S-38.105 exam, 6.5.2003

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There are five questions in this exam. You are allowed to answer only four of them.

1. Principles of networks

Explain the following terms / concepts.
a) roaming
b) base station
c) 2nd generation of mobile phones
e) routing
f) protocol

2. Standardization

a) Give an example of a situation, where standardization and everyday life have gone to different directions.

b) Think as an example of a (electrical) communications device and choose one part of it as your example case. Describe the part you chose and explain, which standardization organization regulates issues concerning this part.

3. Optical fibers

As a result of technical development there are three different generations of optical fibers. Describe these in table format and describe the differences between them. Use also pictures, where they make your explanation clearer.

4. Multiplexing

a) In long distances telephone cables need to be used as efficiently as possible. A well-known way to increase effectiveness is to carry more than one telephone call in the same line simultaneously. This can be done with two different multiplexing methods. Of these, describe the one that suits digital transmission.

b) The optical cables, that are used in networks, have an even number of fibers. Also coaxial cables have an even number of pipes. Why's that?

5. Billing principles

You are asked to write an article about telephone bills to a personnel magazine of the company you are working for as a summer trainee. You are given only one page, so you decide to write a story about the fairness of telephone billing. Write the story and choose a good title for it, and don't forget to mention facts as well as your own views.

Remember to answer only four questions!

Seppo Uusitupa