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CNString -- Character String


#include <CNCL/String.h>










CNString is a dynamic string manipulating class. Each CNString manages the string itself (stored as a normal C character string), the length of the string, and the allocated space. The characters are indexed from 0 to length-1.


CNString(int extra);
CNString(char c);
CNString(char c, int extra);
CNString(const char* cs);
CNString(const char* cs, int extra);
CNString(const CNString& s);
CNString(const CNString& s, int extra);
CNString(CNParam *param);
Initializes the CNString. The extra parameter gives a hint as to how many extra characters one expects the string to grow. Its default value is 10.


Deletes the CNString.

In addition to the member functions required by CNCL, CNString provides:

default_extra = 10;
Default amount of additional storage allocated. Actually set to 10.
void resize(unsigned i);
Changes the capacity of the string either to its length plus default_extra or to i, whichever is longer.
void to_lower();
Converts all characters in this string to lowercase.
void to_upper();
Converts all characters in this string to uppercase.
void capitalize();
Converts each first character of a word to uppercase, all other characters to lowercase. A new word is either at the beginning of the string or it starts with a space (e.g. "a.R fd" will be capitalized to "A.r Fd").
void strip_crlf();
Removes '\r' and/or '\n' at end of string.
void strip_lspace();
void strip_rspace();
void strip_space();
Removes the left, the right or all white spaces of the string.
unsigned capacity() const;
Returns the amount of space allocated to this string.
unsigned length() const;
Returns the length of this string.
CNString after(unsigned pos, unsigned l = 0) const;
Returns the l characters of this string after position pos (zero-based) as a string. The character at pos will be the first character of the new string. The default value l = 0 will return all characters after pos.
CNString before(unsigned pos, unsigned l = 0) const;
Returns the l characters of this string before position pos (zero based) as a string. The character at pos will be the last character of the new string. The default value l = 0 will return all characters before pos.
CNString& add(char c);
CNString& add(const char* cs);
Adds the character c or the character string cs to the end of this string. If this string does not have enough space allocated it will be changed automatically.
CNString& del(unsigned pos = 0, unsigned l = 1);
Deletes l characters beginning at position pos (zero based). Default values are pos = 0 and l = 1 (e.g. a.del() will delete the first character of string a). If l is set to 0 all characters beginning at pos will be deleted (e.g. a.del(0,0) will delete all characters in string a). Negative pos values count from end of string.
CNString& del(char c, int pos = 0);
CNString& del(const char* cs, int pos = 0);
CNString& del(const CNString& s, int pos = 0);
Deletes character c, character string cs or string s at its first occurence in this string after position pos (zero based, default value pos = 0). It deletes nothing if c, cs or s is not in.
CNString& insert(char c, int pos = 0);
CNString& insert(const char* cs, int pos =0);
CNString& insert(const CNString& s, int pos = 0);
Inserts character c, character string cs or CNString s at position pos (zero based, default value pos = 0).
CNString& replace(char c, int pos = 0);
Replaces the character at position pos (zero based, default value pos = 0) with the character c.
CNString& replace(const CNString& s, int pos = 0, int l = 0);
Replaces the l characters starting at position pos (zero based, default value pos = 0) with the characters of string s. Default value l = 0 will replace as many characters as s.length(). The capacity is changed to the needed space plus the default extra value.
CNString& replace(char oldc, char newc, int pos = 0);
Replaces character oldc at its first occurence after position pos (zero based, default value pos = 0) with newc. If oldc is not in this string after pos nothing will be changed.
CNString& replace(const CNString& olds, const CNString& news, int pos = 0);
Replaces string olds at its first occurence after position pos (zero based, default value pos = 0) with string news. If olds is not in this string nothing will be changed.
int downsearch(char c, int pos = 0);
int downsearch(const CNString& s, int pos = 0);
int downsearch(const char *cs, int pos = 0);
Returns the last occurence of character c or string s in this string before position pos (zero based, default value pos = 0) or the end of this string if pos = 0 or pos >= len. If c or s is not in this string before pos len is returned.
int upsearch(char c, int pos = 0);
int upsearch(const CNString& s, int pos = 0);
int upsearch(const char *s, int pos=0) const;
Returns the first occurence of character c or string s in this string after position pos (zero based, default value pos = 0). Returns len if c or s is not in this string after pos.
bool matches(const char* cs, unsigned pos = 0);
bool matches(const CNString& s, unsigned pos = 0);
Returns TRUE if the character string cs or the string s is equal to the part of this string starting at position pos (zero based, default value pos = 0).
operator const char * () const;
Returns the the C string component of CNString to allow the use of CNStrings in a char * context.
char operator ()(int i) const;
char &operator [](int i);
Returns the i-th character (zero based) of this string.
void operator = (const CNString& s);
void operator = (const char* cs);
void operator = (char c);
Replaces this string with a copy of string s, character string cs or character c.
friend CNString operator + (const CNString& a, const CNString& b);
Returns a string that is the concatenation of the strings a and b.
CNString& operator +=(const CNString &s);
CNString& operator +=(const char* cs);
Appends the C string s or the CNString cs to the end of this string.
friend bool operator < (const CNString& a, const CNString& b);
friend bool operator > (const CNString& a, const CNString& b);
friend bool operator >= (const CNString& a, const CNString& b);
friend bool operator <= (const CNString& a, const CNString& b);
friend bool operator == (const CNString& a, const CNString& b);
friend bool operator != (const CNString& a, const CNString& b);
Returns TRUE if the relation holds between the strings.
void icopy(istream& strm = cin);
istream &operator >> (istream& strm, CNString& s);
Reads all characters up to (not including) the next newline from input stream strm into the string.

For programming convenience, a type for a const reference to a string is provided:

typedef const CNString & CNStringR;

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