TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.3152 Network Multimedia Protocols and Services (5 ECTS)

Replaces the course S-38.151 Service Creation and Management (2 ov) and its successor S-38.3150 (4 ECTS)

Lecturer: prof Jörg Ott

Prerequisites: S-38.2188 Communication networks

Language: English

  • First Lecture on 08.09.2009
  • Autumn 2009 NOTE: The course starts in the first period of Autumn 2008. But, Students familiar with the basics of network programming can start the course in the second period. The main course topics are lectured in the second period. Based on the feedback received from the students, we found that the coding assignments need to be spread over two periods. So, the introduction lecture and the first assignment shall be given in the first period. The same content shall also be repeated in the second term. This is done to give more time for students to get familiar with the basics of network programming.

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    Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 31.08.2009 21:41.
    [ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]
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