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1.4 Overcome the obstacles to IP implementation (LY)

For all its advantages, serious questions remain over the reliability and quality of IP. Service Level Agreements are becoming ever more rigorous, as customers seek firm guarantees of service quality. Corporate network managers want cost-effective service packages that deliver the new benefits of the Internet without compromising the quality and features of their established data and voice services. Hyperlinks from the Web to the voice network, and providing Intelligent Network (IN) service functionality over IP, are just two of the challenges that must be addressed by operators.

New operators and established ones entering new markets need to plan for integrated data and voice IP services from day one. For incumbent operators, re-engineering the whole network is a huge and complex undertaking, which will require billions of dollars of investment. Replacing switches on a 'live' network has been compared to changing the engines on a jumbo jet in mid-flight.

However, the long term gains from network rationalisation, and the opportunities for bundled voice, data and multimedia services, mean that optimising the network for IP will soon become essential.

0.1 Introduction
1.0 Internet
2.0 Services
3.0 Advantages and Disadvantages

Antti Hätinen (AH)
Li Yaohui (LY)
Martti Mela (MM)

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Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 08.12.2000 14:44