TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.212 Signal Processing in Telecommunications II

This course will not be lectured anymore and is replaced by S-88.212, Signal Processing in Telecommunications 2.

The topic of this course in Spring 1999 will be:

Signal Processing in Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Technologies

Teacher: Professor Timo Laakso ,      Tel. : 451 2473           Office: SG 210

Assistant: Research Assistant Harri Mäntylä ,    Tel. : 451 2437           Office: SG 219A

The course will be held in seminar form so that the participants make 45min oral presentations with transparencies on chosen topics based on the books:

Walter Y. Chen, DSL:Simulation Techniques and Standards Development for Digital Subscriber Line Systems, Macmillan Technical Publishing 1998 (ISBN 1578700175)

Dennis Rauschmayer, ADSL/VDSL Principles, Macmillan Technical Publishing 1998 (ISBN 1578700159)

and possible other complementary material. Copies of the books can be borrowed from the assistant for making the presentation.

The seminar is held on Tuesdays at 12:15 in E110.

The course can also be passed as postgraduate (licentiate) course with 4 credit units by making two presentations or other suitable extra work.

The course grading will be based on rating of the presentation, attendance to lectures and exam (?).

            S-38.211 Signal processing in telecommunications I
            or equivalent knowledge.

Schedule (changes possible):

26.1. Organizational meeting   
2.2. Break  
9.2. Introduction and motivation (R 1) Timo Laakso
16.2. Twisted pair environment (R 2) Hassan El-Sallabi
23.2. Loop analysis (R 3) and 
Power spectral densities and crosstalk models (R 4)
Yaohui Liu
2.3. DSL modulation basics (R 6) and 
ADSL modulation specifics (R 7)
Amoakoh Gyasi-Agyei
9.3. DSL theoretical capacity in crosstalk environments (R 5) Yaohui Liu
16.3. Break  
23.3. ADSL in WAN networks (R 8) Harri Mäntylä
30.3. ADSL implementation Simo Huopio
6.4. Easter vacation  
13.4 VDSL modem implementation issues Juri Sipilä
20.4. Break  
27.4. Break  
4.5. Capacity estimation for VDSL connections based on channel measurements
Design of VDSL subscriber networks
Yaohui Liu 
Harri Mäntylä
R 1: chapter 1 of Rauschmayer, ADSL/VDSL Principles

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