'; echo ''; /*The file includes authentication information.*/ require '/home/www/data/labReservation.conf'; $work_link=mysql_connect($host,$user,$passwd); mysql_select_db("labReservation",$work_link) or die ("Couldn't select!"); $query="SELECT * FROM workTopics order by workNumber"; $result=mysql_query($query) or die ("Action unseccessful!"); $count= 0; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $workNumbers[$count] = $row[0]; $count++; $number=$number+1; echo ''; } echo ""; echo "
Select a time period:
The system allows queries of a period of up to one year but please try still avoid so long ones. They are so heavy for the servers.
From    '; echo ' To    '; if($HTTP_POST_VARS["connection"]) echo ''; echo '   
Works to be displayed
Work'; echo "$row[0] - $row[1]"; echo '
Select / Deselect all works
"; ?>