Package routing

Contains all the router classes who decide how to handle the messages.


Class Summary
ActiveRouter Superclass of active routers.
DirectDeliveryRouter Router that will deliver messages only to the final recipient.
EnergyAwareRouter Energy level-aware variant of Epidemic router.
EpidemicOracleRouter Epidemic message router with an oracle that tells when a message is delivered and that message is then removed from all nodes that use this routing module.
EpidemicRouter Epidemic message router with drop-oldest buffer and only single transferring connections at a time.
FirstContactRouter First contact router which uses only a single copy of the message (or fragments) and forwards it to the first available contact.
MaxPropRouter Implementation of MaxProp router as described in MaxProp: Routing for Vehicle-Based Disruption-Tolerant Networks by John Burgess et al.
MaxPropRouterWithEstimation Implementation of MaxProp router as described in MaxProp: Routing for Vehicle-Based Disruption-Tolerant Networks by John Burgess et al.
MessageRouter Superclass for message routers.
PassiveRouter Passive router that doesn't send anything unless commanded.
ProphetRouter Implementation of PRoPHET router as described in Probabilistic routing in intermittently connected networks by Anders Lindgren et al.
ProphetRouterWithEstimation Implementation of PRoPHET router as described in Probabilistic routing in intermittently connected networks by Anders Lindgren et al.
RoutingInfo Class for storing routing related information in a tree form for user interface(s).
SprayAndWaitRouter Implementation of Spray and wait router as depicted in Spray and Wait: An Efficient Routing Scheme for Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks by Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulus et al.

Package routing Description

Contains all the router classes who decide how to handle the messages. All router classes must be in this package and must extend the MessageRouter (when creating new routers, extending ActiveRouter might make sense) class so they can be dynamically loaded to the simulator. The classes to load can be specified through Settings class' settings source. See MessageRouter class and classes extending it for details about the settings.