TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.105 Principles in Communication Engineering Course description Spring 2004


The Principles in Communications Engineering gives you an introduction to telecommunications technology. No previous studies in telecommunications technology are required. The course is lectured in Spring term (in Finnish only). The lecturer is Kirsi Willa. (See contact information.)

The telecommunications software and multimedia laboratory has a corresponding course T-110.250 Fundamentals of Network Media, which is wider (3 credits) than S-38.105 (1 credit) but discusses the same issues. Students are encouraged to choose between these courses.

Exams and course requirements

To pass the course you need to

The exam questions are based on the Finnish course material, but the course can be passed also by reading other books. (More information about the course material). The objective of this course is to give you a clear, basic knowledge of the central concepts and techniques used in telecommunications technology, and the exam questions will concentrate on these essential subjects (on a rather general level).

Old exam questions can be found here. Note, that older exams are based on a different course material.

The exam dates and class rooms can be found in Topi. In the exam you only need a pen / pencil and your (student) identity card. All papers are provided by the exam supervisor. No electronic devices (such as calculators, mobile phones, notebooks) are needed and thus allowed in the exam.

Exam results will be published on the web on the results-page. The first exam of this course will be in March 2004.

In spring 2004 there are no other / optional assignments - you only need to pass the exam to pass the course.

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 22.12.2004 22:35.
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]
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