TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.3041 Operator Business (4 credit points) L

Spring 2006

 General | Suitability | Lectures | Exercises | Teams | Completion | Personnel | Registration | Material | Topics and timetable

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This course is targeted to Telecom Management students. The course gives insight to the business dynamics of networks and services. Network-related value nets are handled from the viewpoints of different players. Theory is clarified with case examples.


Participants should have good prior knowledge on networking technology (e.g. S-38.188 or S-38.2188 - Computer Networks) and general economics (e.g. TU-22.101, TU-22.1101 or TU-22.1102 - Introduction to Industrial Management).


Lectures are held in English language on Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:15-10:00 in hall S1.


An obligatory exercise will be arranged in a form of a mobile operator business game (MOB) session in April. More information about MOB will be published later. Questions about the business game can be asked by email to Mathias Tallberg.
The mobile operator business game will consist of a short preliminary exercise per team, the actual business game session, and a short final report (per individual).
The dates for the mobile operator business game sessions are (4 teams, 4 team members/ team):
Register to the MOB business game session by sending an email to the course assistant. You need to register by April 7. If you have wishes for who you would like to have in your team (4 team members) and on which date you would like to participate to MOB please include also that in the registration email.
The game sessions will be held at the Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering. There will be a lunch break at approximately 12:00-13:00 during each session (except for the saturday session). You can check how the sessions were held last year from here.
The teams for the mobile operator business can be found here.
The player instructions for MOB can be found here.
The preliminary exercise can be found here.
The final exercise can be found here.
The deadline for the preliminary report is on the day before each session at 24:00. Please check the player instructions before the MOB session and while completing the preliminary exercise.


The completion of the course requires an acceptable performance in the exam and active participation to the obligatory business game session. In the exam there will be 5 questions a 6 points, yielding max 30 points.
A list of possible exam questions for year 2005. (Will be updated for year 2006 later!)
The list of possible exam questions for year 2006 can be found here.
The first exam will be held on Wednesday May 10 at 9:00-12:00 in hall S1.
The second exam will be held on Tuesday August 29 at 9:00-12:00 in hall S4.
The third exam will be held on Monday December 18 at 13:00-16:00 in hall S4, after which the next exam will again be held in May 2007.


The course is lectured by prof. Heikki Hämmäinen and coordinated by course assistant Mathias Tallberg.


Registering required via WWW-TOPI.


The course is structured around the lecture slides which will appear on this web page prior to each lecture. Additional course materials will not be available via Edita, i.e. no need to subscribe to Edita.
The core course material includes lecture slides and the following readings:
Note that the exam will include lecture slides that go beyond the scope of the readings list above. Thus attending lectures is likely to improve student's performance in the exam. In addition, the following list of readings is recommended and may help passing the course:
The list of possible exam questions for year 2006 can be found here.

Topics and timetable

Date  Topic Slides
15.03.2006  Course introduction. Big picture. Slides
17.03.2006  Consumer customers. Slides
22.03.2006  Enterprise customers. Slides
24.03.2006  Operators. Slides
29.03.2006  Transport pricing (Hannu Verkasalo). Slides
31.03.2006  Content pricing (Hannu Verkasalo). Slides
05.04.2006  Charging and billing. Slides
07.04.2006  Regulation (Hannu Verkasalo). Slides
12.04.2006  Mobile operator competition (Mathias Tallberg). Slides | Slides
14.04.2006  No lecture (Easter).
19.04.2006  No lecture (Easter).
21.04.2006  Investments (Timo Smura). Slides
26.04.2005  Interconnection and roaming. Slides
28.04.2006  Wireless economics. Slides

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 16.01.2007 09:50.
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