation termination requested
SimClock - Class in core
Wall clock for checking the simulation time.
simDone - Variable in class ui.DTNSimUI
has simulation terminated normally
SimError - Error in core
Error in the simulation
SimError(String) - Constructor for error core.SimError
SimError(String, Exception) - Constructor for error core.SimError
SimError(Exception) - Constructor for error core.SimError
SimMap - Class in movement.map
A simulation map for node movement.
SimMap(Map<Coord, MapNode>) - Constructor for class movement.map.SimMap
SimMenuBar - Class in gui
Menu bar of the simulator GUI
SimMenuBar(PlayField) - Constructor for class gui.SimMenuBar
SimpleBroadcastInterface - Class in interfaces
A simple Network Interface that provides a constant bit-rate service, where one transmission can be on at a time.
SimpleBroadcastInterface(Settings) - Constructor for class interfaces.SimpleBroadcastInterface
Reads the interface settings from the Settings file
SimpleBroadcastInterface(SimpleBroadcastInterface) - Constructor for class interfaces.SimpleBroadcastInterface
Copy constructor
SimScenario - Class in core
A simulation scenario used for getting and storing the settings of a simulation run.
SimScenario() - Constructor for class core.SimScenario
Creates a scenario based on Settings object.
simulateConnections() - Method in class core.SimScenario
Returns true if connections should be simulated
skipAllWhitespace(Reader) - Method in class input.WKTReader
Skips all consecutive whitespace characters from reader
skipUntil(Reader, char) - Method in class input.WKTReader
Reads and skips all characters until character "until" is read or end of stream is reached.
sortByQueueMode(List) - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Sorts/shuffles the given list according to the current sending queue mode.
SPEED - Static variable in class movement.MovementModel
node's speed CSV (min, max) -setting id ("speed")
SPEED_ID - Static variable in class core.NetworkInterface
ModuleCommunicationBus identifier for the "transmission speed" variable.
SPRAYANDWAIT_NS - Static variable in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
SprayAndWait router's settings name space ("SprayAndWaitRouter")
SprayAndWaitRouter - Class in routing
Implementation of Spray and wait router as depicted in Spray and Wait: An Efficient Routing Scheme for Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks by Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulus et al.
SprayAndWaitRouter(Settings) - Constructor for class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
SprayAndWaitRouter(SprayAndWaitRouter) - Constructor for class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
Copy constructor.
STAGE_STRINGS - Static variable in class input.MessageRelayEvent
Stage constant -> String representation mapping
StandardEventsReader - Class in input
External events reader for standard-format events (created e.g by the dtnsim2parser).
StandardEventsReader(File) - Constructor for class input.StandardEventsReader
start() - Method in class ui.DTNSimUI
Starts the simulation.
START_LOCATION_S - Static variable in class movement.LinearFormation
Per node group setting for defining the start coordinates of the line ("startLocation")
startTiming(String) - Static method in class core.Debug
Start timing an action.
startTransfer(DTNHost, Message) - Method in class core.CBRConnection
Sets a message that this connection is currently transferring.
startTransfer(DTNHost, Message) - Method in class core.Connection
Sets a message that this connection is currently transferring.
startTransfer(DTNHost, Message) - Method in class core.VBRConnection
Sets a message that this connection is currently transferring.
startTransfer(Message, Connection) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Tries to start a transfer of message using a connection.
STATE_DECIDED_TO_ENTER_A_BUS - Static variable in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
STATE_TRAVELLING_ON_BUS - Static variable in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
STATE_WAITING_FOR_BUS - Static variable in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
STATE_WALKING_ELSEWHERE - Static variable in class movement.BusTravellerMovement
StationaryMovement - Class in movement
A dummy stationary "movement" model where nodes do not move.
StationaryMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.StationaryMovement
Creates a new movement model based on a Settings object's settings.
StationaryMovement(StationaryMovement) - Constructor for class movement.StationaryMovement
Copy constructor.
STD_FOR_TIME_DIFF_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.HomeActivityMovement
storeToBinaryFile(String, List<ExternalEvent>) - Static method in class input.BinaryEventsReader
Stores the events to a binary file
subscribe(String, ModuleCommunicationListener) - Method in class core.ModuleCommunicationBus
Subscribes a module to changes of a certain value.
