TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.165 Switching Technology (3 cr)

Spring 2004 course information


General: Course in Spring 2004 is given in Finnish, but the lecture material is in English.

The course is part of the Networking Technology major and is

The course is also optional in the Teletraffic Theory major and minor.

Topics covered by the course include

Prerequisite: S-72.423 Telecommunication Systems and S-38.188 Computer networks.

Registration and info:
Obligatory registration is via WWW-TOPI. Possible changes in the course will be announced at lectures, lab's bulletin board and on this web page. Please, follow also information in the news group opinnot.sahko.s-38.tietoverkkotekniikka.

Lectures are given on Tuesdays in S2 at 13-16, starting on 20.1.2004. The last lecture is on 20.4.2004. Lecture material will be as a compendium via Edita. The material will also become available on this web page (see Preliminary schedule/material).

Exercises are held on Thursdays in E110 at 10-12. The first exercise is on 22.1.2004 and the last one on 22.4.2004. Active students can gain 0 - 6 exercise points, which are accounted when determining the grade of an exam. The extra points are valid in exams arranged in the year 2004. More information on exercises.

Exercise points

The first exam is on 5.5.2004 in S1 at 16-19. Two additional exams will be organised in the autumn 2004. Exams will be based on the material presented in the lectures and exercises in the spring 2004.

An examination includes five questions and each of them gives 0 - 6 points. The grade of an exam is based on the points yielded from the exam and extra points yielded from the exercises.

Course completion: To complete the course, one has to pass the examination.


Weekly schedule:
Week 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Lecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -- 13 --
Exercise -- 1 -- 2 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- -- 7 --

Preliminary schedule: L = lecture, E = exercise
Day L/E Topic Material Solutions
20.1. L Introduction to switching L1_slides
27.1. L Transmission techniques and multiplexing L2_slides
29.1. E Exercise 1 Ex_1
3.2. L Basics concepts of switch fabrics L3_slides
10.2. L Multistage fabric architectures 1 L4_slides
12.2. E Exercise 2 Ex_2
17.2. L Multistage fabric architectures 2 L5_slides
19.2. E Exercise 3 Ex_3
24.2. L Self-routing and sorting networks L6_slides
2.3. L Switch fabric implementations L7_slides
4.3. E Exercise 4 Ex_4
9.3. L PDH switches L8_slides
11.3. L ATM switches L9_slides
18.3. E Exercise 5 Ex_5
23.3. L Routers L10_slides
30.3. L Introduction to optical networks L11_slides
1.4. E Exercise 6 Ex_6
6.4. L Optical network architectures L12_slides
20.4. L Optical switches L13_slides
22.4. E Exercise 7 Ex_7

Course books:

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 26.01.2005 13:57.
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