| Opetus
Quality of Service in Internet - Fall Term 2002
2 credits= about 20 hours lectures ja 5 exercises.
- See schedule for last minute changes.
- Lectures on Thursdays in S3, lectures start on September 12th. Last lecture on October 17th.
- Exercises on Wednesdays in SB201/SB215, presence not required but highly recommended. Exercises start on September 18th and end on October 16th.
- All exercise reports must be returned on October 23rd by 4pm. We suggest you return the exercise reports before the next exercise begins.
- Final examination on December 17th.
Prequisite for the course is basic understanding of the operation of
TCP/IP networks. Courses like S-38.188 and S-38.121 provide you with necessary and adequate background. The study guide states S-38.188 and S-38.121 as prerequisites.
Lectures are held by
Lectures are given in Finnish and all materials are in English. Lectures and exercises are held according to the schedule. Lectures are held in lecture hall S3 and exercises in room
SB201 and SB215.
Lecture days, Thursdays starting from 12.9.2002, are divided into two sessions. Morning session starts on 9AM and lasts for two hours and the afternoon session starts at noon and ends at 2PM.
This course has five exercises as indicated in the course schedule. Each of them has to be passed in order to be able to pass the course. We recommend that you return the exercise report before the next exercise. This gives you one week's time to complete the exercise. The hard deadline for all exercise reports is October 23rd at 4PM. All reports returned after the hard deadline are automatically rejected. The due date is strictly observed. Exercise reports must be returned either in PDF-format or in paper format.
Exercises are held every wednesday starting from 18.9.2002. Exercise sessions have two hour introduction to the exercise setting and questions related to the subject. The rest of the time is reserved for you get started with the simulations.
Final examination
A final examination has to be taken to determine your course
grade. Details available later. Note: Exam date moved from
2002-12-17 to 2002-11-18.
Course material consist of the following:
- The course textbook "Internet Quality of Service: Architectures and Mechanisms " by Zheng Wang (ISBN: 1-55860-608-4)
- Lecture slides to support the lectures (these are NOT to be taken as a standalone material or as a replacement for the book).
- Exercise material to aid in completing the exercise and to provide background information
- A selected set of related journal and conference papers and articles
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