TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.118 The Principals of Telecommunications Technology 1998

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English summary

The course begins on Monday 7.9.1998 at 10.15 in the lecture hall S3. The lectures will be held in Finnish, but it might be useful to attend to the first lecture, even if you don't understand any Finnish. Also the second lecture (14.9.1998) is quite important, since the home assignment (web project) will be handed out then.

To pass the course you'll have to do the home assignment, attend to the Telegalleria excursion and pass the examination at the end of the course. The web project is done in groups of three students, and it might be a good idea to mix the non-Finnish-speaking students with the Finnish ones. Since the instruction lesson and the course home page will be mainly in Finnish, at least one person in every group should understand the language.

Remember to enroll both to the course and the excursions with Topi. There are now four different excursion dates: the 5th, 12th, 19th, and 21st of October. If all the groups are already full, don't panic. You can also visit the exhibition on your own (if you go by yourself, remember to ask a paper of your visit from the Telegalleria personel).

The examination is on 30th of November. The required reading is Understanding Telecommunications 1 by Studentlitteratur, Ericsson Telecom and Telia. The most economical way to buy it may be the virtual bookshop Bokus, where it costs 260 FIM. You can also try the HUT campus bookstore or the American Bookshop.

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 15.03.1999 17:07.
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