Package core

Contains core classes and interfaces of the simulator.


Interface Summary
ApplicationListener Interface for classes that want to be informed about messages between hosts.
ConnectionListener Interface for classes that want to be informed about connections between hosts.
MessageListener Interface for classes that want to be informed about messages between hosts
ModuleCommunicationListener This interface should be implemented by classes that want to be notified of variable value changes in ModuleCommunicationBuses.
MovementListener Interface for classes that want to be informed about node movement.
UpdateListener Interface for classes that want to be informed about every single update call to the World object.

Class Summary
Application Base class for applications.
CBRConnection A constant bit-rate connection between two DTN nodes.
Connection A connection between two DTN nodes.
Coord Class to hold 2D coordinates and perform simple arithmetics and transformations
Debug Debugging info printer with time stamping.
DTN2Manager Manages the external convergence layer connections to dtnd.
DTN2Manager.EIDHost EID to DTNHost mapping elements.
DTNHost A DTN capable host.
DTNSim Simulator's main class
Message A message that is created at a node or passed between nodes.
ModuleCommunicationBus Intermodule communication bus.
NetworkInterface Network interface of a DTNHost.
ParetoRNG A random number generator for a Pareto distribution
Settings Interface for simulation settings stored in setting file(s).
SimClock Wall clock for checking the simulation time.
SimScenario A simulation scenario used for getting and storing the settings of a simulation run.
Tuple<K,V> A generic key-value tuple.
VBRConnection A connection between two DTN nodes.
World World contains all the nodes and is responsible for updating their location and connections.

Error Summary
SettingsError Settings related error
SimError Error in the simulation

Package core Description

Contains core classes and interfaces of the simulator. Almost all of these classes are needed for every run of the simulator. DTNSim is the main class of the program. It starts up a proper user interface which in turn starts the simulation.

See Also: