Package movement

Contains different movement models and related classes for the simulator.


Interface Summary
SwitchableMovement Movement models to be used by ExtendedMovementModels should implement this interface
TransportMovement MovementModels used for transportation should implement this interface

Class Summary
ActivenessHandler Object of this class tell the movement models when a node belonging to a certain group is active and when not.
BusControlSystem This class controls busses and passengers that can use the bus.
BusMovement This class controls the movement of busses.
BusTravellerMovement This class controls the movement of bus travellers.
CarMovement The CarMovement class representing the car movement submodel
EveningActivityControlSystem This class controls the group mobility of the people meeting their friends in the evening
EveningActivityMovement A Class to model movement when people are out shopping or doing other activities with friends.
EveningTrip A class to encapsulate information about a shopping trip 1.
ExtendedMovementModel Classes derived from this can make use of other movement models that implement the SwitchableMovement interface.
ExternalMovement Movement model that uses external data of node locations.
HomeActivityMovement A Class to model movement at home.
LinearFormation A stationary "movement" model where nodes do not move but are in linear formation (i.e., in a line).
MapBasedMovement Map based movement model which gives out Paths that use the roads of a SimMap.
MapRouteMovement Map based movement model that uses predetermined paths within the map area.
MovementModel Superclass for all movement models.
OfficeActivityMovement This class models movement at an office.
Path A Path between multiple Coordinates.
RandomWalk Random Walk movement model
RandomWaypoint Random waypoint movement model.
ShortestPathMapBasedMovement Map based movement model that uses Dijkstra's algorithm to find shortest paths between two random map nodes and Points Of Interest
StationaryMovement A dummy stationary "movement" model where nodes do not move.
WorkingDayMovement This movement model makes use of several other movement models to simulate movement with daily routines.

Package movement Description

Contains different movement models and related classes for the simulator. All movement models have to be in this package and must extend the MovementModel class so they can be dynamically loaded to the simulator. The classes to load can be specified trough Settings class' settings source. See MovementModel class and classes extending it for details about the settings. Complex movement models can store their other classes (the ones that don't extend MovementModel class) to sub packages.