| Julkaisut
6. Participation in Boards and Committees
6.1 University boards and committees
- Timo Laakso
- Chairman of the Library Committee of the of the Department of Electrical and
Communications Engineering
- Member of the Course Evaluation Committee of the Department of Electrical and
Communications Engineering
- Jorma Virtamo
- Vice chairman of the Steering Committee of the International Centre
- Raimo Kantola
- Vice chairman of the Telecommunications Institute (YVA)
- Member of the Committee of public relations of the Department of Electrical
and Communications Engineering
- Chairman of the Fitness for Work Committee at the Department of Electrical
and Communications Engineering
- Member of Board of Otaverkko Oy, subsidiary of HUT
6.2 Other boards and committees
- Timo Laakso
- Member of the Digital Signal Processing Technical Committee of the IEEE
Circuits and Systems Society
- Member of the editorial board of Applied Signal Processing (Journal by
Springer Verlag)
- Jorma Virtamo
- Raimo Kantola
- Member of the Broad-band Core Networks Group of the TEKES Telecommunications
Technology Programme
- Ramin Baghaie
- Member of Technical Committee of IEEE Finnish Signal Processing Symposium,
FINSIG`97, Pori, Finland, May 1997
- Vice-Chair of GETA course
6.3 Referee activities
- Timo Laakso
- External evaluator of the Lic. Tech. thesis by Mr. P. Ranta, HUT
- External evaluator of the Lic. Tech. thesis by Mr. Heikki Einola, HUT
- External evaluator of the Dr. Tech. thesis by Mr. Jari Iinatti, Oulu
- External evaluator and opponent of the Dr. Tech. thesis by Mr. Markku Juntti,
Oulu University
- Reviewer for the following scientific journals: IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, IEEE Trans. on Communications,
Signal Processing, Applied Signal Processing, Electronic Letters
- Jorma Virtamo
- External evaluator of the PhD thesis by Mr. N. Stol, Norwegian University of
Science and Technology
- Opponent in the Ph.D. dissertation of Mr. N. Stol, Norwegian University of
Science and Technology, Trondheim, March 19, 1997
- External evaluator of the PhD thesis by Mr. S. Manthorpe, Ècole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- Member of the jury in the Ph.D. dissertation of Mr. S. Manthorpe,
Ècole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne,
June 3, 1997
- External evaluator of the PhD thesis by Mr. M. Grundström, Tampere
University of Technology, Tampere
- External evaluator of the Tech.Lic. thesis by Mr. Shaoji Ni
- Evaluation of Dr. J. Jormakka for the position of docent, Helsinki University
of Technology
- Raimo Kantola
- External evaluator of the PhD thesis by Mr. H. Kari, Helsinki University of
- External evaluator of the Tech.Lic. thesis by Mr. J. Häkämies,
- External evaluator of the Tech.Lic. thesis by Mr. M. Loukola, HUT
[ Preface
| Introduction
| Personel
| Research Projects
| Teaching
| Activities
| Participation in Boards and Committees
| Publications ]
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