Class CarMovement

  extended by movement.MovementModel
      extended by movement.MapBasedMovement
          extended by movement.CarMovement
All Implemented Interfaces:
SwitchableMovement, TransportMovement

public class CarMovement
extends MapBasedMovement
implements SwitchableMovement, TransportMovement

The CarMovement class representing the car movement submodel

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class movement.MapBasedMovement
backAllowed, FILE_S, lastMapNode, MAP_BASE_MOVEMENT_NS, MAP_SELECT_S, maxPathLength, minPathLength, NROF_FILES_S
Fields inherited from class movement.MovementModel
comBus, DEF_SPEEDS, DEF_WAIT_TIMES, maxSpeed, maxWaitTime, minSpeed, minWaitTime, MOVEMENT_MODEL_NS, rng, RNG_SEED, SPEED, WAIT_TIME, WORLD_SIZE
Constructor Summary
CarMovement(CarMovement proto)
          Construct a new CarMovement instance from a prototype
CarMovement(Settings settings)
          Car movement constructor
Method Summary
 Path getPath()
          Returns a new path by this movement model or null if no new path could be constructed at the moment (node should wait where it is).
 boolean isReady()
          Checks if the movement model is finished doing its task and it's time to switch to the next movement model.
 void setNextRoute(Coord nodeLocation, Coord nodeDestination)
          Sets the next route to be taken
Methods inherited from class movement.MapBasedMovement
getInitialLocation, getLastLocation, getMap, getOkMapNodeTypes, replicate, selectRandomOkNode, setLocation
Methods inherited from class movement.MovementModel
generateSpeed, generateWaitTime, getComBus, getMaxX, getMaxY, isActive, nextPathAvailable, reset, setComBus, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface movement.SwitchableMovement
getLastLocation, setLocation

Constructor Detail


public CarMovement(Settings settings)
Car movement constructor

settings -


public CarMovement(CarMovement proto)
Construct a new CarMovement instance from a prototype

proto -
Method Detail


public void setNextRoute(Coord nodeLocation,
                         Coord nodeDestination)
Sets the next route to be taken

Specified by:
setNextRoute in interface TransportMovement
nodeLocation -
nodeDestination -


public Path getPath()
Description copied from class: MovementModel
Returns a new path by this movement model or null if no new path could be constructed at the moment (node should wait where it is). A new path should not be requested before the destination of the previous path has been reached.

getPath in class MapBasedMovement
A new path or null


public boolean isReady()
Description copied from interface: SwitchableMovement
Checks if the movement model is finished doing its task and it's time to switch to the next movement model. The method should be called between getPath() calls.

Specified by:
isReady in interface SwitchableMovement
isReady in class MapBasedMovement
See Also: