
J. Jokinen, T. Sihvola, E. Hyytiä and R. Sulonen, Why Urban Mass Demand Responsive Transport?, in IEEE Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS), pp. 317-322, 2011, Vienna, Austria.

Abstract: In this paper, we argue that a large-scale demand responsive system is the missing element from the spectrum of the transport modes. To this end, we provide a comprehensive analysis addressing this broad question from several aspects including the customers' perception, various technical aspects, and the related societal aspects. In each case, we are able to give sound arguments why a real-time DRT service can improve the current situation considerably. The DRT will not make other transport modes obsolete, but can complements them in a surprisingly efficient manner leading to considerable internal and external cost savings and improved quality of service -- a true win-win situation the modern IT technology has enabled.

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BibTeX entry:

  author = {Jani-Pekka Jokinen and Teemu Sihvola and Esa Hyyti{\"a} and Reijo Sulonen},
  title = {Why Urban Mass Demand Responsive Transport?},
  booktitle = {{IEEE} Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems ({FISTS})},
  year = {2011},
  month = {June-July},
  doiopt = {10.1109/FISTS.2011.5973631},
  pages = {317--322},
  address = {Vienna, Austria}