SwitchableMovement - Interface in movement
Movement models to be used by ExtendedMovementModels should implement this interface
SYNTAX - Static variable in class report.DistanceDelayReport
Syntax of the report lines


time - Variable in class input.ExternalEvent
Time of the event (simulated seconds)
TIME_SCALE_S - Static variable in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
TIME_SCALE_S - Static variable in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
Number of seconds in time scale.
TO_HOST_RANGE_S - Static variable in class input.MessageEventGenerator
(Optional) receiver address range -setting id ("tohosts").
toAddr - Variable in class input.ConnectionEvent
address of the node the (dis)connection is to
toAddr - Variable in class input.MessageEvent
address of the node the message is to
toHostRange - Variable in class input.MessageEventGenerator
Range of host addresses that can be receivers
toInterface - Variable in class core.Connection
toNode - Variable in class core.Connection
toString() - Method in class core.CBRConnection
Returns a String presentation of the connection.
toString() - Method in class core.Connection
Returns a String presentation of the connection.
toString() - Method in class core.Coord
Returns a text representation of the coordinate (rounded to 2 decimals)
toString() - Method in class core.DTNHost
Returns a string presentation of the host.
toString() - Method in class core.Message
Returns a string representation of the message
toString() - Method in class core.ModuleCommunicationBus
toString() - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class core.Settings
Returns a String representation of the stored settings
toString() - Method in class core.SimClock
Returns the current simulation time in a string
toString() - Method in class core.Tuple
Returns a string representation of the tuple
toString() - Method in class core.VBRConnection
Returns a String presentation of the connection.
toString() - Method in class gui.EventLogPanel
toString() - Method in class input.ConnectionEvent
toString() - Method in class input.ExternalEvent
Returns a String representation of the event
toString() - Method in class input.MessageCreateEvent
toString() - Method in class input.MessageDeleteEvent
toString() - Method in class input.MessageEvent
toString() - Method in class input.MessageRelayEvent
toString() - Method in class input.ScheduledUpdatesQueue
toString() - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid.GridCell
Returns a string representation of the cell
toString() - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid
Returns a string representation of the ConnectivityCells object
toString() - Method in class interfaces.InterferenceLimitedInterface
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class interfaces.SimpleBroadcastInterface
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class movement.map.MapNode
Returns a String representation of the map node
toString() - Method in class movement.map.MapRoute
toString() - Method in class movement.map.SimMap
Returns a String representation of the map
toString() - Method in class movement.MovementModel
Returns simply the name of the movement model class
toString() - Method in class movement.Path
Returns a string presentation of the path's coordinates
toString() - Method in class report.ContactTimesReport.ConnectionInfo
Returns a string representation of the info object
toString() - Method in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
toString() - Method in class routing.maxprop.MeetingProbabilitySet
Returns a String presentation of the probabilities
toString() - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Returns a String presentation of this router
toString() - Method in class routing.RoutingInfo
Returns the info text of this routing info.
toString() - Method in class routing.schedule.ScheduleEntry
TotalContactTimeReport - Class in report
Report for total amount of contact times among hosts.
TotalContactTimeReport() - Constructor for class report.TotalContactTimeReport
TotalEncountersReport - Class in report
A report of the distribution of how many encounters (contacts) a node has had
TotalEncountersReport() - Constructor for class report.TotalEncountersReport
transferAborted(Connection) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Method is called just before a transfer is aborted at ActiveRouter.update() due connection going down.
transferDone(Connection) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Method is called just before a transfer is finalized at ActiveRouter.update().
transferDone(Connection) - Method in class routing.EpidemicOracleRouter
transferDone(Connection) - Method in class routing.FirstContactRouter
transferDone(Connection) - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouter
Method is called just before a transfer is finalized at ActiveRouter.update().
transferDone(Connection) - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
Method is called just before a transfer is finalized at ActiveRouter.update().
transferDone(Connection) - Method in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
Called just before a transfer is finalized (by ActiveRouter.update()).
