| Opetus
- Info
Spring 2004
19.01.2005 | The 15 December exam results have been published. |
01.11 | The next exam of S-38.115 is going to be 15.12 at 9:00 in the hall S4. |
27.09 | The 31 August exam results have been published. Complaint Session on 30 September at 10 am, Place: D302, Contact Person: Nicklas Beijar. |
08.07 | Information about the next exam:
Date: 31.08.2004 Time: 13-16:00 Location: S1, S3 |
08.07 | The 14 June exam results have been published. Complaint Session on 11 August in the afternoon, Place: SE327, Contact Person: Nicklas Beijar. |
21.06 | The exercise points are valid till the end of 2004 and will not be transferred to the next year. |
02.06 | The 4 May exam results have been published. If you have any questions regarding the exam results, please contact Prof. Raimo Kantola during his reception hours. |
17.05 | Information about the summer exam
Date: Monday, 14.6.2004
Note that the summer exam is arranged by the Open University, not
by the
If you have any questions about the general arrangements of the exam,
The list of the summer exams is available at
More information about the summer exams (in Finnish) is available
01.05 | Possible exam question list. Questions |
01.05 | Exercise 5 results have been published |
01.05 | Those students, who have 1 point from the Exercise 2 or 5 AND have correctly solved 5 or 6 tasks from the calculation exercises (E1, E3, E4), what means that they need only 1 or 2 “small points” from the calculation exercises to fulfill exam right requirements, can participate in the exam, however have to solve the Extra Exercise (Deadline 10.5.2004, 8:00). The exercise can be found on the exercise web page. |
26.04 | Exercise 2 results have been published. Results |
21.04 | Deadline of the exercise 5 has been postponed to 26.04 at 8:00. Exercise 5 session will be held on 30th of April. |
21.04 | A slightly updated set of slides has been published. It is recommended that the students browse the slides on the www. |
16.04 | Exercise 2 results (additional deadline) have been published. Results |
04.04 | Exercise 4 results have been published. Results |
29.03 | Exercise 5 published. Deadline 23.04.04 at 8:45. |
23.03 | The course schedule has been updated. Introduction to the exercise 5 will be given on 26th of March (Friday). |
19.03 | Exercise 3 results have been published. Results
E1&E3 complaint session: 26th March 11:15-12:30 Place: SF302 Contact person: Marcin Matuszewski |
15.03 | Exercise 4 has been published. Deadline 24.03.04 at 13:45. |
24.02 | The additional deadline for second exercise has been published on the exercise web page. More information |
12.02 | Exercise 3 has been published. Deadline 27.02.04 at 8:45. |
12.02 | Exercise 1 results have been published. Complaint session time will be announced later. Results |
10.02 | Exercise 2 has been published. Deadline 28.04.04 at 13.45. |
29.01 | Rectification (exercise session 1): There should be 7 steps in the Exercise 1 task 2b. |
23.01 | Students who have got at least 2 points from the exercises last year do not need to do the exercises again. However, if you want to improve your result you can take the exercises that you have not taken before or those for which you haven’t get any points. |
21.01 | First exercise tasks have been published. Deadline 28.01.04 at 13:45. |
16.01 | The last day of course registration is Friday (23rd of January). If you wish to participate in the course, you have to enroll before Friday. |
12.01 | The lecture schedule has been published. |
12.01 | wwwTopi registration is open. |
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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 19.01.2005 13:40. URI: [ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ] |
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