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2.1 Voice over IP (AH)

Digital convergence will provide us a possibility to have all current digital medium to be broadcasted and routed over a single network. First of all, the most interesting and important solution is to transfer telephone traffic over the Internet. Currently telephone services are using switched networks which doesn't offer the best possible efficiency. For example during a normal call there are lots of pauses during the speech. On switched networks the connection is dedicated for the call even when there is no speech moving. On packet networks the speech is sent only when there is any, and meanwhile the bandwidth can be given to other services or calls.

On the current Internet Protocol version (IPv4) this is quite hard to archieve due to lack of Quality of Service (QoS) features, but things will change dramatically after introduction of IPv6. After this, the Voice over IP (VoIP) services will also give a huge challenge for traditional telephone companies how to price the services. Traditionally Internet traffic has been free of charge.

0.1 Introduction
1.0 Internet
2.0 Services
3.0 Advantages and Disadvantages

Antti Hätinen (AH)
Li Yaohui (LY)
Martti Mela (MM)

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 08.12.2000 14:45