TRANSFERRED - Static variable in class input.MessageRelayEvent
Message relay stage constant for ready delivery
translate(double, double) - Method in class core.Coord
Moves the point by dx and dy
translate(double, double) - Method in class movement.map.SimMap
Translate whole map by dx and dy
TRANSMIT_ENERGY_S - Static variable in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
Energy usage per second when sending -setting id ("transmitEnergy").
TRANSMIT_RANGE_S - Static variable in class core.NetworkInterface
transmit range -setting id ("transmitRange")
TRANSMIT_SPEED_S - Static variable in class core.NetworkInterface
transmit speed -setting id ("transmitSpeed")
transmitRange - Variable in class core.NetworkInterface
transmitSpeed - Variable in class core.NetworkInterface
TransportMovement - Interface in movement
MovementModels used for transportation should implement this interface
TRY_LATER_BUSY - Static variable in class routing.MessageRouter
Receive return value for busy receiver
tryAllMessages(Connection, List<Message>) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Goes trough the messages until the other node accepts one for receiving (or doesn't accept any).
tryAllMessagesToAllConnections() - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Tries to send all messages that this router is carrying to all connections this node has.
tryMessagesForConnected(List<Tuple<Message, Connection>>) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Tries to send messages for the connections that are mentioned in the Tuples in the order they are in the list until one of the connections starts transferring or all tuples have been tried.
tryMessagesToConnections(List<Message>, List<Connection>) - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Tries to send all given messages to all given connections.
TTL_CHECK_INTERVAL - Static variable in class routing.ActiveRouter
how often TTL check (discarding old messages) is performed
Tuple<K,V> - Class in core
A generic key-value tuple.
Tuple(K, V) - Constructor for class core.Tuple
Creates a new tuple.


ui - package ui
Contains superclass for all user interfaces and a simple user interface(s).
UI_UP_INTERVAL - Static variable in class ui.DTNSimTextUI
How often the UI view is updated (milliseconds)
UniqueEncountersReport - Class in report
UniqueEncountersReport class creates a report of the distribution of how many promilles of the other nodes a node has encountered.
UniqueEncountersReport() - Constructor for class report.UniqueEncountersReport
unsubscribe(String, ModuleCommunicationListener) - Method in class core.ModuleCommunicationBus
Removes a notification subscription
UP_INT_S - Static variable in class core.SimScenario
update interval -setting id ("updateInterval")
UP_SPEEDS - Static variable in class gui.GUIControls
GUI update speeds.
update(DTNHost) - Method in class applications.PingApplication
Sends a ping packet if this is an active application instance.
update(DTNHost) - Method in class core.Application
Called every simulation cycle.
update() - Method in class core.Connection
Calculate the current transmission speed from the information given by the interfaces, and calculate the missing data amount.
update(boolean) - Method in class core.DTNHost
Updates node's network layer and router.
update() - Method in class core.NetworkInterface
Updates the state of current connections (ie tears down connections that are out of range, recalculates transmission speeds etc.).
update() - Method in class core.VBRConnection
Calculate the current transmission speed from the information given by the interfaces, and calculate the missing data amount.
update() - Method in class core.World
Update (move, connect, disconnect etc.) all hosts in the world.
update(boolean) - Method in class gui.DTNSimGUI
Updates the GUI
update() - Method in class interfaces.InterferenceLimitedInterface
Updates the state of current connections (i.e., tears down connections that are out of range).
update() - Method in class interfaces.SimpleBroadcastInterface
Updates the state of current connections (ie tears down connections that are out of range).
update() - Method in class routing.ActiveRouter
Checks out all sending connections to finalize the ready ones and abort those whose connection went down.
update() - Method in class routing.DirectDeliveryRouter
update() - Method in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
update() - Method in class routing.EpidemicOracleRouter
update() - Method in class routing.EpidemicRouter
update() - Method in class routing.FirstContactRouter
update() - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouter
update() - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
update() - Method in class routing.MessageRouter
Updates router.
update() - Method in class routing.PassiveRouter
update() - Method in class routing.ProphetRouter
update() - Method in class routing.ProphetRouterWithEstimation
update() - Method in class routing.SprayAndWaitRouter
updated(List<DTNHost>) - Method in interface core.UpdateListener
Method is called on every update cycle.
