TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.3192 Verkkopalvelujen tuotanto - Period 3/2006-2007

4 ECTS = about 28 hours lectures ja 4 exercise lectures.

Last minute notices

Always check schedule! Schedule last modified:Tuesday, 20-Mar-2007 12:59:58 EET

20.3.2007Exercise results published.
1.3.2007Give feedback on the course
21.12.2006Schedule forming...
24.11.2006This page opened. Material not yet available and all information highly tentative


  1. Lectures on Thursdays in S3, lectures start on January 18th. Last lecture on March ?nd.
  2. Exercises probably on Thursdays 2-4 pm in Maari-A
  3. Enroll to course and exercises via wwwtopi.
  4. Final examination on friday March 9th from 9-12 at S1.
  5. Next chance to take the final examination on May 15th from 16-19 at S4.
  6. Remember to give course feedback to qualify for grading.


Prequisite for the course is basic understanding of the operation of TCP/IP networks. Courses like S-38.188 and S-38.121 provide you with necessary and adequate background. The study guide states those as prerequisites. It is not checked if you have taken those courses, but at course solid knowledge is assumed.


Lectures are held by Exercises are held by


Check the schedule for lectures and exercises.


Course material will be lecturing notes, material on the web page and other additional material pointed out in lectures.


Lectures are given in Finnish and the most of the materials are in English. Lectures and exercises are held according to the schedule. Lectures are held in lecture hall S3 and exercises in room Maari-C.

Lecture days, Thursdays are divided into two sessions. Morning session starts on 9AM and lasts for two hours and the afternoon session starts at noon and ends at 2PM.

Course grading

To qualify for grading, you need fill out the course feedback form and submit it.

To pass the course, one must have minimum number of points from the exam and must have accepted grade for each exercise report.

Course grade is based on exercise and exam result. There will be 5 questions in exam for you to answer. Grading is 60% for exam and 40% for exercises.

Exercise reports and exam answers may be in English in addition to official languages in Finland if you are not native speaker of either of one.

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 20.03.2007 13:01.
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]
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