TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.030 Postgraduate Course on Networking Technology (4 cr.)

Course Topic Spring 2002: Ad Hoc Networking

Latest news on the course:

  • Exam time has been changed. It will be held 13.5. 16.00-> in lecture hall S2 (13.2.2002).
  • Seminar will be held 12-13.4.2002. Remeber to reserve the both dates for this seminar! (8.2.2002)
  • The topics have been assigned. See your topic and opponents from here.(8.2.2002)
  • Course is full, so no further registerations will be accepted. (24.1.2002)
  • Course book is Ad Hoc Networking by Charles E. Perkins (7.1.2002)

  • Introduction

    The course aims to cover the open research issues (especially routing), latest proposals and future of the Ad Hoc Networking. The course will based based on the book "Ad Hoc Networking" by Charles E. Perkins, but additional material will also be used as well. The goal is to understand the technical issues and alternative solutions proposed  for ad-hoc networks. We cover problems, algorithms, scalability, performance, simulation results, availability of prototypes or working software and potential commercial and other application areas.

    The course can be included in post-graduate studies on Networking Technology (major or minor in S38). The credits can also be included in graduate studies on Networking Technology (formerly known also as Telecommunications Technology).

    The course is primarily meant for post-graduate students of networking technology having a special interest in understanding the Ad Hoc Networks. Graduate students may also join the seminar.

    Course is full, so no further registerations will be accepted.

    Course completion

    The course will be arranged as a seminar. Seminar language will be English. Each participant will give a presentation on his/her subject from the material. Each student will report his/her subject in a seminar paper and will act as an opponent to two presentations. Click here to see more information on the course requirements.

    Each participant will choose a subject from the list of candidate  topics according to his/her interests and consult the course assistant about his/her preference. The participant may also reserve/suggest his/her own presentation topic. Your comments and suggestions towards improving the seminar are also welcome. The paper should cover the following viewpoints:

    If an adequate amount of high-standard papers emerge they will be published in the Networking Laboratory Series. This may require additional work on the paper!


    The first meeting of the course will be held on 6.2.2002, at 15:15 - 17:00 in labratory meeting room SD303.

    For more information see the following link.


    The course will produce 4 credits: 3 credits for the seminar paper, presentation, opponeering and active participation; 1 credit for the examination.

    Here you can find some details about the course:

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    Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 13.02.2002 09:37.
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