TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.1145 Introduction to Teletraffic Theory (III) 3 ECTS

Former course code: S-38.145

News group: opinnot.sahko.s-38.tietoverkkotekniikka

Links: Lectures, Exercises, Course feedback, S-38.1145 (Liikenneteorian perusteet)

Spring 2008 course information



The course is given in period III both in English and in Finnish [S-38.1145 (Liikenneteorian perusteet)]. Joint examination.


The course deals with traffic issues in telecommunications. The purpose is to familiarize the participants with mathematical modelling of various telecommunication networks and their traffic, together with the performance analysis and dimensioning of such systems.


  • Mat-1.2600 [Mat-2.090] (Applied Probability A) or corresponding knowledge on basic probability theory required
  • S-72.1130 [S-72.423] (Telecommunication Systems) recommended


This course belongs to the O-module of the programme Communications Engineering, and it acts as an introduction to courses

  • S-38.3143 [S-38.143] (Queueing Theory),
  • S-38.3141 [S-38.141] (Teletraffic Theory), and
  • S-38.3148 [S-38.148] (Simulation of Data Networks).


Obligatory enrolling through WWW-TOPI. Use the course code S-38.146 in WWW-TOPI to get the English version of the compendium.


Twice a week, totally 12 lectures, starting on Thursday 17.1.2008:

  • On Thursdays at 14-16 in lecture hall S3
  • On Fridays at 14-16 in lecture hall S1
The material presented in the lectures will be delivered as a compendium via Edita. It is essentailly the same as used in the previous course S-38.145 in Spring 2007, only the observed misprints will be corrected. The material will also be available on page Lectures. However, don't use TKK's printers to print the lectures.

Exercise classes:

Once a week, totally 6 exercise classes, starting on Tuesday 22.1.2008:

  • On Tuesdays at 16-18 in lecture hall S2
Exercises are not obligatory, but highly recommended since this course is mathematically oriented. In addition, bonus points for the examination are available by doing homework exercises. The material and further information is available on page Exercises.


Week 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lectures 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9,11 -- 10,12 --
Exercise class -- 1 2 3 4 -- 5 6


  1. Introduction
  2. Traffic
  3. Examples
  4. Basic probability theory recap
  5. Stochastic processes (1)
  6. Stochastic processes (2)
  7. Loss systems
  8. Queueing systems
  9. Sharing systems
  10. Network models
  11. Simulation
  12. Traffic engineering


The first examination will be held on Tuesday 11.3.2008. There will be two retrial examinations for those who do not pass the first examination. Examinations will be based both on the lectures and the exercises. No other material is required and, hence, there is no course book either. By doing homework exercises one gets extra points for the examination.


To get the credits (3 ECTS), one has to pass the examination.



If you need further information, you may ask the questions at the lectures or exercises, or by email. If you consider your request to be of interest of other students, use the news group opinnot.sahko.s-38.tietoverkkotekniikka for your enquiry.


Give course feedback by Sunday, 9.3.2008. It will add your homework points, see page Exercises.

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 03.09.2008 10:21.
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