| Tutkimus
IRoNet - Intelligent Routing Network
Final technical report published on June 22nd, 2005.
Annual IRoNet seminar
2005 on Thursday, February 17th, 2005.
IRoNet seminar on Thursday,
January 8th, 2004. Seminar
Program and Presentations
Press release of the
TEKES/IRoNet-program on February 1st, 2002.
IRoNet seminar on December 10th,
2002 (1pm-4pm).
IRoNet is a laboratory wide effort to produce a new generation of
IP router networks. It spans from the beginning of 2002 all the way to
2004 primarily funded by TEKES and industry partners. The IRoNet
research team is one of the spear-head groups selected in the
NETS-program by TEKES to advance research in the area of future
The industrial and other full partners supporting the IRoNet
financially are:
The following companies contribute by advisory membership in the
Steering Group.
CSC Scientific Computing
is also participating in IP network measurements in a joint activity
with IRoNet.
The project is focused on issues of QoS in the development of the
future multi-purpose Internet. The project has four major research
- Traffic classification studies the use and methods of traffic
classification in future IP networks.
- Forwarding plane and traffic stream modelling.
- Class
and constraint based routing studies to understand the
feasibility and means of class and constraint based routing used in
DiffServ networks.
- Management of QoS in the multi-service Internet.
The project is carried out by the HUT Networking Laboratory.
Journal Papers
- M. Peuhkuri, Mittauksia FUNETin runkoverkosta, \makeatletter@\makeatotherCSC, no. 2, pp. 25-26, 2005 (link)(bib)
Conference Papers
- J. Leino and J. Virtamo, Optimal Load Balancing in Insensitive Data Networks, in Proceedings of QoS-IP 2005, pp. 313 - 324, 2005, Catania, Italy (link)(bib)(abstract)
- I. Juva, R. Susitaival, M. Peuhkuri and S. Aalto, Traffic Characterization for Traffic Engineering Purposes: Analysis of Funet Data, in Proceedings of NGI 2005, pp. 404-411, 2005 (bib)(abstract)
- J. Antila and M. Luoma, Robust Delay Estimation of an Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm, in Proceedings of QoS-IP 2005, , 2005
- M. Luoma and J. Huttunen, Differentiation of Traffic on Access Networks, in Proceedings of MSAN 2005, IEEE, 2005 (bib)
- E. Daskalova, M. Ilvesmäki and R. Kantola, Analysis of flow inter-arrival time distributions, in Proceedings of IASTED Euro-IMSA, , 2005 (bib)
- Y. Wang, R. Kantola and S. Liu, Adding Multi-class Routing into the DiffServ Architecture, in Proceedings of the Advanced Industrial Conference on Wireless Technologies (ICW05) Conference, CPS, 2005 (bib)(abstract)
- P. Lassila and M. Mandjes, A multi-level TCP model with heterogeneous RTTs, in Proceedings of Networking 2004, pp. 52-63, 2004, Athens, Greece
- P. Zhang, X. Bai and R. Kantola, A Routing scheme for optimizing multiple classes in DiffServ networks, in Proceedings of IEEE HPSR'2004, IEEE, 2004 (bib)
- M. Luoma and J. Antila, Differentiation of the Internet Traffic, in Proceedings of ICN2004, pp. 505-512, , 2004 (bib)
- M. Matuszewski, Peer-to-Peer Music Distribution, in Proceedings of ICTSM12, , 2004 (bib)
- P. Pulkkinen and M. Luoma, Performance Measurements of a Policy Control Agent for a Differentiated Services Router, in Proceedings of IASTED PDCS 2004, pp. 902-907, , 2004 (bib)
- J. Antila and M. Luoma, Adaptive Scheduling for Improved Quality Differentiation, in Proceedings of MIPS 2004, , 2004
- M. Matuszewski, R. Kantola and R. Sarala, OSPF Convergence and Its Impact on VoIP, in Proceedings of ATNAC 2004, , 2004 (bib)
- T. Smura and H. Hämmäinen, The Role of VoIP: Future Evolution Paths of Voice Communication, in Proceedings of 1st International CICT Conference, , 2004
- P. Lassila, H. van den Berg, M. Mandjes and R. Kooij, An integrated packet/flow model for TCP performance analysis, in Proceedings of ITC-18, pp. 651-660, 2003, Berlin, Germany
- M. Ilvesmäki, R. Kantola and M. Luoma, Traffic differentiability based on packet and flow per application -analysis, in Proceedings of Globecom 2003, IEEE, 2003 (bib)(abstract)
- W. Zhou, P. Zhang, X. Bai and R. Kantola, A QoS based routing algorithm for multi-class optimization in DiffServ Networks, in Proceedings of IEEE HSNMC'2003, IEEE, 2003 (bib)
