TKK | Tietoverkkolaboratorio | Opetus

1.1 What is IP? (LY)

Internet Protocol (IP) and it's upper level accompanies (TCP, UDP) are a set of protocols developed to allow computers share resources over a network. It was developed by a community of researchers centered around the ARPAnet in United States for military use. Certainly the ARPAnet is the oldest known TCP/IP network and from it Internet grew up when other networks were connected to it. Currently TCP/IP networks have hundreds of millions computers connected to it.

The most accurate name for the set of protocols we are describing is the "Internet protocol suite". For example TCP and IP are two protocols in this suite. Because TCP and IP are the best known of the protocols, it has become common to use the term TCP/IP to refer to the whole family of internet protocols.

0.1 Introduction
1.0 Internet
2.0 Services
3.0 Advantages and Disadvantages

Antti Hätinen (AH)
Li Yaohui (LY)
Martti Mela (MM)

Tämä sivu on tehty Teletekniikan perusteet -kurssin harjoitustyönä.
Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 08.12.2000 14:43