ABI - Algorithms for Broadband Infrastructure

General research areas of ABI

The project studies various kinds of algorithms used in broadband networking and network management. The emphasis is on performance aspects - development of provably effective techniques, and assessment of their performance. The main approach is modelling and analysis, but the project includes also prototype software development and simulation.

The project has three focus areas:

Research areas in the TKK subproject

The TKK subproject is mostly involved in research related to wireless access networks and overlay networks. Some details and motivation for the tasks are provided below. For actual results from the TKK subproject, please see the publications.

Wireless access networks

As the end usage of telecommunication systems and data networks is shifting more and more towards mobile and nomadic terminals, the wireless access is becoming a critical component in the network, which largely determines the system's capacity. Besides new technological solutions and more efficient use of the radio spectrum, it is equally important that the systems are designed and operated in the best possible way from the traffic point of view in order to optimize the performance. In some situations even multi-hop wireless access networks, often called wireless mesh networks, can be beneficial, which may call for new architectural solutions. The use of novel FEC codes (of the fountain code type) can also open new possibilities to mitigate inevitable losses in the radio channel in a bandwidth saving way. Load balancing and inter-node coordination are further techniques that can be used to improve the performance of the system.

The work in the TKK subproject in 2006 focuses on the following:

Overlay networks

Whereas the core functionalities of IP networks are designed as generic and simple as possible, extremely sophisticated and dynamic networking structures are realised as overlays built upon the IP network. Peer-to-peer networking has shown its power to distribute very large files effectively to very large recipient sets, and to connect the partly mobile users of an IP-telephone network (Skype). Overlay networks can offer a solution for broadcasting applications, e.g., Internet TV, that would not be dependent on Internet multicasting. Besides peer-to-peer networking, the general concept of overlay networking includes virtual private networks and an unforeseeable number of future networking techniques. Most of such concepts are based on strongly distributed computing, implying that there is no global control in any single place. Advanced FEC methods can be used to enhance the performance of the applications using the overlay networks. For example, fountain coding can be used to efficiently distribute data to large groups of receivers.

The work in the TKK subproject in 2006 focuses on the following:

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 27.04.2006 17:13.
URI: http://www.netlab.tkk.fi/tutkimus/abi/research.shtml
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Tutkimus ]