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2.2 Television over IP (AH)

Another service type IPv6 will make possible is TV broadcasts over IP. There has been some discussion already of Digital Television (or DigiTV) and how it will increase the amount of channels and quality of the transmissions dramatically. Current plans for DigiTV include a radio transmission network, but since the broadcasts are digital, nothing permits them from be sent over IP-networks. Already there are some radio stations available (NRJ, Radio Mafia, BBC for example) who broadcast over Internet.

An interesting possibility for digital TV and IP broadcasting are movie-on-demand services. It could be possible quite easily that one could be able to choose a movie she wants to watch and then order it from the service provider on your own TV set. It would make possible to have almost every movie ever made to be watched on your own TV. There might be a problem with movie piracy if one could be able to save those movies, though. Also it would be possible to order other kind of programs such as news and documentary programs whenever you wish to watch them. It would be possible even to customise personal schedules.

0.1 Introduction
1.0 Internet
2.0 Services
3.0 Advantages and Disadvantages

Antti Hätinen (AH)
Li Yaohui (LY)
Martti Mela (MM)

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 08.12.2000 14:45