Class MapBasedMovement

  extended by movement.MovementModel
      extended by movement.MapBasedMovement
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BusTravellerMovement, CarMovement, EveningActivityMovement, HomeActivityMovement, MapRouteMovement, OfficeActivityMovement, ShortestPathMapBasedMovement

public class MapBasedMovement
extends MovementModel
implements SwitchableMovement

Map based movement model which gives out Paths that use the roads of a SimMap.

Field Summary
protected  boolean backAllowed
          May a node choose to move back the same way it came at a crossing
static java.lang.String FILE_S
          map file -setting id ("mapFile")
protected  MapNode lastMapNode
          node where the last path ended or node next to initial placement
static java.lang.String MAP_BASE_MOVEMENT_NS
          map based movement model's settings namespace ("MapBasedMovement")
static java.lang.String MAP_SELECT_S
          Per node group setting for selecting map node types that are OK for this node group to traverse trough.
protected  int maxPathLength
          max nrof map nodes to travel/path
protected  int minPathLength
          min nrof map nodes to travel/path
static java.lang.String NROF_FILES_S
          number of map files -setting id ("nrofMapFiles")
Fields inherited from class movement.MovementModel
comBus, DEF_SPEEDS, DEF_WAIT_TIMES, maxSpeed, maxWaitTime, minSpeed, minWaitTime, MOVEMENT_MODEL_NS, rng, RNG_SEED, SPEED, WAIT_TIME, WORLD_SIZE
Constructor Summary
protected MapBasedMovement(MapBasedMovement mbm)
  MapBasedMovement(Settings settings)
          Creates a new MapBasedMovement based on a Settings object's settings.
  MapBasedMovement(Settings settings, SimMap newMap, int nrofMaps)
          Creates a new MapBasedMovement based on a Settings object's settings but with different SimMap
Method Summary
 Coord getInitialLocation()
          Returns a (random) coordinate that is between two adjacent MapNodes
 Coord getLastLocation()
          Get the last location the getPath() of this movement model has returned
 SimMap getMap()
          Returns the SimMap this movement model uses
protected  int[] getOkMapNodeTypes()
          Returns map node types that are OK for this movement model in an array or null if all values are considered ok
 Path getPath()
          Returns a new path by this movement model or null if no new path could be constructed at the moment (node should wait where it is).
 boolean isReady()
          Checks if the movement model is finished doing its task and it's time to switch to the next movement model.
 MapBasedMovement replicate()
          Creates a replicate of the movement model.
protected  MapNode selectRandomOkNode(java.util.List<MapNode> nodes)
          Selects and returns a random node that is OK from a list of nodes.
 void setLocation(Coord lastWaypoint)
          Tell the movement model what its current location is
Methods inherited from class movement.MovementModel
generateSpeed, generateWaitTime, getComBus, getMaxX, getMaxY, isActive, nextPathAvailable, reset, setComBus, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected MapNode lastMapNode
node where the last path ended or node next to initial placement


protected int maxPathLength
max nrof map nodes to travel/path


protected int minPathLength
min nrof map nodes to travel/path


protected boolean backAllowed
May a node choose to move back the same way it came at a crossing


public static final java.lang.String MAP_BASE_MOVEMENT_NS
map based movement model's settings namespace ("MapBasedMovement")

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String NROF_FILES_S
number of map files -setting id ("nrofMapFiles")

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FILE_S
map file -setting id ("mapFile")

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String MAP_SELECT_S
Per node group setting for selecting map node types that are OK for this node group to traverse trough. Value must be a comma separated list of integers in range of [1,31]. Values reference to map file indexes (see FILE_S). If setting is not defined, all map nodes are considered OK.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public MapBasedMovement(Settings settings)
Creates a new MapBasedMovement based on a Settings object's settings.

settings - The Settings object where the settings are read from


public MapBasedMovement(Settings settings,
                        SimMap newMap,
                        int nrofMaps)
Creates a new MapBasedMovement based on a Settings object's settings but with different SimMap

settings - The Settings object where the settings are read from
newMap - The SimMap to use
nrofMaps - How many map "files" are in the map


protected MapBasedMovement(MapBasedMovement mbm)

mbm - The MapBasedMovement object to base the new object to
Method Detail


public Coord getInitialLocation()
Returns a (random) coordinate that is between two adjacent MapNodes

Specified by:
getInitialLocation in class MovementModel
The initial coordinates for a node


protected int[] getOkMapNodeTypes()
Returns map node types that are OK for this movement model in an array or null if all values are considered ok

map node types that are OK for this movement model in an array


public Path getPath()
Description copied from class: MovementModel
Returns a new path by this movement model or null if no new path could be constructed at the moment (node should wait where it is). A new path should not be requested before the destination of the previous path has been reached.

Specified by:
getPath in class MovementModel
A new path or null


protected MapNode selectRandomOkNode(java.util.List<MapNode> nodes)
Selects and returns a random node that is OK from a list of nodes. Whether node is OK, is determined by the okMapNodeTypes list. If okMapNodeTypes are defined, the given list must contain at least one OK node to prevent infinite looping.

nodes - The list of nodes to choose from.
A random node from the list (that is OK if ok list is defined)


public SimMap getMap()
Returns the SimMap this movement model uses

The SimMap this movement model uses


public MapBasedMovement replicate()
Description copied from class: MovementModel
Creates a replicate of the movement model.

Specified by:
replicate in class MovementModel
A new movement model with the same settings as this model


public Coord getLastLocation()
Description copied from interface: SwitchableMovement
Get the last location the getPath() of this movement model has returned

Specified by:
getLastLocation in interface SwitchableMovement
the last location


public void setLocation(Coord lastWaypoint)
Description copied from interface: SwitchableMovement
Tell the movement model what its current location is

Specified by:
setLocation in interface SwitchableMovement


public boolean isReady()
Description copied from interface: SwitchableMovement
Checks if the movement model is finished doing its task and it's time to switch to the next movement model. The method should be called between getPath() calls.

Specified by:
isReady in interface SwitchableMovement
true if ready