I added the following new infos to the topofile. 1)getins: stores (for every stub node, assuming that each stub is a single node stub) its corresponding transit node. 2)edgetocore: Stores all edge router to core router links in a Diffserv Network 3)diffedges: Stores all edge routers of a diffserv Network 4)coretocore: Stores all core router to core router links in a Diffserv Network 5)alllinks: All links in the topology I furthur upgraded the convertor to create tcl files for diffserv and qosr topologies. I have also added the functionality to create toplogy file for flat networks. CAUTION: This may work fine only if(that is diffserv part) 1) The number of domains in an mpls or diffserv network is exactly one. 2) All stubs are single node Stubs 3) There is no Stub-Stub link 4) A stub domain has only one tansit domain corresponding to it. VERY IMP: while USING THIS PART the -hier and -topo options should ALWAYS be used