TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

Group assignment instructions

The course Principles of Telecommunications Technology includes a mandatory group assignment. For non-Finnish students the group work is a web assignment completed in groups of three. NOTE that at least one group member has to be fluent in Finnish. More information on the group assignments and in forming the groups is given on Tuesday 19.9.2000 at 14-16 in hall S5.

Web project

The web project is done in groups of three. The D-line for the web pages will be in December. The topics for the groups will be dealt out as soon as possible. The topics are requested (you may request three different topics, but please indicate your preference) by sending e-mail to no later than 21.9.2000 at 24.00.

The assignment is returned electronically, and the best web pages will be published on the laboratories server. This year more than one group may have the same topic and only the best ones are collected as a separate web archive.

The purpose of the assignment is twofold: to encourage the students to deepen their knowledge on a telecommunications technology topic and to learn how to publish in the web. The web pages must be done using standard HTML-language. You may use fancy designs, but remember that the content is your top priority. Furthermore, each group has a quota of 100 kilobytes.


For information concerning the assignment please contact Mari Sipila or Elena Siren

[Aloitus] [Aiheet] [Päiväkirja] [Anominen] [Teksti] [Kuvitus] [HTML] [Palautus] [Arvostelu]

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 19.09.2000 12:44.
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]
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