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IPANA - IP ATM Network Architectures

IPANA is a three year (1997 - 1999) research project in the area of IP and ATM. IPANA is funded by

The project was initiated and is led by prof. Raimo Kantola. The project is focused on issues of convergence of the Internet and circuit and cell switched networks. The project has two sub-projects:

  1. IP switching studies the use of ATM technology in IP networks.
  2. Voice over IP studies transmission, switching and routing of voice in IP networks and service interoperability of such networks with PSTN/ISDN.

The research is targeting a wide range of objectives. The project is carried out by the HUT Laboratory of Telecommunications Technology with some assistance from the HUT Laboratory of Multimedia and Telecommunications Applications.



IP Switching

Voice over IP

Research environment


We are constantly looking for reinforcements to our project group.

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 03.10.2001 09:54.
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Tutkimus ]