Interface ConnectionListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
AdjacencyGraphvizReport, ConnectivityDtnsim2Report, ConnectivityONEReport, ContactsDuringAnICTReport, ContactsPerHourReport, ContactTimesReport, EncountersVSUniqueEncountersReport, EventLogPanel, EventLogReport, InterContactTimesReport, TotalContactTimeReport, TotalEncountersReport, UniqueEncountersReport

public interface ConnectionListener

Interface for classes that want to be informed about connections between hosts.

Method Summary
 void hostsConnected(DTNHost host1, DTNHost host2)
          Method is called when two hosts are connected.
 void hostsDisconnected(DTNHost host1, DTNHost host2)
          Method is called when connection between hosts is disconnected.

Method Detail


void hostsConnected(DTNHost host1,
                    DTNHost host2)
Method is called when two hosts are connected.

host1 - Host that initiated the connection
host2 - Host that was connected to


void hostsDisconnected(DTNHost host1,
                       DTNHost host2)
Method is called when connection between hosts is disconnected.

host1 - Host that initiated the disconnection
host2 - Host at the other end of the connection