S-38.180 Quality of Service in Internet 2cr EXAMINATION 1.3.2004

Answer five out of six questions so that questions 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6 are on separate papers. Put your name, student number, course code and date to each paper. This helps you to receive your credits in fast and reliable manner. Those who do not have Finnish or Swedish as their native language, may answer in English. We will judge the answers based on their quality and clarity. We prefer short and down to the fact answers. You may explain things further but beware that errors may lower your points (even if they are in extra matter).

Good Luck !!!

1) Esittele MPLS-tekniikan ydinteknologiat (core technologies).
Present the core technologies of the MPLS.
9. (6 p)

2) Mitkä ovat RSVP:n tukemat varaustyypit? Mitä ne tarkoittavat ja kuinka ne eroavat toisistaan?
What are the reservation types in RSVP? What do they mean and how do they differ from each other? (6p)

3) Mitä palasia tarvitaan toimivan DiffServ-verkon aikaansaamiseen. Esitä esimerkki, jossa mekanismit on kuvattu
What components are needed to realize functional DiffServ network. Present an example, where mechanisms are described. (6p)

4) Yhteyden hyväksyminen liittyy IntServ-verkkoon, mutta milloin sitä käytetään DiffServ-verkossa?
Connection admission is a component in IntServ network. When connection admission is used in DiffServ network? (6p)

5) Olet saanut tehtäväksesi neuvotella yrityksen edustajana palvelutasosopimuksen valvonnan teknisistä yksityiskohdista operaattorin kanssa. Pohdi, mitä asioita neuvottelussa voi tulla esiin ja miten suhteudut eri vaihtoehtoihin.
You have been nominated as company representative to negotiate about technical details of SLA monitoring with ISP. Discuss, what topics may arise and how you take different alternatives. (6 p)

6) Tarkastele kolmea eri tyyppistä sovellusta. Miten eri verkkokomponentit vaikuttavat niiden laatuun? Kuinka herkkä kukin sovellus on verkon tilan vaihtelulle? Mitä sovelluksen käyttäjä ja operaattori voi tehdä asialle?
Consider three applications of different type. How various network components have an effect on their fidelity? How sensitive each application is to changes in network state? What can application user and operator do to help situation? (6 p)

Mika Ilvesmäki (1-2), Marko Luoma (3-4), Markus Peuhkuri (5-6)

Note: Remember to answer only to five (5) questions!

You must return 3 papers, each group of questions on its own.