TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.180: Exercise 2: IntServ


The exercise is done by connecting remotely to or working at site with the SUN-workstations in the department of electrical and communications engineering. For this to be possible you need a valid license from the HUT computing center. If you're missing the necessary licenses you may contact Mr. Peuhkuri about the matter.

The work is done in pairs according to exercise documentation. The deadline is friday 9.12.2005 friday 16.12.2005 4 pm. Absolutely no (more) extensions to the deadline will be granted. More details in the exercise documentation.

Simulation environment

The simulation environment is built into Opnet ITGuru -program. You can use the program in the Solaris 8-machines of the EC-department:

ITGuru is enabled by giving use opnet -command. You can then start the program by typing itguru .

puhuri@solomon> use opnet
puhuri@solomon> itguru

As the program starts it fetches a licence and asks you to accept the terms of use. According to the terms of use the use of the program is allowed only to do the exercises in this course.

The number of licenses is limited so after you're done with your simulations, remember to quit from the program appropriately and free the license and computing resources as you do not need them anymore.

Remote use from Maarintalo

You'll have to use the ITguru remotely from the Maarintalo computers via ssh . Establish a connection to one of above computers with ssh and perform the starting procedures as indicated.

For the time being some updates are missing so there might be some problems using icons and graphics. You may report the problems to Mr. Peuhkuri, however, do not expect the problemes to be solved. Regardless the program is functioning correctly but may be non-intuitive to use.

Please note, that if DISPLAY -environment variable is set to or contains the phrase localhost , the graphics may corrupt. If you replace the localhost with address , the program will function correctly. With this tip a thanks is given to Mr. Oskari Simola.

puhuri@solomon> echo $DISPLAY
puhuri@solomon> setenv DISPLAY
Note that the 10.0 value set in the DISPLAY variable is obtained by echoing the original value. It is bound to change from session to session.


Most problems are related to quota filling up. Your current status is displayed with quota -v .

Learning to use ITguru

The program contains good tutorials (Help->Tutorials) and you are recommended to go through the first three tutorials (Introduction, Small Internetworks, ja LAN Modeling) before the actual exercise. You should be able to finish the tutorials in about 2 hours.


Details of the exercise are given in exercise documentation. Here you find the eps-version of the network topology.

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 29.11.2005 10:18.
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