During the year within the Telecommunications Area the laboratory continued
development of course contents in order to achieve a better alignment of
courses with the Communications laboratory. Collection of student feedback from
all the courses has become a regular practice.
S-38.001 | Telecommunications Forum (Telecommunications Forum) |
S-38.130 | Postgraduate Course in Telecommunications (Teletekniikan lisensiaattikurssi) |
S-38.141 | Teletraffic Theory (Teleliikenneteoria) |
S-38.143 | Queueing Theory (Jonoteoria) |
S-38.200 | Individual Course in Telecommunications (Teletekniikan yksilöllinen opintojakso) |
S-38.201 | Seminar Course in ATM and Multimedia (ATM- ja multimediaseminaari) |
S-38.220 | Licentiate Course in Signal Processing in Communications (Tietoliikenteen signaalinkäsittelyn lisensiaattikurssi) |
S-38.350 | Research Seminar on Telecommunications Technology (Teletekniikan tutkijaseminaari) |
Name | Title of Thesis | Company |
Alkunen R. | Modelling of the IP-type value added service system, in Finnish (Palvelujen mallinnus IP-tyyppisille lisäarvopalvelujärjestelmille) | TELE |
Dahlblom T. | Combined Services for paging and Cellular Network Operators | TM |
Funck R. | Analysis and optimization of the product development process, in Finnish (Tuotekehitysprosessin analysointi ja optimointi) | NTC |
Hautanen T. | Distributed media server system | NRC |
Heimonen A. | Routing in ATM networks | NTC |
Heiskari H. | ATM network requirements on planning of the transmissionnetworks | NTC |
Hänninen E. | Automatic testing of ISDN supplementary services in software updates, in Finnish ( ISDN-liittymän lisäpalvelujen automaattinen testaus ohjelmistomuutosten yhteydessä) | LME |
Juselius K. | Application of combined switching center in the Finnish telephone network | SIE |
Karhula R. | Application of an automated defect tracking tool for software measurement and in-process project control | NTC |
Karjalainen H. | Subjective testing of quality of video service in ATM network, in Finnish (Videopalvelun subjektiivinen laatu ATM-verkossa) | HUT |
Karttunen P. | Comparison of direction of arrival and beamforming methods | HUT |
Nurmi J. | Laboratory education in the Laboratory of telecommunications Technology, in Finnish (Laboratorio-opetus teletekniikan laboratoriossa) | HUT |
Nyberg K. | Creating an electronic mail short message notifier usingJava and Corba | NTC |
Paajanen T. | ABR traffic management in ATM network, in Finnish (ABR-liikenteen hallinta ATM-verkossa) | NTC |
Permikangas S-K | Functional testing as a part of the software process - a case study in a telecommunications company, in Finnish (Toimintotestaus osana ohjelmistooprosessia -tapaustutkimustietoliikennealan yrityksissä) | NTC |
Pesonen M. | Utilization of network management information in fixing of telecommunications network, in Finnish(Verkonhallintainformaation hyödyntäminen HPY:n puheensiirtoverkon viankorjauksessa) | HPY |
Peuhkuri M. | Effects on process scheduling on data traffic, in Finnish (Prosessien vuorottelun vaikutus dataliikenteeseen) | HUT |
Renko J. | A client/server ATM Router Application | TE |
Ronkanen T. | Service data bases of intelligent networks, in Finnish (Älyverkon palvelutietokannat) | TELE |
Sainio S. | Comparison of a rate-based ATM simulator with a cell-based ATM simulator | NTC |
Sohlo U. | Integrating voice to the FastNet service, in Finnish (Puheen liittäminen Telen FastNet-palveluun) | TELE |
Soininen H. | Intelligent network services for cellular operators | TM |
Suokas J. | Enterprise data warehouses as organizations strategic aspect, in Finnish (Konsernitasoiset tietovarastot yrityksen strategisina voima-varoina) | SMG |
Tahkokallio T. | Management and utilization of telecommunications networks using a distributed signalling surveillance system, in Finnish(Televerkkojen hallinta ja hyödyntäminen hajautetun merkin-antojen valvontajärjestelmän avulla) | TELE |
Talala P. | Development of a network monitoring process | LME |
Virtanen J. | Mobile telephone network synchronization | NTC |
Väisänen J. | Supervision processes in transmission networks | NTC |