Interface EventQueue

All Known Implementing Classes:
DTN2Events, ExternalEventsQueue, MessageBurstGenerator, MessageEventGenerator, OneFromEachMessageGenerator, OneToEachMessageGenerator, ScheduledUpdatesQueue

public interface EventQueue

Interface for event queues. Any class that is not a movement model or a routing module but wishes to provide events for the simulation (like creating messages) must implement this interface and register itself to the simulator. See the EventQueueHandler class for configuration instructions.

Method Summary
 ExternalEvent nextEvent()
          Returns the next event in the queue or ExternalEvent with time of double.MAX_VALUE if there are no events left.
 double nextEventsTime()
          Returns next event's time or Double.MAX_VALUE if there are no events left in the queue.

Method Detail


ExternalEvent nextEvent()
Returns the next event in the queue or ExternalEvent with time of double.MAX_VALUE if there are no events left.

The next event


double nextEventsTime()
Returns next event's time or Double.MAX_VALUE if there are no events left in the queue.

Next event's time