TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

User-end identification

Where as the rest of this work mainly considers conveying the identification information through the Net and verifying it, here we discuss the end means of identification, i.e., what the user has to provide the system.


These can be used alone or with a public user ID and are the most common and simplest way of authenticating a user. As there are many passwords for different uses, people tend to forget them. They can be stolen or guessed.

Smart cards

Cards that contain a small processor and memory. The card may contain keys that cannot be extracted from it. The card can be easily stolen which means that it is not good for identification as such. The other means are therefore combined with smart card.

Access to a computer

A computer may contain private keys related to public key identification and thus it may be dangerous if a malicious person gains access to a computer. The private keys may be in a password-protected file. Access to a computer is controlled by passwords and ordinary keys.

Biometric identification

This is the most natural way of identifying a person. A user might give his fingerprint, handprint or other body features. Eliminates the need to remember or carry things. Fingerprint identification is already more reliable than 4-digit PIN. The fingerprint is not stored in any database but a template of it, from which the fingerprint cannot be reproduced.

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 15.11.1999 18:21.
[ TKK > Sähkö- ja tietoliikennetekniikan osasto > Tietoverkkolaboratorio > Opetus ]