- J. Agustina, P. Zhang and R. Kantola, Performance Evaluation of GSM Handover Traffic in a GPRS/GSM Network, in Proceedings of IEEE ISCC2003, IEEE, 2003 (bib)
- J. Antila and M. Luoma, Scheduling and quality differentiation in Differentiated Services, in Proceedings of MIPS2003, pp. 119-130, , 2003 (bib)
Technical Documents
- S. Kaikkonen, Development of a GUI for LVQ pack, HUT, Networking Laboratory, 2005 (bib)
- J. Huttunen, Network measurements - Tools and methods, HUT, Networking Laboratory, 2005 (bib)
- M. Ilvesmäki, R. Kantola, M. Luoma, M. Peuhkuri, S. Aalto, P. Lassila and H. Hämmäinen, IRoNet - final technical report, HUT, Networking Laboratory, 2005
- P. Lassila and J. Virtamo, Access network dimensioning for elastic traffic based on flow-level QoS, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2005
- E. Schmid, Connection signaling for a dynamic VoIP network with SIP, HUT, Networking Laboratory, 2004 (bib)
- J. Huttunen, MySQL database support forALTQ GUI, HUT, Networking Laboratory, 2004 (bib)
- O. Fialka, GUI for generating ALTQ configuration files, HUT, Networking Laboratory, 2004 (bib)
- R. Susitaival and S. Aalto, Providing Differentiated Services by Load Balancing and Scheduling in MPLS Networks, COST279, TD(03)03, 2003
- P. Zhang, R. Kantola and S. Aalto, QoS Routing for DiffServ Networks: Issues and solutions, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, n/a, 2002 (ps)(bib)(abstract)
- J. Huttunen, Database implementations, HUT, Networking Laboratory, 2002 (bib)
- Y. Wang, User manual for MCRv1 prototype, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, n/a, n/a
- J. Huttunen, Measurements on Differentiation of Internet Traffic, Master's Thesis, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2005
- M. Ilvesmäki, On traffic classification and its applications in the Internet, Doctoral dissertation, Networking Laboratory, 2005 (link)(bib)(abstract)
- Y. Wang, Adding Multi-Class Routing into the DiffServ Architecture, Master's Thesis, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2004
- A. Gröhn, Clock Synchronisation of a Computer Test Network (Testiverkon kellosynkronointi), Master's Thesis, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2004
- P. Pulkkinen, Design and Implementation of a Policy Control Agent for a Differentiated Services Router, Master's Thesis, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2004
- H. Zhu, Comparison Between Pre-Computation and On-Demand Computation QoS Routing with Different Link State Update Algorithms, Master's Thesis, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2004
- J. Kokko, Mobile Operator Business Game, Master's Thesis, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2004 (bib)
- I. Juva, Analysis of Quality of Service Routing Approaches and Algorithms, Master's Thesis, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2003
- X. Bai, Investigation and analysis of optimal multi-class routing algorithms for IP networks, Master's Thesis, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2003 (link)(bib)(abstract)
- Y. Zhou, Investigation on the fish-eye state algorithm in context with QoS Routing, Master's Thesis, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2003
- T.-D. Fan, Policy Management and its Relationship to QoS Mechanisms and Case studies, Master's Thesis, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2002 (link)(bib)(abstract)
- W. Zhou, Provision and Route Optimisation in DiffServ Networks, Master's Thesis, Networking Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2002 (link)(bib)(abstract)
- M. Peuhkuri, Internet traffic measurements - aims, methodology and discoveries, Licentiate thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2002 (bib)
Other Documents
- R. Kantola, E-talouskisassa ei ole dopingtestejä, 2004 (link)(bib)
- R. Kantola, Näivettymisestä uuteen telepolitiikkaan, 2004
- R. Kantola and N. Husberg, Pursiainen puolustaa pysähtyneisyyttä, 2004
- R. Kantola, Tietotalouden kriisi on monisyinen, 2003
- Intranet resources
- Network environment
Employment opportunities
There are a number of potential
employment opportunities and thesis topics related to the project. If
you have any interests, please contact Prof. Raimo Kantola
- Employment
- Thesis topics
- Special assignments
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