TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

Course material

Principles in Communications Engineering has a Finnish textbook known as Tietoliikenneaapinen ("Telecommunications primer"), 4th edition, which covers all the subjects needed to pass the exam. Since some of our foreign students at HUT have not yet gained enough knowledge in Finnish to read and understand written Finnish technical text, the table of contents has been translated into English to help them find the relevant material from other sources (Internet, library, etc. - choose your media). Here is the English table of contents in pdf-format.

In estimating the depth of knowledge you need to gain in each subject, it may be useful to glance through the Finnish course book with the help of the English table of contents. Copies of Tietoliikenneaapinen can be found eg. from the HUT main library.

Suitable (but rather thoroughgoing for our needs) source books are (among many others)

You can also check the course book of T-110.250:

Alberto Leon-Garcia, Indra Widjaja
Communication Networks - Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures,
International Edition, 2000
ISBN: 0-07-116840-0

Unfortunately none of these books covers all the topics on our course, and most are too exhaustive for this course. So when reading these you need to skip some of the details and search the missing parts somewhere else. It is recommended that you also use Internet resources (but remember to use your judgement on the reliability of the web sources!). Especially web pages of many standardization organizations are worth visiting.

The course personnel will not be able to give you more specific reading instructions than above. So please do not send e-mail asking for detailed reading instructions.

A couple of useful links:

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 01.02.2002 10:53.
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]
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