Package report

Contains all the report classes.


Class Summary
AdjacencyGraphvizReport Generates Graphviz compatible graph from connections.
ConnectivityDtnsim2Report Link connectivity report generator for DTNSim2 input.
ConnectivityONEReport Link connectivity report generator for ONE StandardEventsReader input.
ContactsDuringAnICTReport The number of contacts during an inter-contact time metric is similar to the inter-contact times metric, except that instead of measuring the time until a node meets again, we count the number of other nodes both of the nodes meet separately.
ContactsPerHourReport This report counts the number of contacts each hour
ContactTimesReport Reports the node contact time (i.e., how long they were in the range of each other) distribution.
CreatedMessagesReport Reports information about all created messages.
DeliveredMessagesReport Report information about all delivered messages.
DistanceDelayReport Report for how far apart the nodes were when the message was sent and how long time & how many hops it took to deliver it.
DTN2Reporter The DTN2Reporter class is responsible for delivering bundles from The ONE to dtnd.
EncountersVSUniqueEncountersReport The total- vs.
EnergyLevelReport Node energy level report.
EventLogReport Report that creates same output as the GUI's event log panel but formatted like StandardEventsReader input.
InterContactTimesReport Reports the inter-contact time (i.e., the time between the end of previous contact and the beginning of a new contact between two hosts) distribution.
MessageDelayReport Reports delivered messages' delays (one line per delivered message) and cumulative delivery probability sorted by message delays.
MessageDeliveryReport Report for of amount of messages delivered vs.
MessageGraphvizReport Creates a graphviz compatible graph of messages that were passed.
MessageLocationReport Message location report.
MessageReport Reports delivered messages report: message_id creation_time deliver_time (duplicate)
MessageStatsReport Report for generating different kind of total statistics about message relaying performance.
MovementNs2Report Movement report that generates suitable movement data for ns-2 simulator as described in
PingAppReporter Reporter for the PingApplication.
Report Abstract superclass for all reports.
TotalContactTimeReport Report for total amount of contact times among hosts.
TotalEncountersReport A report of the distribution of how many encounters (contacts) a node has had
UniqueEncountersReport UniqueEncountersReport class creates a report of the distribution of how many promilles of the other nodes a node has encountered.

Package report Description

Contains all the report classes. Reports can be used to create e.g. statistics and visualizations of the simulation. All report classes must be in this package and must extend the Report class so they can be dynamically loaded to the simulator. The classes to load can be specified trough Settings class' settings source. See Report class and classes extending it for details about the settings.