TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

Topics for S-38.4030 Postgraduate Course on Networking Technology

General instructions

Avoid overlap

Course personnel acknowledges that students taking this course probably do not initially know that much about intrusion detection systems. Be that as it may, we do not wish to see all presentations beginning with "a quick 15-slide introduction to autonomic networking concepts in radio access networks".

Work together, form networks with colleagues

To avoid unnnecessary overlap every participant should know what others are doing. Communicate, participate, contribute and educate your fellow students so that you all know what you are doing and you may avoid overlap in content. This will most probably improve your chances in producing a quality paper for conference submission.

Tentative list of materials

Each participant will choose/suggest a subject from the list of topics according to his/her interests and consult the course assistant about his/her preference. The participant may also reserve/suggest his/her own presentation topic. Final assignment of topics will be organized on the first meeting of the seminar.

Below you'll find topic suggestions, works and material that deal with autonomic radio access networks.

Please note, that the material is copyrighted and available for download only within in -domain to TKK students and personnel.

Suggestions for topics

Before considering any of the topics below, everyone should read Jeffrey Kephart's short introduction to Research Challenges of Autonomic Computing and the overview to Autonomic Computing by Parashar and Hariri.

  1. Autonomic network architectures in wireless access networks
  2. Middleware platforms for autonomic wireless networks
  3. Autonomic Spectrum Allocation
  4. Reconfigurable radios
  5. Load balancing in Autonomic wireless access networks
  6. Protocols for Autonomic wireless access networks
    Summary topic: Bring together the new needs for protocols in autonomic radio access networks. Elaborate on the requirements for protocol design. Present some existing solutions.
  7. Policy management for Autonomic wireless access networks
  8. Autonomic Scheduling for Autonomic wireless access networks
  9. Testebeds for Autonomic wireless access networks
  10. Self-adapting security architectures for Autonomic wireless access networks
  11. Management concepts for Autonomic wireless access networks
  12. Measurements for Autonomic wireless access networks

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 14.09.2006 09:53.
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]
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