| Julkaisut
5. Activities
5.1 International conferences and meetings
- COST 257 Management Committee Meeting, Leidschendam, The Netherlands,
January 22-23, 1997 (Virtamo)
- International Conference on Voice, Video and Data Communications 97.
Dallas, Texas (Ilvesmäki, Luoma, Peuhkuri)
- International Conference on Telecommunications, April 2-5, 1997,
Melbourne, Australia (Kankare)
- COST 257 Management Committee Meeting, Helsinki, May 27-28, 1997 (Aalto,
Lassila, Luoma, Peuhkuri, Virtamo (chairman))
- ETSI meeting, May 20-25, 1997, Sophia Antipolis, France (Kantola)
- The 15th International Teletraffic Congress - ITC 15, June 22-27, 1997,
Washington, DC (Virtamo)
- IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC`97, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada, June 8-12, 1997 (Baghaie)
- ATM Year 97 conference, Santa Monica, California, June 23-27.1997
- International Symposium on Information Theory, Ulm, Germany, June 29 -
July 4, 1997. (Laakso)
- The Third IFIP WG6.3 Workshop on Performance of Communication Systems,
August 20-22, 1997, Ghent (Virtamo)
- Inernational Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications, PIMRC`97, Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 1-4, 1997 (Baghaie,
Karttunen, Laakso, Werner)
- COST 257 Management Committee Meeting MC meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia,
September 22-23, 1997 (Lassila)
- IEEE Finnish Signal Processing Symposium, FINSIG`97, Pori, Finland, May
1997 (Baghaie, Karttunen)
- Telecom Voice & Data Switching, November 26-28, 1997,
London (Kantola)
5.2 Foreign visitors in 1997
The following persons have visited the Laboratory of Telecommunications
Technology during the year 1997:
- MSc Josè Apolinario from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil (from August to December)
- MSc David Vazquez Cortizo from Universidad de La Corunna, Facuctad de
Informatica, Spain (from September to February 98)
- Professor Paulo Diniz from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
- Professor Mariane Petraglia from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil in September
[ Preface
| Introduction
| Personel
| Research Projects
| Teaching
| Activities
| Participation in Boards and Committees
| Publications ]
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