HUT | Networking Laboratory


Quick help...

...on using the qlib.m Mathematica package:

  • Place qlib.m on your computer e.g. into path \temp\
  • Start Mathematica and type the following command: Get["\temp\qlib.m"]
  • Try qlib: Qmd1[3, 0.4]
  • ...on using the qlib.exe MathLink program in Windows: (1)

  • Place qlib.exe on your PC e.g. into path C:\temp\
  • Start Mathematica and type the following command: Install["C:\temp\qlib"]
  • Try qlib: LnkQmd1[3, 0.4]
  • To uninstall qlib: Uninstall["C:\temp\qlib"]
  • If this doesn't work, you probably have to rebuild the library (qlib.lib) and the executable program (qlib.exe). See the installation and maintenance instructions.

    ...on using the qlib MathLink program in Unix:

    (the file qlib is found in qlib.tar.gz)
  • Start Mathematica in that directory, where you have your qlib -file
  • Install qlib: Install["qlib"]
  • Try qlib: LnkQmd1[3, 0.4]
  • Uninstall qlib: Uninstall["qlib"]
  • If this doesn't work, you probably have to rebuild the library (qlib.a) and the executable program (qlib). See the installation and maintenance instructions.

    (1) For instructions see the documentation: Installation and maintenance instructions.
    (2) If you are going to modify the code and/or update the library/exe -file, you have to download the file

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    Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 11.12.2002 11:06.
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