TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

S-38.148 Simulation of data networks (2 cr)

Exercise results, fall 2004

For each exercise the maximum amount of points is 10 (2 for each problem). Each student should get at least 50 % of the maximum points to pass the course.

Student id. Exercise #1 Exercise #2 Exercise #3 Exercise #4 Total Extra Status
32011T 10 - 4 4 18 OK OK
44296J - 8 6 4 18 OK OK
49719T 10 8 8 - 26 - OK
49799A 9 10 4 - 23 - OK
49883K 10 8 7 - 25 - OK
51191F 10 10 6 - 26 - OK
51267F 10 8 6 - 24 - OK
51300A 10 9 9 6 34 - OK
51785M 7 5 7 5 24 - OK
54239R 10 9 9 6 34 - OK
54242U 4 4 7 5 20 - OK
54352P 10 10 9 - 29 - OK
54419D 9 9 6 - 24 - OK
54428P 6 - - - 6 - -
55328A 10 10 9 - 29 - OK
55523F 6 4 3 - 13 - -
55588R 7 7 4 4 22 - OK
55618F 8 5 7 3 23 - OK
55698C 3 4 4 - 11 OK OK
55701P 10 9 10 - 29 - OK
57281T 9 10 6 - 25 - OK
57393R 7 6 7 - 20 - OK
57609B 5 4 5 - 14 - -
59156B - - 7 5 12 OK OK
MAX 10 10 10 10 40

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 08.11.2004 15:45.
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]
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