updated(List<DTNHost>) - Method in class report.ContactsDuringAnICTReport
updated(List<DTNHost>) - Method in class report.EncountersVSUniqueEncountersReport
updated(List<DTNHost>) - Method in class report.EnergyLevelReport
Creates a new snapshot of the energy levels if "granularity" seconds have passed since the last snapshot.
updated(List<DTNHost>) - Method in class report.MessageLocationReport
Creates a new snapshot of the message locations if "granularity" seconds have passed since the last snapshot.
updated(List<DTNHost>) - Method in class report.TotalContactTimeReport
Reports total contact time if more time than defined with setting ContactTimesReport.GRANULARITY has passed.
updated(List<DTNHost>) - Method in class report.TotalEncountersReport
updated(List<DTNHost>) - Method in class report.UniqueEncountersReport
updateDouble(String, double) - Method in class core.ModuleCommunicationBus
Changes the Double value with given key with the value delta
updateEstimators(DTNHost) - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
Updates the MaxPROP estimators
updateField() - Method in class gui.playfield.PlayField
Schedule the play field to be drawn
UpdateListener - Interface in core
Interface for classes that want to be informed about every single update call to the World object.
updateLocation(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityGrid
Checks and updates (if necessary) interface's position in the grid
updateLocation(NetworkInterface) - Method in class interfaces.ConnectivityOptimizer
Updates a network interface's location
updateMeetingProbFor(Integer) - Method in class routing.maxprop.MeetingProbabilitySet
Updates meeting probability for the given node index.
updateMeetingProbFor(Integer, double) - Method in class routing.maxprop.MeetingProbabilitySet
updateParam() - Method in class routing.MaxPropRouterWithEstimation
update the alpha parameter based on the estimators
updateProperty(String, Object) - Method in class core.Message
Updates a value for an existing property.
updateProperty(String, Object) - Method in class core.ModuleCommunicationBus
Updates a value for an existing property.


valueFillString(String) - Method in class core.Settings
Fills a String formatted in a special way with values from Settings.
VBRConnection - Class in core
A connection between two DTN nodes.
VBRConnection(DTNHost, NetworkInterface, DTNHost, NetworkInterface) - Constructor for class core.VBRConnection
Creates a new connection between nodes and sets the connection state to "up".


WAIT_TIME - Static variable in class movement.MovementModel
node's wait time CSV (min, max) -setting id ("waitTime")
WARMUP_S - Static variable in class report.Report
Warm up period -setting id ("warmup").
WARMUP_S - Static variable in class routing.EnergyAwareRouter
Energy update warmup period -setting id ("energyWarmup").
warmupIDs - Variable in class report.Report
warmupMovementModel(double) - Method in class core.World
Moves hosts in the world for the time given time initialize host positions properly.
warmupTime - Variable in class report.Report
WKTMapReader - Class in input
"Well-known text syntax" map data reader.
Note: Understands only LINESTRINGs and MULTILINESTRINGs.
WKTMapReader(boolean) - Constructor for class input.WKTMapReader
WKTReader - Class in input
Class for reading "Well-known text syntax" files.
WKTReader() - Constructor for class input.WKTReader
WORK_DAY_LENGTH_SETTING - Static variable in class movement.OfficeActivityMovement
WorkingDayMovement - Class in movement
This movement model makes use of several other movement models to simulate movement with daily routines.
WorkingDayMovement(Settings) - Constructor for class movement.WorkingDayMovement
Creates a new instance of WorkingDayMovement
WorkingDayMovement(WorkingDayMovement) - Constructor for class movement.WorkingDayMovement
Creates a new instance of WorkingDayMovement from a prototype
World - Class in core
World contains all the nodes and is responsible for updating their location and connections.
World(List<DTNHost>, int, int, double, List<UpdateListener>, boolean, List<EventQueue>) - Constructor for class core.World
world - Variable in class ui.DTNSimUI
The World where all actors of the simulator are
WORLD_SIZE - Static variable in class movement.MovementModel
world's size CSV (width, height) -setting id ("worldSize")
write(String) - Method in class report.Report
Writes a line to report using defined prefix and Report.out writer.


ZOOM_LEVELS - Static variable in class gui.GUIControls
Zoom levels for GUI